GraduateCurriculum Revisions - Academic Year 2013-2014
Deadline for Submission to Graduate School: March 29, 2013
Complete a separate form for each master’s, doctoral or graduate certificate program to be updated.
Separate proposals will be needed for new subplans or name changes – see
This curriculum will be in effect for students who enter NDSU, return to NDSU after a lapse in enrollment of two years or more, and/or who declare this program of study during the 2013-2014 academic.
ProgramTitle ______
Include curriculum updates for:
Degree (M.S., M.A., Ph.D., etc.)
Subplans/Options –
Course requirements for academic subplans, including options, tracks, emphases, cognates and/or concentrations must be clearly indicated in the Graduate Bulletin, along with a title for each subplan. Subplans may be recorded on graduate student transcripts if they have 9 credits unique from the standard curriculum and/or other options within the program (per SBHE Policy 409). Options do not print on diplomas. NDSU guidelines for subplans:
Student subplans will need to be indicatedon theplan of study form.Please ensure that revisions are consistent with curricula posted on departmental web sites and fact sheets.
If a subplan(s) exists for this degree, check one of the boxes below:
The subplan/s include/s at least 9 unique credits and should be printed on transcripts.
Do not print subplan/s on transcripts – used for internal tracking purposes only.
Graduate Certificate
Action Requested:
No Curriculum Revisions Are Required. Obtain dept. chair/head signature only.Submit to Graduate School.
Curriculum Revisions Are Needed. Instructions:
- In an attached memo indicate explicit and clear revisions to the curriculum described in the Graduate Bulletin at Provide a descriptive and clear rationale for the change. Obtain signature of department chair/head or program director.
- If revisions affect other departments and/or interdisciplinary programs, attach email or memo of support/acknowledgement from the impacted department/s and/or program/s.
- Submit completed form with attachments to your College Curriculum Committee.
- Once approved, College Curriculum Committee submits to the Graduate Council.
- Once approved by the Graduate School, curricular updates will be reviewed for compliance with University requirements and incorporated into the online Graduate Bulletin.
Signatures of Approval
Dept. Chair/Head (submits to College Curriculum Cmte.)DateCollege Curriculum Cmte. Chair (submits to AA college liaison) Date
Graduate CouncilCurriculum Committee ChairDateGraduate School Date