ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 N13254

January 2013

Source / Leonardo Chiariglione - Convenor
Title / 104thWG11 agenda

Proposed Agenda

# / # / # / Title / AHG# / AHG Title
1 / Opening
2 / Roll call of participants
3 / Approval of agenda
4 / Allocation of contributions
5 / Communications from Convenor
6 / Report of previous meeting
7 / Processing of NB Position Papers
8 / Work plan management
1 / Media coding
1 / Frame Packing Arrangement Signalling in MPEG-2 Video
2 / Frame Packing Arrangement Signalling for Quincunx Pattern
3 / New Levels for AAC Profiles
4 / Additional profiles and SEI messages on picture orientation, MVC view, and additional signalling in frame packing arrangement SEI message
5 / MPEG Frame Compatible
6 / MVC extension for inclusion of depth maps
7 / AVC compatible video with depth information
8 / Additional Colour Space and Tone Mapping Descriptors
9 / Multi-resolution Frame Compatible (MFC)
10 / Multi-resolution 3D mesh coding
11 / Pattern Based 3D Mesh Compression
12 / Composite Font Representation / 13444 / AHG on Font Format Representation
13 / OFF Additional script and language tags / 13444 / AHG on Font Format Representation
14 / Web Video Coding / 13362 / AHG on Web Video Coding
15 / Contract Expression Language / 13445 / AHG on MPEG-M and CEL
16 / CAL Extensions
17 / Reconfigurable Media Coding / 13441 / AHG on Reconfigurable Media Coding
18 / Media Tool Library
19 / Media Context and Control – Control Information / 13440 / AHG on MPEG-V
20 / Media Context and Control – Sensory Information / 13440 / AHG on MPEG-V
21 / Media Context and Control – Virtual World Object Characteristics / 13440 / AHG on MPEG-V
22 / Media Context and Control – Data Formats for Interaction Devices / 13440 / AHG on MPEG-V
23 / Media Context and Control – Common Types and Tools / 13440 / AHG on MPEG-V
23 / High-Efficiency Video Coding
New functionalities in HEVC / 13438 / AHG on still image coding using HEVC
13437 / AHG on Study of interlace coding in HEVC
13436 / AHG on Subjectively Lossless Screen Content Coding
24 / HEVC Range Extensions
25 / HEVC Multiview Extensions
26 / HEVC scalable extensions
27 / 3D Audio / 13421 / AHG on 3D Audio and Audio Maintenance
28 / Internet Video Coding / 13363 / AHG on Internet Video Coding
29 / Coding-independent codepoints
2 / Composition coding
1 / Scene Description Based Collaborative Applications
2 / Advanced User Interaction
3 / Description coding
1 / Audio-visual description profile
2 / Compact Descriptors for Visual Search / 13361 / AHG on Compact Descriptors for Visual Search
3 / Social Metadata
4 / AVDP Profiles
5 / User Description / 13434 / AHG on MPEG-UD
6 / Coding performance description / 13433 / AHG on Green MPEG
4 / Systems support
1 / Audio Systems Interaction
2 / Support for raw audio-visual data
3 / Signalling of Transport profiles, signalling MVC stereo view association and MIME type registration
4 / Support of DASH event signalling in MPEG-2 TS
5 / IPMP
1 / Common Encryption Format for MPEG-2 Transport Stream
2 / Common Encryption Format for ISO Base Media File Format
3 / AES-CBC-128 and key rotation
6 / Digital Item
1 / Digital Item Linking
7 / Transport and File formats
1 / MPEG-2 Systems DASH support / 13446 / AHG on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
13449 / AHG on Synergies between DASH and MMT technologies
2 / Simplified carriage of MPEG-4 over MPEG-2 TS
3 / Carriage of HEVC
4 / Signalling of Transport profiles and MVC stereo view association, and MIME type registration
5 / Carriage of timed text / 13443 / AHG on MPEG File Formats
