Banking & Credit – Fall Semester 2015
Course Outline
Contact Information
Teacher / Mr. Dan GerkenLake Shore Central – Class of 1980
Rochester Institute of Technology
Bachelors of Science in Business Admin
Daemen College
Teacher Certification
Buffalo State College
Masters of Science in Educational Technology
School Phone: / (716) 926-2286
School E-mail: /
Twitter: / @AOBF_Gerk
Classroom Text: / Business and Personal Finance – Glencoe
National Endowment for Financial Education – High School Financial Planning Program
Text Companion Site /
Class Web Site / / go to Senior High / Teacher Web Sites / Business – Gerken
Google Classroom – Students can join the class with this code: h31nvn
Supplies / Bring a notebook (with any handouts and notes distributed), writing utensil and positive attitude each day
Curriculum – Objectives, Outcomes, Activities
Money Management: Control Your Cash Flow: goal setting – decision making – spending plan & budget – money management tips
Lesson 1-1 Money Habits - Explore how spending, saving and values impact your finances
- Objectives
- Discuss the value of having a process to plan how they will use their money.
- Give examples of sensible and unwise spending decisions and behaviors.
- Compare spending priorities.
- Students will use what they learn to outline a personal money motto that describes how they value and use money
- Activities – may include all or some of the following:
- Activity 1.1: My Money Habits
- Activity 1.2: My Disappearing Dollars
- Activity 1.3: Why Wait?
- Activity 1.4: My Needs and Wants
- Activity 1.5: My Values
- Stop Drop and Think Before You Buy Test
- Task: Values and Spending Survey
- Assessment: My Personal Money Motto
- Taking it Home: Compare Values
Lesson 1-2 Goals - Set financial goals that are specific and measurable.
- Objectives
- Discuss How personal goals can be achieved through money goals.
- Explain how to write an effective financial goal.
- Discuss how to prioritize actions while working to achieve several goals at the same time.
- Students will use what they learn to write personal financial goals for their spending, particularly for large purchases.
- Activities – may include all or some of the following:
- Activity 1.6: SMART Goal Makeover
- Task: SMART Goal Rework
- Assessment Challenge 1-A: My SMART Goals
- Taking it Home: Talk to Adult About Goals
Lesson 1-3 Decision - Apply strategies to be mindful about spending decisions.
- Objectives
- Discuss what influences your spending decisions.
- Identify tools and strategies you can use to better manage your spending habits.
- Demonstrate how the criterion-based decision-making process works.
- Students will use what they learn to make a deliberate decision for a major spending purchase.
- Activities – may include all or some of the following:
- Task: DECIDE on a Car
- Assessment Challenge 1-B: My Decision
- Taking it Home: Family Spending Decision
Lesson 1-4 Spending Plan - Create a spending plan to reach your goals.
- Objectives
- Discuss how a spending plan can help you manage your spending habits.
- Describe what a spending plan is.
- Explain how to use a spending plan.
- Students will use what they learn to create a plan to guide their spending, particularly for large purchases.
- Activities – may include all or some of the following:
- Activity 1.7: My Income
- Activity 1.8: My Expenses
- Task: Maya’s Spending Plan
- Assessment Challenge 1-C: My Spending Plan
- Taking it Home: Jump$tart Reality Check
Lesson 1-5 Cash Flow - Figure out ways to maintain a positive cash flow.
- Objectives
- Identify how to plug spending leaks.
- List strategies to stick to a spending plan.
- Discuss ways to be prepared for unexpected money events.
- Students will use what they learn to develop strategies to control their spending.
- Activities – may include all or some of the following:
- Activity 1.9: My Income Options
- Activity 1.10: My Spending Leaks
- Game: Green Reaper
- Task: Money Flow Letter
- Task: Self Management Assessment
- Assessment Challenge 1-D: My Action Plan
- Taking it Home: Spendster Videos
Borrowing: Use—Don’t Abuse: application process – loans – credit cards – costs – credit score – debt – rights & responsibilities
Lesson 2-1Using Credit - Weigh the benefits and risks of borrowing.
- Objectives
- Discuss why people borrow.
- Give examples of acceptable and unacceptable situations to use credit.
- Explain how borrowing impacts spending power.
- Activities
- Task: What Do You Think?
- Activity 2.1: Borrowing Fitness Test
- Activity 2.2: What is the Reason?
- Task: News Summary (Optional)
- Assessment: Role Play
Lesson 2-2Credit Costs - Compare the costs and terms of borrowing options.
- Objectives
- Give examples of how credit is used.
- Identify typical costs and terms of credit.
- Calculate the cost of using credit.
- Activities
- Task: Pick an Option
- Activity 2.3: Simply Tell the Total
- Activity 2.4: What is the Average Payment?
- Activity 2.5: Choose the Best Deal (Optional)
- Assessment Challenge 2-A: DECIDE the Best Deal for You
- Taking it Home: Compare Phone Plans
Lesson 2-3Credit Rating - Start the journey to establish a good credit rating.
- Objectives
- Outline the credit application process.
- Describe what lenders consider when deciding whether to approve or deny a credit request.
- Explain how creditors investigate someone’s borrowing habits.
- Activities
- Task: Can I Borrow ... ?
- Task: Credit Application
- Task: Applications for Review
- Activity 2-8: Put Your Best Foot Forward
- Assessment Challenge 2-B: Building Creditworthiness
- Taking it Home: Investigate Late Payment Penalties
- Taking it Home: Review a Credit Report
Lesson 2-4Rights and Responsibilities - Explore the rights and responsibilities of borrowers and lenders.
- Objectives
- Explain a borrower’s legal rights and responsibilities when agreeing to a contract.
- Recite guidelines for borrowing limits.
