Special Meeting

Board of Education

School District of Plum City

April 25, 2011

A special meeting of the Board of Education, School District of Plum City, was held on Monday, April 25, 2011in the media center of the Plum City High School. President Kurt Henn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Board Members Gail Fisher,Kurt Henn, Shirley Gilles, Julie Gilles, and Andy Wieser.Administrative staff present: Mr. Churchill.

A quorum was established. The meeting was properly noticed by posting the time, date, location, and agenda on the doors of both school buildings and in the lobby of the U.S. Post Office, Plum City, WI. at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Communication and Visitors:

  • Visitors present:Nick Gilles, Liza Kearns, Gary Kearns, Tom Stoudt, David Van Eeckhout, Casey Pelzel, Rhonda VanSchoonhoven, Debby Hofmeister, Anna Mae Metcalf, Kim Sweeney, Paul McDonough, Dan Rodriguez, John M. Krings, Monica Krings, Dean Gilles, Sharon Gilles, Robert Heath, Ann Heath, Todd Bjurquist, Bob Binkowski, Sarah Hinrichs, Grace Hinrichs, Tabby Kannel, Marlene Zimmer, Rod Radle, Deb Radle, Dan Wieser.

New Business:

  • Reorganization of the Board
  • Motion by Andy Wieser and second by Julie Gilles to appoint Kurt Henn as temporary chair. Motion carried.
  • Motions by Andy Wieser and second by Shirley Gilles to have all board members keep their current position for next year. Kurt Henn, President, Andy Wieser Vice-President, Shirley Gilles, Clerk, Gail Fisher, Treasurer, Julie Gilles, Director. Motion carried.
  • CESA 11 Representative: Kurt Henn
  • WASB Delegate: Gail Fisher: Alternate Julie Gilles
  • Committees
  • Transportation, Buildings & Grounds: Andy Wieser and Shirley Gilles
  • Finance: Andy Wieser and Gail Fisher
  • Curriculum: Julie Gilles and Kurt Henn
  • Community Relations & Partnerships: Kurt Henn and Julie Gilles
  • Insurance Committee: Shirley Gilles and Kurt Henn
  • Negotiations: Andy Wieser and Gail Fisher
  • Policy Committee: Kurt Henn and Julie Gilles
  • Motion by Andy Wieser and second by Julie Gilles to approve appointments as designated. Motion carried.
  • Motion by Andy Wieser and second by Gail Fisher to use both the Pierce County Herald and Courier Wedge as official publications. Motion carried.
  • Motion made by Shirley Gilles and second by Gail Fisher to use the State Trust Fund and First Bank of Baldwin as official depositories. Motion carried.

Public Forum:

Several questions and comments were given regarding administrative restructuring. General consensus from those present was for the board to reduce administrative costs for the district.

Other Business:

  • Motion by Julie Gilles and second by Andy Wieser to enter into closed session at 8:16p.m. Roll call vote was unanimous.

Executive Session: Under Wisconsin State Statute19.85 1(c) (e), the Board will enter closed session for the purposes of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation of data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.

  • The Board will discuss support staff and teacher contracts.
  • The Board will consider administrative and teacher staffing for the 2011-12 school year.
  • Motion by Andy Wieser and second by Julie Gilles to return to open session at 9:50p.m. Roll call vote was unanimous.
  • The Board of Education set a special meeting for Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Motion by Shirley Gillesand second by Gail Fisherto adjourn at 9:51p.m. Roll call vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Shirley Gilles, Clerk