Name: ______

Assignment-Chapter 9

Due ______

Complete the following activities

  1. Vocabulary (7 points)
  2. Read Chapter 9 Section 1 and answer the Chapter 9 Section 1 quiz questions (handout) (7 points)
  3. Read Chapter 9 Section 2 and answer the Chapter 9 Section 2 quiz questions (handout) (7 points)
  4. Read Chapter 9 Section 3 and answer the Chapter 9 Section 3 quiz questions (handout) (7 points)
  5. Read Chapter 9 Section 4 and answer the Chapter 9 Section 4 quiz questions (handout) (7 points)
  6. Q & A-Answer the questions using complete sentences (10 points)
  7. Write an editorial for a newspaper explaining your opinion on which political party (Republicans or Federalists) is better for the United States. (10 points)
  8. Read “New York’s Caribbean Son” and answer the questions provided. (handout) (10 points)
  1. Essay (Choose 1) (15 points)-Be sure to include an introduction and a conclusion

Essay 1

  • Describe the XYZ Affair.
  • What was President Adams’ response to it?


Essay 2

  • Why did Thomas Jefferson oppose the Bank of the United States?
  • Why did Alexander Hamilton favor it?
  1. Multiple Choice Quiz (20 points)

Your grade will be severely reduced if you do not have your assignment completed (Parts 1-9) and ready to be handed in on ______.

Although you will be given time to work on these assignments in class, you must also work on them at home.


Define the following vocabulary using the glossary and Chapter 9

  • Inauguration-______


  • Precedent-______


  • Cabinet-______


  • Debt-______


  • Bond-______


  • Tariff-______


  • Strict interpretation-______


  • Loose Interpretation-______


  • Sedition-______


  • Alien-______



Answer the following questions using complete sentences. (Question 7 does not require complete sentences.)

  1. How did the Whiskey Rebellion show that the new government was strong? ______
  2. Why did Hamilton believe the United States needed to pay off its debts? ____


  1. What was Hamilton’s plan to reduce the nation’s debt? ______


  1. What did Washington advice Americans to do in his farewell address? Why? ______
  2. Describe how Jefferson and Hamilton differed in their interpretations of the Constitution. ______


  1. Why did many Americans want war with France in 1797? ______


  1. Republican or Federalist? Write the name of the political party that is being described in the phrases below.
  1. Led by Alexander Hamilton ______
  2. Led by Thomas Jefferson ______
  3. Believed that the future of the United States was in banking, manufacturing and trade ______
  4. Believed that a strong federal government would take power away from the states and would hurt the hurt the freedom of individuals ______
  5. Believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and therefore was against a national bank because it was not written in the Constitution ______
  6. Pro-British ______
  7. Believed a protective tariff would encourage the purchase of American manufactured goods ______
  1. What reasons did Americans have to distrust political parties? ______


  1. Explain why political parties emerged in the 1790s .______


  1. Why were Republicans against the Sedition Act? ______


  1. Explain how the Alien and Sedition Acts led to the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. ______
