
Luxembourg, 11 October 1999
11651/99 (Presse 296)

2206th Council meeting


Luxembourg, 11 October 1999

President : Ms Tarja HALONEN

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Finland


















Montenegro and Kosovo - exemption from the flight ban

OSCE Summit in Istanbul, 18-19 November 1999

EU/Russia Summit

First Cooperation Council with Armenia

First Cooperation Council with Azerbaijan

First Cooperation Council with Georgia

Annual Report on the Code of Conduct on Arms Exports

Ban on supply to Indonesia of equipment which might be used for internal repression or terrorism

EU Annual report on Human Rights

High Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration - Conclusions

San Marino - collection of import duties

Draft Report to the European Parliament on progress achieved by the EU in 1998

For further information call 285 64 23 or 285 74 59


The Governments of the Member States and the European Commission were represented as follows:

Mr Louis MICHEL / Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Pierre CHEVALIER / State Secretary for Foreign Trade
Mr Niels HELVEG PETERSEN / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Friis Arne PETERSEN / State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Mr Joschka FISCHER / Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Federal Chancellor
Mr Christoph ZÖPEL / Minister of State, Foreign Affairs
Mr Axel GERLACH / State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technology
Mr Giorgios PAPANDREOU / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Christos ROKOFYLLOS / Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ms Rodoula ZISSI / State Secretary for Economic Affairs
Mr Ramón de MIGUEL / State Secretary for Foreign Policy and the European Union
Mr Hubert VEDRINE / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Pierre MOSCOVICI / Minister attached to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, with responsibility for European Affairs
Mr François HUWART / State Secretary for Foreign Trade
Mr David ANDREWS / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Tom KITT / Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (with special responsibility for Labour Affairs, Consumer Rights and International Trade)
Mr Umberto RANIERI / State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Mr Antonello CABRAS / State Secretary for Foreign Trade
Ms Lydie POLFER / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Jozias VAN AARTSEN / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Gerrit YBEMA / State Secretary for Economic Affairs
Mr Wolfgang SCHÜSSEL / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Johann FARNLEITNER / Federal Minister for Economic Affairs
Mr Jaime GAMA / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Francisco SEIXAS da COSTA / State Secretary for European Affairs
Mr Vitor RAMALHO / State Secretary attached to the Minister for Economic Affairs
Ms Tarja HALONEN / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Kimmo SASI / Minister for Foreign Affairs Trade and European Affairs
Ms Anne LINDH / Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr Leif PAGROTSKY / Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with responsibility for Trade and Nordic Cooperation
Mr Robin COOK / Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Mr Geoff HOON / Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department
Mr Richard CABORN / Minister of State, Department of Trade and Industry, Minister for Trade
Mr Pascal LAMY / Member
Mr Christopher PATTEN / Member
Mr António VITORINO / Member
General Secretariat of the Council:
Mr Jürgen TRUMPF / Secretary General


The Council finalized the preparation of the Special European Council of Tampere on 15/16 October aimed at giving further guidance to the action of the Union for the establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice.

The Council took note in particular of the information provided by the Presidency on Prime Minister Lipponen's tour of capitals which ended today with a visit to Copenhagen. During his tour of the capitals, the Finnish Prime Minister made it clear to all his colleagues that the Presidency aims at treating the three main topics, i.e. asylum and migration, fight against crime and a European judicial area in a well-balanced fashion and that the Presidency also maintained his high ambition for concrete results in the three areas. Generally speaking he encountered in all capitals much support for his agenda - set out in his letter to Heads of State/Government at the beginning of his tour - and there appeared no reason to make fundamental changes to it.

As for the specific issue of "enhanced and more coherent external action of the Union in the field of Justice and Home Affairs" - which will be one among several other important issues for discussion in Tampere - the Presidency document was endorsed by Foreign Ministers and will be forwarded to the European Council and taken into account by the Presidency when drafting its conclusions for Tampere.

The Presidency also indicated that Heads of State and Government may have over dinner a preliminary discussion on enlargement - without aiming at conclusions - and an exchange of views on topical issues related to Russia and the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. Foreign Ministers will address at their dinner the situation in the Western Balkans as a whole and also East Timor.

