Office 2007 Handout – Microsoft Outlook

Limestone Community High School Technology Department

  1. Creating a desktop shortcut for the programs
  2. Go to the Start Menu
  3. Go to All Programs
  4. Go to the Microsoft Office folder
  5. Right-click on the program
  6. Choose Send-to, Desktop
  7. Reading pane (section of Outlook that lets you read the e-mail message)
  8. View
  9. Reading pane
  10. Choose bottom (This was the default view in our previous version of Office)
  11. You can arrange your e-mails by different categories.
  12. Click on the column heading to sort either in ascending or descending order.

Example A

In this example the e-mails are grouped by the From field,

all the messages from Mrs. Bazhenow are together, etc.

Example B

In this example, the e-mails are grouped by the Received field, the newest messages that I received are at the top.

Office 2007 Handout – Microsoft Outlook

Limestone Community High School Technology Department

  1. Using the shortcut toolbar

Use these shortcuts in the bottom left corner to switch between your e-mail calendar, contacts, and tasks.

  1. Adding an appointment to your Calendar
  2. In the lower left hand corner of Outlook, click on Calendar
  3. In the lower left hand corner of Outlook, click on New
  4. Add a description of the event in the Subject box
  5. Add the location in the location box
  6. Change the start and end time if necessary
  7. Decide if you want a reminder window to pop open
  8. To change the default reminder time or any other calendar options:
  9. Click on the Tools menu, Choose Options
  10. If this appointment involves more than one person, click Add Invitees
  11. If you need to make changes to this event, open it on your Outlook

Office 2007 Handout – Microsoft Outlook

Limestone Community High School Technology Department

  1. Junk Mail Folder
  2. You should check your Junk Mail folder at least once a week to make sure e-mails in there are to be deleted.
  3. In Mail, click the Junk E-mail folder in the Navigation Pane(Navigation Pane: The column on the left side of the Outlook window that includes panes such as Shortcuts or Mail and the shortcuts or folders within each pane. Click a folder to show the items in the folder.).
  4. Right-click any message that you do not want to be marked as junk.
  5. On the shortcut menu, point to Junk E-mail, and then click Mark as Not Junk.
  6. A message that is marked as not junk is moved to your Inbox
  7. Deleting messages in the Deleted Items folder – do this at least once a month
  8. On the Navigation Pane, right-click on Deleted Items

  1. Choose Empty Deleted Items Folder
  2. Click Yes
  1. Keeping your inbox tidy
  2. Creating Folder in your Inbox
  3. On the Navigation pane, right-click on Inbox
  4. Choose New Folder
  5. Type in a meaningful name for this folder
  6. Click to highlight Inbox and click OK
  7. Moving a message into your new folder
  8. Click on the message and drag from the Inbox to the folder


  1. Right-click on the message in your Inbox, Choose Move to Folder, Highlight the folder and click OK
  1. Calendaring
  2. In the Navigation Pane, click on Calendaring.
  3. To copy events from the shared Limestone calendar
  4. Find my shared calendar e-mail in your Inbox
  5. Click Open Calendar

  1. You only see this option if you are using Microsoft Outlook – if you attempt to do this using the online version, you will get an error.
  2. After click on Open this Calendar, both now appear. Click and drag any event that you want to copy to your calendar.
  3. We want to copy the events to your folder so that they are viewable both in your Outlook at school and the online version at the Internet. My shared calendar is only viewable through Outlook.
  4. Double-click the event if you want to change any of the settings, like reminders.