Welcome to the July 2016 addition of our newsletter

Patients will notice when they come into the practice now there is a blue privacy barrier in the reception. The sign politely asks that patients wait to be called forward by a member of staff before they approach the desk. This is so patients are able to speak a member of staff confidentially.

We have recently re-applied for funding from NHS England so we can install a disabled access door. Fingers crossed we get it this time!

Patients may remember from the last newsletter that our long time Health Care Assistant Bridget retired. She had a month off to spend with family and has come back to work with us part time. She will only do 1 or 2 days a week for the next few months to help us out while we do not have a nurse. We are happy to have back a familiar face and we are sure the patients appreciate that too.

Our next PPG (patient participation group) was supposed to take place on the 20th of July; however we have our accounts meeting that day. We will reschedule this for after the summer break, most likely in September. Regular attenders will be invited in the usual way, and any new patients interested in joining can sign up through the website, or by passing a message to Laura the Deputy Practice Manager at the surgery.

We hope you all have a wonderful, safe and happy summer!

Are you a career?
If you look after your partner, or a relative or friend who is ill or disabled, you are a career, even if you don’t think of yourself that way.
If this applies to you please make yourself known to our lovely reception team who will be more than happy to give you information which you might find useful. Alternatively please visit https://islingtoncarershub.org/
We have recently appointment Daria our Deputy Reception Manager the role of lead carer in the practice. This means that anyone who is a carer or who has a carer and may need some extra support, can speak to her she will be able to signpost you to extra support and help.