6 / Timed Text and Other Visual Overlays in ISO Base Media File Format associated / 13443 / AHG on MPEG File Formats
7 / Carriage of HEVC in ISO Base Media File Format / 13443 / AHG on MPEG File Formats
8 / Support for Event Messages and Extended Audio Channel Configuration in DASH
9 / MPEG-DASH Implementation Guidelines / 13446 / AHG on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
13449 / AHG on Synergies between DASH and MMT technologies
10 / Format independent segment encryption and authentication
11 / MPEG Media Transport / 13448 / AHG on MPEG Media Transport
13449 / AHG on Synergies between DASH and MMT technologies
8 / Multimedia architecture
1 / MPEG-M Architecture / 13445 / AHG on MPEG-M and CEL
2 / MXM API / 13445 / AHG on MPEG-M and CEL
3 / MPEG-M Elementary Services / 13445 / AHG on MPEG-M and CEL
4 / MPEG-M Service Aggregation / 13445 / AHG on MPEG-M and CEL
6 / MPEG-V Architecture / 13440 / AHG on MPEG-V
9 / Application formats
1 / Surveillance Application Format
2 / Support of movie fragment structure for SVAF
3 / Augmented Reality AF / 13435 / AHG on AR
13439 / AHG on Key MPEG technologies for Augmented Reality
4 / Augmented Reality Reference Model / 13435 / AHG on AR
13439 / AHG on Key MPEG technologies for Augmented Reality
5 / Multimedia Preservation / 13447 / AHG on Multimedia Preservation Application Format (MP-AF)
10 / Reference implementation
1 / Efficient representation of 3D meshes with multiple attributes Reference Software
2 / Reference software multi-resolution 3D mesh compression
3 / Update of XM software / 13360 / AHG on MPEG-7 Visual
4 / Audio-visual Description Profile Reference Software
5 / VSAF Reference Software
6 / Contract Expression Language Reference Software
7 / IMAF Reference Software
8 / Media Tool Library Reference Software
9 / SAOC Reference Software
10 / USAC Reference Software
11 / MPEG-DASH Reference Software
12 / MPEG-M Reference Software / 13445 / AHG on MPEG-M and CEL
13 / MPEG-V – Reference Software
11 / Conformance
1 / Conformance for Low Delay AAC v2 Profile
2 / MVC plus Depth Conformance
3 / 3D Efficient representation of 3D meshes with multiple attributes Conformance
4 / Multiresolution 3D mesh coding Conformance
5 / VSAF Conformance
6 / IMAF Conformance
7 / Media Tool Library Conformance
8 / MPEG Surround conformance for Low Delay AAC v2 profile
9 / SAOC Conformance
10 / USAC Conformance
11 / MPEG-DASH Conformance
12 / HEVC Conformance and Reference Software
13 / MPEG-M Conformance / 13445 / AHG on MPEG-M and CEL
14 / MPEG-V – Conformance
12 / Maintenance
1 / Systems coding standards
2 / Video coding standards
3 / Audio coding standards / 13421 / AHG on 3D Audio and Audio Maintenance
4 / 3DG coding standards
5 / Systems description coding standards
6 / Visual description coding standards
7 / Audio description coding standards
8 / MPEG-21 standards
9 / MPEG-A standards
13 / Work plan and time line
9 / Organisation of this meeting
1 / Tasks for subgroups
2 / Joint meetings
10 / WG management
1 / Terms of reference
2 / Officers
3 / Editors
4 / Liaisons
5 / Responses to National Bodies
6 / Work item assignment
7 / Ad hoc groups
8 / Asset management
1 / Reference software / 13442 / AHG on MPEG Assets
2 / Conformance / 13442 / AHG on MPEG Assets
3 / Test material / 13442 / AHG on MPEG Assets
4 / URI / 13442 / AHG on MPEG Assets
9 / IPR management
10 / Facilities
11 / Work plan and time line
11 / Administrative matters
1 / Schedule of future MPEG meetings
2 / Promotional activities / 13422 / AhG on Responding to Industry Needs on Adoption of MPEG Audio
12 / Resolutions of this meeting
13 / A.O.B.
14 / Closing