Minutes of the General Meeting of the MissionBeach Community Association held on

Tuesday 9th October 2007 at the MissionBeach Resort.

Meeting Opened: 7.35 PM

Present: 32

Council Representation: Graham Webb, Barry Barnes

Apologies: Joe Galeano, Ken Fox, Carmel Silvestro

General Business:

  • Terri Scarborough on traffic management on Banfield Parade because of speeding by local tradesmen mostly. She has written CSC & Police but no reply. Request MBCA to write to same. Action: Secretary. Tracey Chamlin reported the same problem throughout SMB also.
  • TS queried when Banfield Parade will be resealed as it was supposed to be done after sewerage connection finalisation.
  • Extremely dangerous flooding to the corner of Dickinson/Banfield Parade
  • Helen Ogden: Signage entering SouthMissionBeach: needs 60km sign when leaving the beach as at the moment it is 80km/ph which is too fast.
  • Lynda Hannah: Tony O’Malley from “Terrain” is holding a workshop with regards to shared vision of habitat mapping of the area on the 27th October 9.30-12.30 at The Horizon. A second workshop will be on the 8th December at the MB Resort (invitation only)but anyone who feels that they can contribute in a balanced way is to contact Lynda Hannah.
  • Michael Johnson: requested replacement of slow down signage to the section of road Lacey’s Creek to Fenby’s Gap. Action: Secretary
  • Dominic Mobbsqueried why the MB welcome sign at the Bruce Highway turn off has not been repaired? MBCA has written to CSC but has not received a response.
  • Joy Fitzsimons: Singapore infestation is not improving especially NarragonBeach. Action: Secretary.
  • Allan Ogden: MBCA received correspondence from a member with regards to crocodile management on sightings last week in BingilBay and Wongaling. AO spoke to QPWS and they will release PR soon because of seasonal crocodile movements. Paul Roxby commented that signs are not easily seen as they are attached to trees because of theft.

Reports CSC: Barry Barnes

  • He reported that the D/A of 26 Jackey Jackey Street has been withdrawn. He could not verify whether it was the application for the shed or material change of use of the land, had been withdrawn. Action: Barry Barnes
  • An application for a major waterski race in MissionBeach has been lodged.
  • Council is in ‘care mode’. Town planning very busy as people are wary about the future.
  • Koda Street application is on hold, but for how long? Action: Barry Barnes
  • Rotha Jago argued that the pest status of Singapore Daisy is being reviewed by some Councils because of its ability to hold sand dunes together. She volunteered to review Peter Andrews book on weed control.
  • Barry Barnes urged MBCA to nominate suitable candidates for Mayor and Councillor.

JSC: Graham Webb

  • The increase of rates has been generally accepted by the community. There was more concern about the discrimination by Wangan residents of the new water levy which will cover future and past infrastructure. This is a legacy from past councils.
  • If development to EllaBay will proceed more headworks money will come in to cover maintenance for years to come.
  • Council elections: 15th March 2008. Candidates can contest any division and don’t need to reside in that division. Local Government is to oversee all elections and candidates.
  • A decision to enter into a contract that has a total value of either$150,000 or 1% of net rates and utility charges(whatever is the greater) needs approval from State Government.
  • Kevin Wormald has been appointed acting CEO CSC for 6 months to replace Mark Kelleher who is now the Transition Committee CEO.
  • The CSC planning scheme is better placed for the Cassowary Coast Regional Council and will form a better base than the JSC Plan.
  • GW will focus on having in place templates for a smooth transition. GW & MK to source a consultant for JSC financial situation. State Government will pay for this.
  • JSC is seeing a significant increase of development applications and is very conscious of compliance of the Planning Scheme. They only have meetings in front of the CEO and Developers must have detailed submissions and also get a registered person/consultant to deliver.
  • Barry Barnes raised the question what is the deadline for the Government to announce financial assistance for CCRC.
  • Rotha Jago brought up the issue of rain water tanks. The State Government has given FNQ Councils exemption.
  • Paul Roxby queried Banana aerial spraying in BingilBay.
  • Tony Lee queried where the head office will be for CCRC. GW said that they will operate out of both Tully & Innisfail existing Council premises for the time being.
  • Disaster management: the CSC plan is ready and JSC has given the go ahead for that plan to include CCRC.

Planning/One Mission Beach: Rhonda Murdoch

  • Our role is to inform members on principles and processes not individual cases.
  • Bendigo Bank: Chartered Accountants have been appointed to handle the feasibility study/survey. A letterbox drop will be conducted and all pledgees will get a personal survey.

Safe Boating:

  • Rotary has pledged $10,000 and will handle the fund raising for the pontoon.

Formal Motions:

  • “ That the re-naming of the Tam O’Shanter National Park to DjiruNational Park be supported”

Moved Tony Lee, Seconded Allan Ogden, Carried unanimously

Treasurer’s report: no change.

Minutes of last meeting: Moved Allan Jago Seconded Ron Darlington. Carried.

Next Meeting: 26th February 2008 AGM and all aspiring Council candidates will be invited to speak.

Tony Lee suggested we advertise the meeting to bolster membership and attendance. Action Secretary.

Thanks to MB Resort for use of facility.

Meeting closed: 9.15 pm