New Major or Minor Proposal Form
This form is to be filled out for all new majors and minors. The phrase “new major (minor)” means any departmental or interdisciplinary major (minor) to be added to the Georgetown College Catalog. This proposal must be presented to the Academic Council by midterm of the Fall semester preceding the first academic year in which the proposed major or minor will be listed in the catalog. Academic Council will make a recommendation to the Curriculum Committee, which will review it and then if approved bring it to the faculty for a vote.
This form is for a new Major Minor
1)Title Major in Music - Vocal
2)Is this offering departmental or interdisciplinary
(If departmental, please specify department.) Music
3)New Catalog description – as you would like it shown in the catalog
A major description should include the degree to which the major leads, the total number of semester hours required, a list of required courses, a list of allied courses, and, if applicable, a menu of area requirements--e.g., “nine semester hours of allied courses must be selected from both Group I and Group II: (followed by a listing of groups I and II).”
Major in Music – Vocal
(B. A. degree) Thirty-five hours including MUS 111, 112, 200, 204, 211, 212, 302, 303, 335, 336, 425, 426, plus an additional thirteen hours of applied music in one field for a total of 48. Participation in a primary ensemble is required for each semester of residence. The piano proficiency requirement must be met, and a senior recital and written field test are also required.
A minor description should include the total number of semester hours required, a list of required courses, a list of allied courses, and, if applicable, a menu of area requirements.
4)What is the rationale for including these particular courses in this major? (List information from professional organizations, from similar programs at other schools, etc.)
According to the National Association of Teachers of Singing, a worthwhile vocal curriculum must include “…private lessons, singer’s diction, pedagogy, song literature classes, opera theatre, and a diversity of performance opportunities.” Our current Major in Music for voice students does not incorporate all of these crucial elements. This major now includes these necessary courses to prepare our voice majors for graduate schools and/or careers in the field. MUS 302 Vocal Pedagogy, MUS 303 General Diction and MUS 204 Opera and Musical Theatre Workshop are already in place in the catalogue, and are currently being taught. Music Education majors have been required to take MUS 302 Vocal Pedagogy and MUS 303 General Diction for some time - it is a natural succession to also have the B. A. students in voice take this as well. MUS 204 Opera and Musical Theatre Workshop was added last year to fill the hole in the curriculum for training in opera theatre. The one course currently missing that is recommended by the National Association of Teachers of Singing is Song Literature, and this will be addressed in the future.
5)What is the relation of this new offering to the majors and minors in the current Georgetown College Catalog?
Does thisoffering replace another offering in the catalog? Yes No
If so, what?
Major in Music
New course numbers have been reviewed by the Registrar. Yes No
Move this to #6, since that’s when new courses are being asked about?
6)Does this offering contain any new courses? (The phrase "new course" means any course to be added to the Georgetown College Catalog and all reorganizations of, or major changes in, courses listed in the catalog.)
If so, list here the titles, departments and course numbers of the new courses and complete a New Course Proposal Form for each one.
7)Why should GeorgetownCollegeadd this offering? This is part of the division of "Major in Music" to "Major in Music - Instrumental" and "Major in Music - Vocal," to parallel the division in the Major in Music Education, which is split into Vocal and Instrumental.
8)Are any of the courses which are required, allied, or elective for this offering offered less frequently than once an academic year? Yes No
If so, list the courses and how frequently they are offered.
MUS 302 is offered odd falls; MUS 303 is offered even springs.
9)Given the frequency with which courses required, allied, or elective for this offering are offered, could a student take the courses for this offering:
In two academic years? Yes No In three academic years? Yes No
10)What is the expected student interest in this offering?
How many graduating seniors, on average, do you expect to declare this offering?
Request prepared by
Approved by
Department Chairperson
Academic Council: Provost/Dean of the College
Curriculum Committee Chairperson
Faculty Chairperson
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