Audioscript 4 t

Unit 4. Listen and practice. Exercise 2. (CD1:19)

Andy: Hi, Sarah. How’s it going?

Sarah: Oh, hi, Andy. Not bad. So, how do you like


Andy: It’s pretty nice. Well, actually, it rains a lot …

Sarah: Yeah, it does. That’s why there are so many nice

parks here.

Andy: That’s true. They’re great. But I don’t like hiking

in the rain!

Unit 4. Listen and practice. Exercise 4. (CD1:20)

Sarah: I see what you mean. Well, why don’t you go

hiking in the summer?

Andy: OK. And … in the winter?

Sarah: Swimming, of course! Or working?

Andy: Yeah. And speaking of work … I’d better get

back to my desk. See you, Sarah.

Sarah: Bye, Andy.

Unit 4. Making suggestions. Exercise 1. (CD1:21)

A: You should ask your boss for a day off.

B: Why don’t you ask your boss for a day off?

A: I recommend asking your boss for a day off.

B: How about asking your boss for a day off?

Unit 4. Making suggestions. Exercise 2. (CD1:22)


A: What’s the matter?

B: It’s this new software. I can’t seem to … oh, no.

Now where’s my document? Do you know how this


A: Uh … no, not really. Why don’t you ask for more

training? The IT people are really helpful, you know.

B: You’re right. I’ll call someone right now.


A: So, the movie starts at 7:00? I can take the 6:30


B: Actually, I recommend taking an earlier train. It’s a

popular movie, and we still need to buy tickets.

A: That’s a good idea.


A: Well, my manager was mad at me again today.

B: Really? That’s too bad. Does he get mad at your


A: No, never. And that’s another thing. I can’t stand my

co-workers. And I hate my work.

B: You know … you should look for a new job.

A: Well, maybe …


A: Oh, yum. Spaghetti. That’s what I’m going to get.

B: Not me. I’m on a diet. I can’t eat pasta.

A: Well, there’s salad …

B: Salads are boring.

A: Why don’t you bring your own lunch? Then you

can eat something you like.

Unit 4. Conversation strategy: sounding polite.

Exercise 1. (CD1:23)

A: Why don’t you ask for a day off?

A: Why don’t you ask for a day off?

B: How about reading the manual?

B: How about reading the manual?

Unit 4. Conversation strategy: sounding polite.

Exercise 2. (CD1:24)


A: I don’t know how to use this fax machine.

B: It’s really easy.


A: I feel exhausted!

B: Why don’t you sit down?


A: I don’t have the company’s phone number.

B: How about looking it up online?


A: How can I get to the restaurant?

B: How about taking a taxi?

Review 1–4. Exercise 5. Happy and sad.

(CD1: 25)

a: I have a bad cold.

b: I’m going to Italy next week.

c: I lost my credit card.

d: I passed my driving test!

e: I got 100% on my English test!

Review 1–4. Exercise 9. What’s the matter?


Jill: I don’t know what to do! I’m so tired.

Jill: Mm, that’s a good idea. But I’m so busy, and my

computer isn’t working!

Jill: OK, I will. Sorry, I’ve got a bad headache today.

Jill: Thanks, that’s a good idea. First I need to eat

something, I’m so hungry!

Jill: Yes, OK. Oh no! I left my money at home!

Jill: Of course, thanks. Are you hot? I’m really thirsty!

Jill: Oh right, thanks. You’ve been a big help, thanks

for listening.