2005/2007 Department of Art Advisement Form - Revised 4-1-2005
Student:______BA/Art Ed.-2005/07
ID# ______good thru Aug. 2012
Bachelor of Art Degree in Art/ Teaching Certification Option – 133-136 credit hours
A. University Studies – 46-49 credit hours
Course Number/NameCreditGrade Date
I. Communication and Basic Skills - 6 credit hours
ENG 101English Composition 3 ______
ENG 102English Composition and Research 3 ______
Approved Communication and Basic Skills Courses
COM 161,181; CSC 199; ENG 224; GCM 253; MAT 117, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 220, 230, 250; PHI 103; FRE 101, 102, 110, 201, 202, 203, 210; GER 101, 102, 110, 201, 203, 202, 210; JPN 101, 102, 201, 202; SPA 101, 102, 110, 201, 202, 203, 210
II. Science and Mathematics – 7-10 credit hours
______1 science course with lab from list below 4-5 ______
______1 mathematics course from list below 3-5 ______
Approved Science Courses AST 199; BIO 101, 116, 221, 222; CHE 101, 105, 106, 201, 202, 210, 215; GSC 101, 102, 199; PHY 120, 121, 125, 126, 235/236, 255/256; SCI 101, 102. Approved Mathematics Courses MAT 117, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 220, 230, 250, 308, 309, 330
III. Humanities - 12 credit hours
HUM 211Human Values: Past Perspectives 3 ______
HUM 212Human Values in the Modern World 3 ______
ART 211Introduction to the History of Art I 3 ______
ART 212Introduction to the History of Art II 3 ______
Approved Fine Arts ART 105, 121, 211, 212; HON 161, 162, 163, 164; MUS 104, 105, 109; THD 101, 104. Approved Humanities Courses ENG 201, 213, 243, 245, 250; FRE 105; GER 105;
HON 251, 252; JPN 105; MCG 201; MLA 104; PHI 201, 202; RGS 200; SPA 105
IV. Social Sciences - 9 credit hours
CIV 101World Civilization I 3 ______
CIV 102World Civilization II 3 ______
PSY 180General Psychology 3 ______
Approved Social Science Courses
ANT 140; ARC150; ECO 140, 230, 231; EDP 260; GSC 110; HIS 201, 221, 222; POL 140, 250, 252; PSY 180; SOC 133, 231
V. Foreign Language - 12 credit hours (4 courses in the same foreign language)
______3 ______
______3 ______
______3 ______
______3 ______
B. Art Core – 42 credit hours
Course Number/NameCreditGrade Date
Required Foundation Courses - 13 credit hours
ART 099Orientation 1 ______
ART 101Drawing I: Introduction to Drawing 3 ______
ART 111Two-dimensional Design 3 ______
ART 112Three-dimensional Design 3 ______
ART 201Drawing II: Life Drawing 3 ______
Required 2-D and 3-D Studio Electives - 18 credit hours
ART 330Introduction to Painting I (required for certification) 3 ______
(select 2 courses from the following 2-D studio electives)
ART 300Drawing III 3 ______
ART 350Introduction to Graphic Design I: Digital Art 3 ______
ART 379Introduction to Printmaking I 3 ______
ART 382Introduction to Photography I 3 ______
(select 3 courses from the following 3-D studio electives)
ART 309Introduction to MetalsmithingI 3 ______
ART 310Introduction to Wood I 3 ______
ART 346Introduction to Fibers I 3 ______
ART 360Introduction to Sculpture I 3 ______
ART 370Introduction to Ceramics I 3 ______
Required Mid-Degree-Review
ART 298Mid-Degree-Review (old title Works-In-Progress)(1) 0 ______
All degree candidates are required to register for ART 298 Mid-Degree-Review the semester after
they complete 30 credit hours of art courses. After passing ART 298 students may form a BFA Jury and track in the BFA degree requirements.
Required Art History Courses - 9 credit hours (in addition to ART 211 & 212)
One course from the following:
ART 415Greek & Roman Art 3 ______
ART 416Medieval Art 3 ______
ART 418Renaissance Art 3 ______
ART 419Baroque Art 3 ______
One course from the following:
ART 428Nineteenth-Century Art 3 ______
ART 429Art from 1900 to 1960 3 ______
ART 430Contemporary Art: 1960 to the Present 3 ______
One course from the following or one from the two lists above:
ART 356 – The Art of Non-Western Cultures 3 ______
ART 425- The Art of Asia 3 ______
ART 491– Special Problems in Art History 3 ______
ART 501-Seminar: Special Topics in Art History 3 ______
BA/BS Degree Requirements - 2 credit hours
ART 399Professional Practices 1 ______
ART 499BA/BS Practicum Exhibition (1) 1 ______
C. Teaching Certification Option – 45 credit hours
Course Number/NameCreditGrade Date
Studio Art Electives – 6 credit hours
(Two sequential courses in the same studio emphasis above the introductory level)
______3 ______
______3 ______
Courses in Art Education - 6 credit hours
ART 341 Fundamentals of Elementary School Art 3 ______
ART 342 Fundamentals of Secondary School Art 3 ______
Professional Education Courses - 30 credit hours
EDU 103Issues and Practices of American Education 3 ______
COM 161Introduction to Public Speaking 3 ______
EDP 260Psychology of Human Development 3 ______
SED 300Exceptional Children in the Classroom 3 ______
SEC 420Practicum (taken semester prior to student teaching) 2 ______
EDU 403Structure and Foundations of Education (taken semester 2 ______
prior to student teaching)
EDU 422Student Teaching Seminar 3 ______
ELE 421Student Teaching - Elementary 7 ______
SEC 421Student Teaching - Secondary 7 ______
(1)All art teacher certification candidates must pass the following PRAXIS II Specialty Area Test:
0131 Art Making154
0133 Art: Content Knowledge154
Principles of Learning and Teaching161
(2)A minimum GPA of 2.50 in art in professional education courses (and overall) is required for admission to teacher education and admission to student teaching.
**Advisers will inform each advisee of university studies and departmental requirements. However, the student, not the adviser, is ultimately responsible for seeing that his or her program fulfills any and all requirements for the degree.
*At least 42 of the total semester hours required for this degree must be earned in 300 level courses or above.
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