Marcel Gani Summer Internship Program

Venture Capital Firm Host Application

The firm contact and the intern supervisor do not need to be the same person. We will use the firm contact for any internship-related correspondence.
Firm Contact: / Intern Supervisor:
Title: / Title:
Address: / Address:
City, State, Zip: / City, State, Zip:
Phone: / Phone:
Fax: / Fax:
E-mail: / E-mail:
How did you hear about the Marcel Gani internship program?
Firm name:
Year founded:
City, State:
Provide a three-sentence description of the firm:
This information is only used by the Institute to determine program eligibility and will not be seen by students
Number of general partners:
Number of investments:
Stage of investments:
Size range of investments:
Geographic region served:
The Institute requires that MBA students be paid $1,200 each week and BBA students be paid $900 each week. Bearing in mind that the Institute will pay a stipend directly to the student matching the company's pay (maximum of $7,200 for MBAs and $5,400 for BBAs for the entire summer), are you able to pay this suggested salary?
This information will not affect your eligibility for the Marcel Gani Internship Program
Would the firm like to be contacted by one or more of the following student-led venture funds (Please bold yes or no)?
Wolverine Venture Fund Yes No
Social Venture Fund Yes No
Zell Lurie Commercialization Fund Yes No
Zell Early Stage Fund Yes No
If you have portfolio companies that would benefit from hiring a Marcel Gani Intern, please list their contact information and we will reach out to them.
This information will be posted online for interested students to read. Work assignments are understood to be subject to change based on the needs of the company and the findings of the intern.
Are you looking for an MBA, BBA, or either?
Describe the firm’s investment goals for the next year.
Explain how an intern will help achieve those milestones.
Indicate specific skills or unique requirements you seek in a student.
How much time per week will the supervisor spend with the intern?
What unique opportunities will be available to the Intern (Please bold or otherwise indicate a selection):
Attendance at funding pitches
Attendance at partner meetings
Projects within portfolio companies
Assigned to a mentor within the firm
Attendance at trade shows or industry conferences
Other (explain):
Provide any additional information you’d like to include on the job posting (optional):

Submit this application to

Deadline: January 15, 2018