(See also conclusions on the High Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration, p. V).


Further to the Cologne European Council conclusions, the Council reached agreement on the necessary steps to set up the Body which shall elaborate a draft EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: composition, method of work and practical arrangements for that Body.

The Body will be composed of 1 representative of each of the Heads of State/Government of the Member States and of the Commission President, 16 from the European Parliament (to be chosen by the EP) and 30 from national parliaments (2 from each). Agreement has also been reached on the presence of observers and bodies invited to give their views, exchange of views with applicant States, Secretariat arrangements and working methods for the preparation, drafting and adoption of the Charter by the Body and the solemn proclamation by the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council.

Today Ministers solved the questions still open by deciding on a rotating Presidency for the Body according to the usual sequence of Member States in the Council.


The Council took note of the Presidency report on the state of play concerning the preparation of its report to the Helsinki European Council on security and defence policy, both on the military and non-military aspects of crisis management. The Presidency stressed its intention to put forward a substantial report.

Work will continue in the Council bodies and on 15 November at the General Affairs Council with the participation of Defence Ministers. EU Foreign Ministers will also have a working dinner with their colleagues from WEU Associated countries.


The Council expressed deep concern over the situation in the Northern Caucasus and in particular the plight of innocent civilians. It stressed that every effort should be made to avoid a further escalation of the conflict which would jeopardise the stability of the region. The Council also underlined the need for political dialogue aimed at a rapid peaceful solution of the conflict, including through efforts supported by the international community, including the OSCE.

At the same time, the Council reiterated its position on the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and its resolute condemnation of terrorism in all its forms.

The Council expressed grave concern at the deteriorating humanitarian situation of the displaced persons in Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan.

In this context, the Council welcomed the Commission’s readiness through ECHO to provide humanitarian assistance through internationally recognised aid organizations. The Council called on Russia to provide safe and unhindered access for such humanitarian aid organizations with a view to the rapid and efficient distribution of aid to the displaced persons on the ground.


The Council welcomed the results of the meeting in the margins of the GAC with representatives of the democratic forces of the FRY. The meeting constitutes a concrete proof of the readiness of the Union to support the people of the FRY in their efforts to embrace democratic values, respect for human rights and rights of persons belonging to minorities and market economy as well as to pave the way to the reintegration of the FRY in international co-operation, including full participation in international and regional organisations, in line with the EU's policy on the regional approach and the Council conclusions of 29 April 1997. The Council welcomed the commitment of the democratic forces to a continued process providing a forum for future discussion on political and economic issues and pledged its readiness for such a common effort. The Council stressed that to succeed such a shared undertaking requires effective co-operation among the democratic forces.

The Council discussed the possibilities of providing further assistance to the Serbian population in view of the approaching harsh winter conditions in addition to the humanitarian assistance worth 56.1 MEURO provided already by the Community. The Council accordingly strongly supported the launching of the pilot project proposed by G-17 in the framework of the Energy for Democracy initiative, under which the cities of Nis and Pirot will first be provided with heating oil as energy assistance. The project could later be expanded to other municipalities. For these purposes, the Council agreed on the need for the early establishment of a mechanism to facilitate the provision of energy assistance. It welcomed the Commission's intention to submit a proposal to implement the project without delay.

The Council agreed that it would come back to the questions of lifting the flight ban and strengthening the visa ban at its next meeting.

The Council agreed in principle on a Common Position on support for democratic forces in the FRY and invited its competent bodies to complete the text for early adoption by the Council. It issued a separate statement on the meeting with the democratic forces of the FRY. The future work will address issues such as democracy, economic development, reconstruction and energy development with a view to developing a closer relationship between the EU and the FRY.

The Council affirmed its commitment to the long-term future of the FRY and reaffirmed its policy with regard to the present regime. Any improvement of relations between the EU and the FRY presupposes from the FRY decisive steps towards democratisation and full co-operation with the ICTY.

The Council strongly condemned the police crackdown on peaceful demonstrations as repeatedly witnessed in Belgrade in the course of last weeks. Such violence by the Serb security forces illustrated once more that fundamental democratic values such as freedom of speech and opinion will not be respected in Serbia as long as Milosevic and his regime stay in power.

