Waterford Township SupervisorsOrdinance HearingNovember 1, 2017
Waterford Township Supervisors
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
A Public Hearing was held at the Waterford Township Municipal Building on November 1, 2017 to discuss the Township’s Holding Tank Ordinance.
The Hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm. Chairman Coffin presided, with Supervisors Stull and Malinowski in attendance.
Ordinance No. 2017-01An Ordinance of Waterford Township, erie county, pennsylvania, pursuant tothe PENNSYLVANIA sewage facilities act, THE ACT OF JANUARY 24, 1966 (p.l. 1535, No. 537) and the rules and regulations of the pennsylvania department of environmental protection TO PROVIDE FOR RETAINING OR HOLDING TANKS WHERE PERMITTED BY THE TOWNSHIP’S OFFICIAL Act 537 PLAN AND THIS ORDINANCE.
Supervisor Stull mentioned that this Ordinance came about because the Township had several holding tanks that were not incompliance. There is currently a $100 yearly fee to have a holding tank in the Township; pumping reports are also required. The Township’s solicitor was asked to step in when we received no responses from our letters sent to these owners. It was brought to the Township’s attention that our current Holding Tank Ordinance needed to be brought up to date. Supervisor Stull is concerned about the $2000 bond. He feels the amount is excessive. Attorney Burroughs stated it was to help cover expenses for the Township should a malfunction occur. Stull believes it’s unnecessary as the Township could place a lien or take the resident to court. Stull also feels the County should handle the holding tanks in Waterford Township. They have more power to enforce their ordinance. Chairman Coffin feels the $2000 bond may not be enough if there was an issue. We’re trying to prevent holding tanks in the Township. Stull would like to see them used as a last resort. Supervisor Malinowski asked if current holding tank owners would be grandfathered in. Attorney Burroughs stated they would be.
Public Comment
Bill Etzel stated he had no problem paying the $100 per year but he hasn’t been billed for it. He wondered what the $100 fee was for. He has his holding tank pumped and checked every 6 months. He felt the letter from our lawyer was insulting. Chairman Coffin stated the Township sent out the first letter with the Ordinance so residents with holding tanks knew the rules. The Township heard nothing back from these residents. Mr. Etzel added that he sent in his paperwork. Coffin also added people were using holding tanks illegally and not using them as a temporary system as they should be.
The supervisors decided to present this Ordinance for a vote at the regular meeting following the hearing. Motion to adjourn was make by Supervisor Malinowski and seconded by Chairman Coffin. Motion carried 3/0. The hearing was adjourned at 7:40pm.
Approved:Respectfully Submitted:
Bruce C. CoffinDateWendy Burbules
Chairman, Board of SupervisorsSecretary