Date: November 1, 2013

To: John Doe

From: Jane Doe

Supervisor Title

Jennifer Robertson

Director, Human Resources

Re: Job performance

This letter is to inform you of concerns that your performance has not been satisfactory for the reasons indicated below and to provide you with an opportunity to correct this situation. If this situation is not corrected, you will be subject to further disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Areas of concern: EXAMPLES

Ø  Chronically Tardy and/or absent

It is important to be at work when at all possible. When circumstances outweigh your presence, the College needs to know as soon as possible and practical. Due to the frequency of your absences, I will be asking for medical documentation supporting your absence. Failure to comply with this request will result in an immediate disciplinary action, possibly including termination.

Ø  Difficulty in communicating with coworkers, student assistants and staff

On several occasions, you have performed unprofessionally when addressing coworkers, student assistants and other staff members of the ______department. You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner when addressing full-time, part-time, and student employees of any level, students, retirees, and any other guest. Failure to comply with this request will result in an immediate disciplinary action, possibly including termination depending upon the seriousness of the offense.

Ø  Undermining decisions made by the Director

On occasion, I have personally overheard you discussing with co-workers a task assigned by the director which you may not have agreed with--whether in part or in total. Future derogatory comments and overtones made to co-workers, student workers, and/or guests will result in an immediate disciplinary action, possibly including termination.

Ø  Trouble completing work in a timely manner

Many tasks you have been responsible for are not being completed on a timely basis causing disruptions in the office operations. You are given adequate time to complete these tasks to ensure the operation runs smoothly and in return, we expect you to perform your job efficiently and timely. If no noticeable improvement is made with regard to this concern, beginning immediately, the result will be disciplinary action, possibly including termination.

You are expected to achieve and to continue to maintain an acceptable level of performance for the duration of employment. Failure to do so will lead to further disciplinary action up to and including termination.

You may respond to this counseling in writing and that response will be placed in your personnel file.

Signing this form does not indicate agreement, but only signifies you have been informed of the above action and have received a copy of the discipline notice.


Employee Name Date


Supervisor Name Date


HR Witness Date