/ Guideline/Procedure
Guideline/Procedure no: / TBA
Approval date: / ELT, 2010
Previous review dates:
Next review date: / 2013
Author: / Senior Education Officer - Curriculum
Animal Ethics Guidelines
Most school activities involving animals require approval from an appropriate animal ethics committee. This is a legal requirement because educational activities are generally considered to be for 'scientific purposes'.
This guideline applies to all schools and colleges in the Diocese of Cairns utilising animals for scientific research.
Guideline or Procedure
  • On an annual basis, each school shall complete the Catholic Education Services animal use statistics report whenrequested.
  • Each school shall keep and have available for inspection a school register that outlines scientific animal use activities conducted by the school.
  • The Senior Education Officer - Curriculum shall,on a 3 yearly basis, apply to DEEDI for registration as a scientific user.
  • The scientific user shall:
•coordinate the application to use animals in education for scientific use on behalf of all CES secondary schools.
•provide an annual report to the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPIF) on the use of animals for scientific purposes.
•provide a report annually to the Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee (QSAEC) to outline the use of approved animals
•On a 3 yearly basis, the scientific user shall prepare on behalf of all CES secondary schools applications to use animals in education for scientific purposes for the following activities:
  • Rat dissection
  • Toad dissection
•Where other animals are used for scientific use, a separate application must be prepared by the school and forwarded to the scientific user.
•The scientific user shall, using the CES animal use statistics report, at the beginning of each year collect the following information from each secondary school:
  • the number of animals used (including NIL responses) for scientific purposes in the previous 12 months and submit to the DPIF.
  • details of scientific animal use activities and submit to the QSAEC.
Work Processes and Methods
  • When justifying the use of animals for scientific purposes, consideration must be given to the 3R’s as outlined in the Queensland Schools Animal Use Guidelines:
•the replacement of animals with other methods
•the reduction in the number of animals used, and
•the refinement of techniques used to reduce the impact on animals.
  • Teachers conducting the proposed animal activity must as a minimum comply with section 4 of the following documents:
•Application to use animals in education for scientific purposes - rat dissection, years 8-10
•Application to use animals in education for scientific purposes - rat dissection, years 11-12
•Application to use animals in education for scientific purposes - toad dissection, years 8-10
•Application to use animals in education for scientific purposes - toad dissection, years 11-12
•Application to use animals in education for scientific purposes - chicken imprinting, years 11-12
  • If a teacher chooses to deviate from the requirements outlined in section 4 of the CES’s application, then a separate application must be submitted.
  • The teacher must report on any adverse event involving animals for scientific use. The unexpected adverse event report form shall be filled out as soon as possible after the event and forwarded to QSAEC. A copy shall also be sent to the CES.
Training and Competency
  • The teacher conducting the proposed animal activity has:
•A relevant science or science education qualification (eg Agricultural Science, Biological Science), or
•Relevant science or science education experience as deemed appropriate by the school principal (generally 2 years experience).
  • For teachers with less than 2 years experience in the proposed animal use activity:
•must be supervised by a science or agricultural science Head of Department (HOD)or suitably experienced person.
•For small and/or remote schools where direct supervision may not be possible, a lesson plan must be provided to a science or agricultural science Head of Department or experienced teacher (minimum 10 years) in another school before conducting the activity.
Equipment and Facilities
  • Principals have a duty of care to ensure that equipment and facilities at schools are adequate to ensure the Five Freedoms of animal welfare:
•Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition.
•Freedom from discomfort due to environment
•Freedom from pain, injury and disease
•Freedom to express normal behaviour for the species, and
•Freedom from fear and distress.
  • Where students take animals home for scientific purposes, the teacher conducting the proposed animal activity has to ensure that the Five Freedoms of animal welfare are extended to that location.

Senior Education Officer - Curriculum
Adapted from BCE Animal Ethics School OH&S Standard
See also (Related Policies and Guidelines)
Animal Ethics Policy

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