Bradley Parish Council
Clerk to the Council: Mrs Brenda Kirkham
7 Ashes Lane, Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LD
Unapproved Minutes of a meeting of Bradley Parish Council held on
Thursday 19 January 2017 at 7.30 pm in Bradley School
Present:Cllr E Mitchell (Chairman)Cllr S Archer
Cllr T LawtonCllr M Moran
Cllr G DuttonCllr S Bull (DDDC)
Two members if the publicMrs B Kirkham (Clerk)
No / Item / Action1 / Apologies
There were no apologies. The Council observed one minutes silence in memory of a local resident.
2 / Public Speaking
A member of the public asked about the availability of Village Hall funds for a play park, Cllr Mitchell suggested that the request be put in writing. Cllr Mitchell to obtain a report for the next meeting.
Cllr Bull reported that he had attended an informal meeting with representatives from Shirley, Osmaston & Brailsford Parish Councils. Cllr Bull agreed to ask for Hadley Lane to be swept and also follow up on work to overhanging trees, overgrown verges and grass in the middle of the lane.
Cllr Bull advised residents to report broadband problems to Cllr Clive Mosley. Two masts had been erected in the village, although take up for the new service had not been as good as expected. / EM
3 / Declaration of Interests
There were no declarations of interest in any items on the agenda.
4 / Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Cllr Mitchell had attended an informal meeting with Cllr Shirley; various items were discussed including access to the industrial estate which is likely to be delayed for some time. Cllr Dutton expressed his concern about the lack of infrastructure investment on the industrial estate.
5 / Approval & ratification of the Minutes of the previous meeting
The Council resolved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 24 November2016 as a true record.
6 / Matters Arising from the previous minutes
Cllr Archer reported that the footpath at New Park Farm was now clear, Cllr Archer agreed to look at the remaining footpaths. / SA
7 / Planning
16/00920/FUL - Demolition and re-build of outbuildings to form two dwellings - Bradley Old Park Farm South, Old Park, Bradley – the Council had no objection to this application.
16/00904/FUL - Engineering works to fishing pond and silt deposition - Existing fishing pond known as 'Bradley Lake' on the Ednaston Estate –The Council had no objection to this application. The Clerk was asked to query why this application required planning permission when another similar local application had not.
17/00001/CLEUD - Certificate of Lawful Existing Use - occupation of dwelling without compliance with agricultural tie - Overfield House, Bradley – this item had been received for information only.
17/00027/FUL - Change of use of land to domestic curtilage - 2 Yew Tree Lane, Bradley – the Council had no objection to this application. / Clerk
8 / Finance & Administration
Current Financial Statement
The balance in the Parish Council bank account was £3,349.62.
Precept for 2017/18
The Council resolved to set a precept of £2,500 for 2017/18.
Authorisation & Payment of Invoices
There were no invoices for payment at this meeting. / Clerk
9 / Any other Business
The Clerk had received a report that the grit bin on Corley Lane required refilling. The Council did not want the County Council to refill the bin.
The phone box had not been removed. Clerk was to ask for the blue charity shoe box to be removed.
The Council agreed to that Joanne Taylor, a DALC recommended auditor to carry out the Parish Council internal audit.
The Clerk informed the Council that she did not wish to continue as temporary Clerk after the 30 June, the Council agreed to re-advertise the post. / Clerk
10 / Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting was arranged for Thursday 30 March 2017 at Bradley School at 7.30 pm
Signed ………………………………………………….. 30 March 2017