Pisces Solar Eclipse – February 26, 2017

A Solar Eclipse is an especially powerful New Moon, when the Sun, Moon and Earth align more precisely. The Moon comes directly between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow on the Earth. This blockage of light helps us connect with the inner realms of the soul and to deal more deeply with subconscious energies, personally and collectively. We can more easily transform or release negative thoughts, unhealthy behaviors and relationships based upon outgrown attitudes. As old programs are erased, higher frequencies and dimensions are more accessible. We can more easily tune into the Akasha, the great data bank in the heavens.

Though each New Moon heralds a new beginning, a Solar Eclipse can mark a significant time of closure and initiation. It can signal the end of a karmic chapter and our readiness for a major shift in priorities and direction. This Solar Eclipse is in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, and the sign most associated with endings. It is a cosmic telegram reflecting the changes and transformations that are taking place in our lives, individually and collectively, opening the door for the emergence of a more enlightened way of being. This accelerated time of change is also reflected by transformative Pluto in square aspect to the Jupiter/Uranus opposition forming a cardinal T-square pattern. Pluto, the mythic Lord of the Underworld, is the focal planet of the T-square, helping us journey into the underworld of our soul and the Soul of the World, to flush out the negative programming that keeps us in fear and condemnation. Indeed Pluto in Capricorn excavates those foundations and structures that are not based upon spiritual principles and universal law, particularly the Law of Love (Jupiter in Leo). Uranus in Aries helps us restructure our lives based upon equality and the principle of brotherhood, personally and globally.

For some of us this may open Pandora’s Box. Power issues are exposed, crises arise, compelling us to face and embrace our fears in order to transcend to a higher dimension of awareness… and to see the big picture, the Divine Plan that is ever at work in our lives. This Solar Eclipse in Pisces opens us to our soul qualities of compassion and unconditional love, the energies necessary to begin a new, more meaningful and spiritually oriented phase of life. Some among us may cry with sadness and regret while others will be relieved that a long struggle with the powerful ego self is over. We are reminded that the darkest hour comes before the dawn…. and the start of a happier, more compassionate and Self-empowering way of life.

“We cannot avoid using power…so let us love powerfully.” Martin Buber

This Solar Eclipse in Pisces opens our soul awareness to the underlying spiritual process that is taking place beneath the events of this unprecedented time in the evolution of humanity. Pisces represents our challenge to be in a place of non judgment, a state of pure awareness, presence and being, beyond the illusion of duality. Working in harmony with our Pisces energy, we accept the eternal flow of life, guided by our hearts and the deep wisdom of our soul. There is no right or wrong, no separation, no past or future. Pisces is our direct experience of God, that sense of cosmic stillness, the secret of eternal Peace of Soul. Indeed, at its highest expression, Pisces is Universal Soul, the Anima Mundi that holds all with compassion and unconditional love. It is the Dreamtime of the Australian aboriginals, the Buddhist Daharmakaya, the Hindu Braman, the Way of the Tao and the message of Christ when he said “Let thine eye be single.”

“Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Around this New Moon it is important to nurture our souls in meditation and contemplation. When spending time in nature, watching a sunrise or sunset, or walking beneath the majesty of a starlit sky we can surrender to the Great Mystery of the Cosmos. In moments of silence we come to know, deep within our souls, that divine spark, our shining spiritual Self. As we connect with that sacred treasure deep within, we understand the Divine Plan for our lives.

“Only in silence does the Self become visible.” Yogi Amrit Desai

Where this New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Pisces falls in our charts we are learning to hold the vision of universal love while continuing to function at the mundane level of life. Our experiences teach us that when we look outside for happiness, rather than inward, we are denying the sacred. We fall prey to addictions, obsessions and distractions, grasping for someone or something to save us. The resulting crises are always self-generated (the Universal Law of Attraction, or Karma). In this area of life we are to ponder, distill and release all sleeping fears and wounds …. all illusions and delusions, all shame and blame and the misunderstandings that hold us in duality consciousness. This is an optimum time to empty our souls of all these shadow places so that our light can shine. And as our love flows, wounds are healed.

“Love is the solvent of every pain and every problem.” White Eagle

Along with the south node, six celestial bodies cluster together in Pisces within a mere 30 degrees of the zodiac. This signals a pivotal phase of our spiritual development, personally and collectively. We are each called to place our feet firmly on the spiritual path. Pisces rules the feet. The feet represent the soul’s connection with our physical journey in the schoolroom of Earth. This last sign of the zodiac represents our final experience in the evolutionary process, the distillation of our challenges into spiritual wisdom and our soul’s reunion with Source.

The Sabian symbol for the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Pisces: “A jockey.”

This is an important time to consciously focus our energies upon our spiritual growth and purpose, undisturbed by the tumultuous events taking place around us in the outer world.


“Live your life like a prayer.” David R. Hawkins

Heather Threlfall – February 2017 –