January 23-25, 2016

Dear colleagues:

Wichita State University’s Debate Team invites you to attend the 2016 Mel Moorhouse Debate Tournament. This marks the ninth year of the combined tournament hosted by both Wichita State and Missouri State. We aim to continue the tradition of excellent competition and hospitality started by Eric Morris and Heather Walters at Missouri State.


Jeffrey Jarman, Director of Debate

Sam Maurer, Associate Director of Debate

Flynn Makuch, Assistant Coach

Chris Loghry, Assistant Coach


DIVISIONS: There will be Open, Junior and Novice (with sufficient entries). Time limits for the tournament are 9-3-6 with 10 min prep. We will adhere to the CEDA guidelines for eligibility in each division.

TOPIC: The 2015-2016 resolution will be used.

ENTRIES: No limit on number of entries per school so long as an appropriate number of judges are provided. Each school must arrange their own hired judging. We will use the hiringexchange option available on tabroom.com. No uncovered entries will be accepted.

FEES: $60 per person attending the tournament (includes each debater, judge and observer). The fees are used to pay for tournament expenses, meals, and awards. You will be required to pay for any people entered but dropped after noon on Monday, January 18. We will provide breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday. The hotel will provide breakfast on Monday morning. We will have snacks on both days and coffee on Monday at the hotel.

DEBATES: 7 rounds of competition in the Open division. 6 rounds in Junior and Novice. There will be an appropriate number of elimination debates in each division. Criteria for qualifying are (1) win-loss record, (2) adjusted speaker points (3) total speaker points. Brackets will NOT be broken in the elimination rounds. In general, we will clear half the field. In open, we will clear all teams with 4 wins (assuming that conforms to CEDA’s rules). We cannot have more than 5 elim rounds.

JUDGING: Each school is expected to provide four rounds of judging for the first team, and three for the second team, and so on. The tournament has no hired judging. You are required to arrange your own hired judges. All judges in attendance should be available for at least 2 preliminary rounds. If you need an exception for a medical or other appropriate reason, please email me. All judges are committed through the first elimination round on Monday or the round after your last team is eliminated, whichever is later.

TAB ROOM: The tab room will be administered by people from WSU and Missouri State. Other coaches are welcome to observe. No decision regarding any team participating in the tournament will be made solely by coaches associated with that team.

AWARDS: Awards will be presented to all teams qualifying for the elimination rounds in all divisions of debate. Awards will be given to the top speakers in all divisions of debate.

REGISTRATION: Debate registration begins at 6:00pm Friday, January 22, at the hotel. Please register no later than 8:00pm. Please call Jeff if you will be late to registration (316-644-0213).

LODGING: The tournament will continue to be hosted at the Marriott. PLEASE stay at the tournament hotel. We are depending on filling the hotel block in order to provide the competition rooms on Monday at a low cost. I know you can find a lower cost option, but our ability to host depends on your reservation at the hotel. Call the hotel directly at 316-651-0333. The rate is $95/night (up to 4 per room). The rate includes free internet in hotel rooms, free internet in competition rooms on Monday,free parking and a continental breakfast on Monday. The block name is WSU Debates.

ENTRY DEADLINE: Entries must be received by Monday, January 18 by 12pm. Please enter your teams through the tabroom.com webpage. You will be charged for entries dropped after the deadline. Judge preference will be turned on after the entry deadline. All prefs must be completed prior to registration.


January 23-25, 2016

Tentative Tournament Schedule

Friday, January 22

6:00-8:00pmRegistration/reception for coaches @ Marriott

Saturday, January 23

8:00amBreakfast available on the campus

9:00amRound 1 start (decision deadline: 11:30am)

11:30amRound 2 start (decision deadline: 2:00pm)

1:00pmLunch served on campus

3:15pmRound 3 start (pairings @ 2:30; decision deadline: 5:45pm)

5:30pmDinner served on campus

7:00pmRound 4 start (pairings @ 6:15pm; decision deadline: 9:30pm)

Sunday, January 24

7:00amBreakfast available on the campus

8:00amRound 5 start (pairings @ 7:15am; decision deadline: 10:30am)

11:15amRound 6 start (pairings @ 10:45am; decision deadline: 1:45pm)

1:00pmLunch served on campus

2:30pmRound 7 start (pairings @ 2:15pm; decision deadline: 5:00pm)

5:30pmAwards / Dinner on the campus

7:00pmFirst elimination round (pairings @ 6:16pm; decision deadline: 9:45pm)

Monday, January 25 -- AT THE MARRIOTT

8:00amSecond elimination round (pairings @ 7:15am; decision deadline: 10:45am)

11:45amThird elimination round (pairings @ 11am; decision deadline: 2:45pm)

3:30pmFourth elimination round (pairings @ 2:45; decision deadline: 6:30pm)

7:15pmFifth elimination round (pairings @ 6:30pm; decision deadline: 10pm)