The Council commended the valuable work of EU Special Representative for the FRY, Mr. Felipe Gonzalez. At his request, the Council decided to discontinue the Joint Action appointing him.


The Council discussed the political and security situation in Kosovo. The Council strongly condemned the fact that ethnically based violence continues. Every effort must be undertaken by the leaders of the various ethnic groups to put an end to it with the assistance of UNMIK and KFOR. The Council also reaffirmed its expectation that the consultative mechanisms with local leaders working under UNMIK should be fully used. The Council reiterated its expectation that the UNSCR 1244 in all its parts be fully implemented by all parties and underlined the importance of full support for UNMIK.

With respect to the announcement by KFOR of the completion of demilitarisation obligations of the KLA, the Council called for full observance of these obligations by the Kosovar community and for their effective monitoring. It welcomed the formation of the multi-ethnic Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) for civilian emergency functions. Efficient training, a balanced multi-ethnic recruitment policy, recruitment on an individual basis, political authority by UNMIK and operational control by KFOR are key to making the KPC a useful tool in the developing civilian functions in Kosovo.

The Council discussed possible EU support for the KPC. It agreed that this support would be made conditional on the full respect by those responsible in the Kosovo Albanian community of the agreed terms of reference of the KPC. The Council requested the Commission and the competent Council bodies to examine ways in which the EU could support training and selected activities of the KPC. The Council also welcomed the IOM demobilisation programme for former KLA members.

The Council also called for intensified efforts by the Kosovars and the international presence to fight against organised crime in Kosovo. In this context it invited the competent bodies to study, in time for the November GAC, how an EU initiative including concrete measures, could contribute to this effort.

Stability Pact

The Council welcomed the inaugural meeting of the Working Table on Economic Reconstruction, Development and co-operation. It looked forward to the inaugural meetings of the Working Tables on Democratisation and Human Rights and on Defence and Security Affairs. The Council reconfirmed the EU's willingness to actively contribute to the success of the Stability Pact.


The Council examined the question of the resumption of navigation on the Danube. It underlined the vital importance which the resumption of navigation on the Danube represents for the economy of the region as a whole. It confirmed its readiness to support the Danube Commission and the States of the region in their endeavours to ensure freedom of navigation on the Danube, the principle of which is stated in the Conventions of 1921 and of 1948. The Council confirmed that the EU will work towards a solution.


In the margins of the Council, Ministers held a meeting with representatives of Democratic Forces of the FRY (representatives of political parties, NGOs, national minorities). The purpose of this meeting was to strengthen the Union's relations with these forces and to encourage them to work towards peace, democratic change and economic prosperity in the FRY. The Union underlined also its preparedness to give substantial assistance to a future democratic Yugoslavia and to support the full integration of the FRY into the international community.

At the end of the meeting, the EU issued the following statement:

EU-FRY - a new beginning

The EU, and representatives of the democratic forces of the FRY met in Luxembourg on 11 October 1999. The meeting was convened in the interests of the strengthening of good relations between the EU and the people of the FRY, and in the spirit of aspiration towards democracy and economic prosperity.

The EU and the people of the FRY have a common interest in working with the international community to enhance stability and growth in South Eastern Europe. Such a process is possible only through democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law, market economy and the development of good neighbourly relations in the region.

As soon as the governments of Serbia and the FRY are under the political control of democratic forces, and as soon as all individuals indicted by the ICTY have been removed from Federal and Republican offices and the FRY fully cooperates with ICTY, as part of a general and determined effort to make a new beginning in the region, the EU undertakes to pursue the following objectives:

The EU and its Member States will:

-Support democratic Serbian and FRY governments as the legitimate expression of the desire of the people of Serbia and the FRY to be part of the European family;

- Lift EU sanctions at an early stage;

- Launch EU reconstruction programs at an early stage;

- Strengthen EU relations with the FRY and work towards a Stabilisation and Association Agreement in line with other Western Balkans Countries;

- Support FRY membership in international and European organisations, facilitate the FRY’s entry into the international financial institutions and support FRY participation in regional political processes and co-operation, including the Stability Pact;

- Facilitate the rapid resolution of SFRY succession issues;