Worship Service Opportunities

Thurs. Jan. 21 Shut-in Com @2:00 p.m., Sun. Jan. 24Worship/Com @8:15 & 10:30 a.m., Mon. Jan. 25Worship/Com @6:30 p.m.Wed. Jan. 27 Chapel @8:15 a.m.

Acolyte Schedule for Sunday, January 24, 2016

Callie Oltz and Danny Beyerare scheduled for the early service andCarissa and Cassidy Wegener are scheduled for the late service. If you are unable to serve, please ask a friend to do it for you. Thank you.

School Prayer Postcards

At St. Paul Lutheran School, we believe in the power of prayer! Because we know that prayer can impact lives and families, each week we pray for 2-3 chosen families.

We will be praying for the following school families this week: Johnson and Zemple.

We ask that you include these families in your prayers this week.

Under the directive of the Department of Public Instruction St. Paul hot lunch prices for grades K-8 will be $2.70 per daily lunch effective 1/19/16.


Thursday,Jan. 21Food Drive. A-team girls B-ball practice 3-5 pm. Cheer practice 3-5 pm.

Friday, Jan. 22Food Drive. PTO snack day. Report cards available.

Saturday Jan. 23Boys & girls A-team B-ball tournament at St. John’s Berlin.

Sunday, Jan. 24Grades 3-8 sing @8:15 am service.

Monday, Jan. 25Food Drive. Girls B-ball practice. B-team 3-4:30, A-team 3-5 p.m.

Tuesday, Jan.26Food Drive. B-ball game atTrinity Bg, Ag, Bb, Ab 4:30 pm.

Wednesday, Jan. 27Food Drive ends. Chapel @ 8:15 am. Boys B-ball practice 3-5 pm.


Please contact the school, by phone, note or FastDirect, before 9:00 a.m. each day of your student’s absence. Give the reason for the absence of the student. The school office will call home if we have not received parental notice by 9:00 a.m. Thank you.

Food Drive

The St. Paul School Food Drive will be held from January 13 to 27. The following

items will be collected this year: personal hygiene items (combs, toothpaste,

shampoo, Band-Aids), paper products, canned vegetables, cans of soup, peanut

butter, canned meat (tuna, Spam, chicken) rice, canned fruit, pie filling,

condensed milk, cake mixes, frosting, instant pudding, stuffing mix, sweet

potatoes, instant potatoes, gravy mixes, cans of juice (tomato, orange, fruit punch, or other

fruit type. We are asking students and families to donate whatever they wish. Thank you.


The chapel offerings collected on Wednesdays will be used to sponsor Aldolfo Gustavo. Your sponsorship commitment will help provide Adolfo Gustavo and his community with better health thanks to clean water, vitamins, and education in disease prevention. Families will benefit from nutritious food as farmers are trained how to produce improved crops and keep their livestock healthy. Youth will receive vocational training, and hygiene education will decrease sickness. And through our partnership with local churches, children will learn about the surpassing love of Jesus Christ. Additional chapel offerings will be used to support the LCMS Hearts for Jesus national campaign. Please consider sending a weekly chapel offering with your child every Wednesday. So far this semester, Chapel offerings total $21.76. Thank you for your support.

THRIVENT CHOICE – deposited $81.00 into our school account on behalf of the Thrivent for Lutherans’ Thrivent Choice program. Thrivent Financial members directing Choice Dollars to our school were Craig Fietzer and Melissa Fietzer. Thank you.


A subtraction may be claimed for tuition paid in the taxable year to send your dependent child to a private school. The maximum subtraction is $4000.00 for an elementary pupil and $10,000 for a secondary student. Schedule PS (a copy is attached to this newsletter) must be included with your Wisconsin income tax return.

PARENTS: you can access information on FastDirect for any given tax year for credits applied to your Education Fee account. From the FastDirect web page enter your ScreenName and password. Log on. Use the drop-down button to indicate the year. Click Tax Year Printout. If you have questions or are unable to print the Tax Year Printout, please contact the school office.

Principal Brian Elmhorst – Extension 1011-message through FastDirect

Singing in Church

The third to eighth grade will be singing in church on January 24th at the 8:15 church service. We will be singing in the front of church. Hope to see you there.

Report Cards

The second quarter has ended and we have begun the third quarter at St. Paul. Report cards will be available on January 22nd following school. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on February 11th. If there are concerns about your student’s progress, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time throughout the school year. Please contact the school office for a paper copy of your child’s report card if desired.

Lutheran School Week

Every year a special week is set aside to celebrate our Lutheran School. This year National Lutheran Schools Week will be on March 6-13th. A book fair, spaghetti dinner, family night, science fair and open house will be held during this week. March 6th will mark the beginning of registration for the 2016-2017 school year. The students will be singing in church as well as a school open house and registration. Please mark your calendars.

PreSchool/PreKindergarten Rebecca Griesbach – Extension 1005 -message through FastDirect

This week we will be reviewing the letter Ll and Cc, their sounds and things that begin with them. We will also be reviewing the color brown, a square and the number 4 four. For 4K math we will practice counting 1-40, discussing more or less, and first, second and third. For 3K we will be practice counting 1-20 and working on patterns. Please practice these concepts at home.  We will continue testing with the 4K and report cards will be sent home on Friday.

4K will be going outside if weather permits so please have jacket, snow pants, boots, hat and mittens for school. 3K will not need snow gear as there is not enough time to get them dressed and outside with the amount of class time. Just a reminder if we have a 2-hour delay because of the weather there is no preschool classes that day.

January 13-27-Food Drive

Please help by donating items to help our local food pantry. Items may be brought to the room or dropped off by the office.

January 20-PTO Meeting

Kindergarten Debbie Hintz – Extension 1008 -message through FastDirect

Religion: Jesus Chooses His Disciples; Math: Measurement;ReadingTheme:Martin Luther King Jr. ;Phonics:Z ; Sight words: come, me, was; Writing: My Dreams booklet.

Skill testing continues this week. Report cards will be made available on FastDirect Friday after school. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to meet to go over it.

1st Grade Teri Rae Suehs/Roxanne Taggatz – Extension 1015 -message through FastDirect

The first grade spelling list for this week has words that end in es.
Memory Work for this week will be the same as last week - the Sixth Commandment: You shall not commit adultery. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we lead a sexually pure and decent life , and husband and wife love and honor each other.

For nothing is impossible with God. Matthew 1:37
Wednesday, January 20, the Show-and-Tellers will be Kira, Gus, Nathan, and Porter.

2nd Grade Brenda Jenks – Extension 1020 -message through FastDirect

The second graders have been learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., double-digit subtraction with regrouping, Jesus and the wedding at Cana, and verb tenses (past, present, future). Report cards will be posted on FastDirect this Friday after school. Please continue to bring donations for our Manawa Food Pantry collection. Have a blessed weekend.

3rd and 4th Grade Rachel Beyer – Extension 1023 -message through FastDirect

This Friday grades will be available on FastDirect. Sunday grades 3-8 sing at early service. Please be to church by 8:05. Have a great rest of the week and weekend.

5th and 6th Grade Josh Korotka - Extension 1022 -message through FastDirect

Thank you parents for encouraging reading at home. Once again they all have their 10 AR points!!!! I will be rewarding them with a movie afternoon or something else for their great effort.
They will have Week 14 Memory due Friday and I will be getting the rest of their memory packet soon. They also have their Reading and Spelling test on Friday. Don’t forget we have the science fair the first week of March. Think of some ideas. We will spend some time in class working on it.
We sing Sunday early service. Be at church by 8:10. Thank you, and stay warm.
God's blessings!!