Community Users Questionnaire
Part 1 - Sports Hall
1)Do you know that TarletonHigh School’s new Sports Hall is open to the public?
Yes / No (Please circle)
2)If ‘Yes’, how did you find out?
Newspaper / School Event / Word of mouth / Local Adverts (Please circle)
3)How often have you used the Sports Hall this year (2005)? (Please circle)
0 times / 1-2 times / 3-5 times / Once per week / Other …………………………..
4)When did / do you use the Sports Hall?
Weeknight / Saturday / Sunday / School Holidays (Please circle)
5)If you have been unable to use the Sports Hall so far, please state why:
6)Which sports have you used the Sports Hall for? (Please circle / state)
Badminton / Football / Cricket / Trampoline / Other…………………………………
7)What new activities would you like in the Sport Hall?
Part 2 – Swimming Pool
1)Do you know that TarletonHigh School’s Swimming Pool is open to the public?
Yes / No (Please circle)
2)How often have you used the Swimming Pool this year (2005) (Please circle)
0 times / 1-2 times / 3-5 times / Once per week / Other ……………………………..
3)When did / do you use the Swimming Pool? (Please circle)
Adults Swim / Public Swim / Family Swim / Swimming Lessons /
4)If you have been unable to use the Swimming Pool so far, please state why:
5)What new activities would you like in the Swimming Pool?
Part 3 – Advertising & Your details
1) How can we improve our service at the Sports Hall and Swimming Pool?
2)Where would be the best place to advertise and keep you up-to-date with the activities of the Sports Hall & Swimming Pool? (Please circle)
Newspapers (Village Visiter & Champion) / Local shop windows / E-mails /
Primary schools / High School Newsletter, Website or Notice boards
3)In whicharea do you live? (Please write you postcode) ……………………………….
4)Which age group represents you? (Please circle)
Under 16 16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+
5)If you would like to receive details of what’s on at TarletonHigh School, please write your e-mail address below