- State where to get help with credit issues.
- Activities
- Activity 2.6: Good and Bad Uses of Credit
- Activity 2.7: Know the Limit
- Activity 2.9: Rights and Responsibilities of Borrowing
- Assessment Challenge 2-C: Credit Code of Behavior
- Taking it Home: Family Contract
Lesson 2-5Identity Fraud - Protect yourself from identity fraud.
- Objectives
- Give examples of identity fraud.
- Describe how to address problems of fraud.
- Give examples of ways to protect against fraud.
- Activities
- Task: What’s in Your Wallet?
- Activity 2.10: Take Preventative Action
- Assessment: Protection Identity Checklist
- Taking it Home: Test ID Theft Savviness
- Taking it Home: Online Privacy Settings
Earning Power: More Than a Paycheck: earning potential – career plan – life stages – employee benefits – take-home pay – lifestyle
Lesson 3-1Invest in Self - Explore the payoffs of investing in yourself.
- Objectives
- Discuss the value of investing in yourself.
- Identify how education can impact earnings.
- List strategies to minimize the costs of education.
- Activities
- Task: What is it Worth to be in Class?
- Task: Building a Path to My Career
- Task: Compare Options
- Activity 3.1: What do YOU Think? (optional)
- Activity 3.2: My Interests
- Activity 3.3: Worth Checking Out
- Activity 3.4: My Investment in Me (optional)
- Activity 3.5: What is the Cost?
- Activity 3.6: Worth the Cost?
- Activity 3.12: Advice for Kevin (optonal)
- Assessment Challenge 3-A: Education Options
Lesson 3-2Job Benefits and Costs - Measure the value of employee benefits.
- Objectives
- Identify common types of employee benefits.
- Give examples of hidden costs of employment.
- List criteria to consider when making decisions about where to work.
- Activities
- Task: Which Summer Job?
- Task: Work Settng Preferences (optional)
- Task: Hidden Costs of Employment
- Task: Benefits Analysis (optional)
- Activity 3.9: Compare Employment Benefits
- Activity 3.10: The Costs of Working
- Assessment Challenge 3-B: Thumbs Up or Down?
- Taking it Home: Investigate Job Benefits
Lesson 3-3Pay and Taxes - Assess factors that impact personal tax liability and take-home pay.
- Objectives
- Calculate net pay.
- List factors that impact income tax liability.
- List factors that impact net pay.
- Activities
- Task: Figure the Net Pay
- Activity 3.7: Get the W-4 Right
- Activity 3.8: Check it Out!
- Assessment Challenge 3-B: Thumbs Up or Down?
- Taking it Home: Examine a Paystub
Lesson 3-4Lifestyle - Start down the path to achieving your lifestyle and financial goals.
- Objectives
- Identify trends that can potentially impact options in the workplace.
- Explore how a values and preferences impact career and job choices.
- Discuss how the cost of living can impact cash flow and lifestyle.
- Activities
- Task: Work Setting Preferences
- Task: My Future Life
- Task: Should I Stay or Go?
- Task: Tale of Two Cities
- Activity 3.11: My Values at Work
- Assessment Challenge 3-D: Plan for My Career
- Taking it Home: Interview
Lesson 3-5Plan for Changes - Prepare to deal with life and work changes.
- Objectives
- Give examples of work-related changes that can impact financial status.
- Discuss ways to deal with irregular income.
- Identify skills, knowledge, and attitudes that employers value in the workplace.
- Consider entrepreneurial possibilities.
- Activities
- Success Stories
- Task: Work for Myself
- Activity 3.13: Downsizing My Financial Plan
- Assessment Challenge 3-C: My Accomplishments
- Assessment Challenge 3-D: Plan for My Career
- Taking it Home: Interview
- Taking it Home: Seek Out a Mentor
Banking & Financial Services
Lesson 5-1 Checking Accounts – Use a checking account
- Objectives
- Discuss reasons to use check payments
- Demonstrate how to use a checking account
- Explain how to reconcile a checking account
- Activities
- Zoe’s Bucks
- Activity 5.1 Proof of Payment
- Activity 5.2 Check Writing 101
- Activity 5.3 Make the Deposit
- Activity 5.4 Keeping Track
- Checkbook Register Assignment
- Activity 5.5 Does it Balance?
- Practice Set – Simulation
- Assessment Challenge 5-A: Use a Checking Account
- Taking it Home: Check Cashing Services
Lesson 5-2 Financial Tools and Technology – Select banking tools and technology to handle personal business transactions
- Objectives
- Give examples of tools and strategies used by consumers to transfer money for personal banking and shopping transactions
- Discuss recent technology trends that impact how consumers conduct business
- Match types of banking and spending tools and technology with consumer life situations
- Activities
- Task: Other Ways to Pay
- Task: Find the Right Match
- Activity 5.7: Get Jason Organized
- Assessment Challenge 5-C: Selecting My Services
- Taking it Home: Electronic Services
Lesson 5-3 Financial Fraud – Protect your personal account information
- Objectives
- Give examples of how people are victims of fraud
- Discuss ways to protect personal and financial information
- Describe what to do when you are a victim of fraud
- Activities
- Task: Is the Check Valid?
- Activity 5.8: Deal with Deception
- Assessment Challenge 3-D: Scam Action Plan
Lesson 5-4 Financial Service Providers – Select a financial service provider
- Objectives
- Give examples of services provided by different types of financial institutions
- Review guidelines for suing banking services
- Discuss criteria to consider when choosing where to use banking services
- Activities
- Activity 5.6: What do They Offer?
- Assessment Challenge 5-B: Which is Best for Me?
- Taking it Home: Money on the Road
Culminating Budget Project – more information to come