CCT645 -- 4
Science, Technology, and Public Policy
BIBLIOGRAPHY (in development, version 9/4/05)
(for deeper consideration of the issues raised in classes and for the many topics, case studies, and themes that cannot be covered during a single semester.)
Science, Technology, and Democracy
Langdon Winner, “Do Artifacts Have Politics?,” Daedalus (1980); reprinted in A.H. Teich, Technology and the Future (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000), 150-67.
Thomas F. Gieryn, “Balancing Acts: Science, Enola Gay and History Wars at the Smithsonian,” in Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture (Routledge, 1998), 199-227.
Sclove, R. (1995). 'In every sense the experts' Strong democracy and technology. Democracy and Technology. New York, Guilford: 25-57.
Sclove, R. E. (2003). Technological politics as if democracy really mattered. Technology and the Future. A. Teich. Belmont, CA, Thompson/Wadsworth: 91-108.
Lewontin, R. (2002). "The politics of science." The New York Review of Books 49(8).
Sclove, R. E. (n.d.). "Town Meetings on Technology." (
Philip Kitcher, “Well-ordered science,” Science, Truth, and Democracy (Oxford, 2001), 117-135.
Drawing Boundaries
Larry Laudan, “Demise of the Demarcation Problem,” in Michael Ruse, ed., But is it Science? (Prometheus, 1988), 337-50. ERes
Barry Barnes, David Bloor, & John Henry, “Drawing Boundaries,” Scientific Knowledge: A Sociological Analysis (Chicago, 1996), 140-68.
Gieryn, T. F. (1995). Boundaries of science. Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. S. S. Jasanoff, G. E. Markle, J. C. Petersen and T. J. Pinch. Thousand Oaks, Sage: 393-443.
Philip Kitcher, Science, Truth, and Democracy (Oxford, 2001), 85-108.
The Nature of Science
Carnap, Rudolf, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. Dover, NY. 1995. Part I “Laws, Explanation and Probability,” pp. 3-47, and Part IV “Causality and Determinism,” pp. 187-222.
Kuhn, Thomas S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Second Edition. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1970. Chapters I-V, IX, X. (about 80 pages).
Science, capitalism, and socialist critiques
Yoxen, E. (1981). Life as a productive force: Capitalising the science and technology of molecular biology. Science, Technology and the Labour Process, Marxist Studies Vol. 1. L. Levidow and R. Young. London, CSE Books: 66-122.
Community-based research and assessment
Richard E. Sclove, Madeleine Scammell, and Breena Holland, Community-Based Research in the United States: An Introductory Reconnaissance, Including Twelve Organizational Case Studies and Comparison with the Dutch Science Shops and the Mainstream American Research System. Washington, DC and Amherst, MA: The Aspen Institute/The Loka Institute.April 1998.
Richard E. Sclove, "Putting Science to Work in Communities," Opinion Essay, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 41, no. 29 (31 March 1995), pp. B1-B3;
"Living Knowledge" international science shop network;
Hall 1997?
Others TBA
Nature And Sources Of Authority
Robert K. Merton, “Science and Democratic Social Structure” (1942), reprinted in Social Theory and Social Structure (Free Press, 1968), 604-615. ERes
Paul Josephson, Totalitarian Science and Technology (Humanities Press, 1996), 7-74.
David Hollinger,”Science as a Weapon in Kulturkämpfe in the United States During and After World WarII,” Isis (1995) 86:440-54. ERes
Creating The Framework For American Science-State Relations
Bruce L.R. Smith, American Science Policy Since World War II (Brookings, 1990), 36-72. ERes
Vannevar Bush, Science: The Endless Frontier (1945), 30 pp. ERes
Daniel Greenberg, “Vannevar Bush and the Myth of Creation,” Science, Money, and Politics (Chicago, 2001), 41-58. ERes
David H. Guston, “Understanding the Social Contract for Science,” Between Politics and Science (Cambridge, 1999), 37-63. Eres [see also chapter in Jasanoff et al. Handbook)
Dickson, D. (1984). The New Politics of Science. New York, Pantheon, 1-55.
Military-scientific complex
The Courts
Sheila Jasanoff, Science at the Bar: Law, Science, and Technology in America (Harvard, 1995).
McLean v. Arkansas (1982).
Cass R. Sunstein, Risk and Reason: Safety, Law, and the Environment (Cambridge, 2002), 191-228.
Comparative Regulation
Jasanoff, S. (2005). Designs on Nature: Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Science_Technology_and_Governance_in_Europe (2004). "Final report and Publications." 13 Aug 05).
Eyal Press and Jennifer Washburn, “The Kept University,” Atlantic Monthly (March 2000), 39-54.
Loren Lomasky, "Who Should Profit from the Business of Science?" Hastings Center Report (1987), 5-7.
Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch, “The Sun in a Test Tube: The Story of Cold Fusion,” The Golem: What Everyone Should Know about Science (1994), 57-78.
Sheila Slaughter and Gary Rhodes, “The Emergence of a Competitiveness Research and Development Policy Coalition and the Commercialization of Academic Science and Technology,” in P. Mirowski and E-M. Sent, eds., Science Bought and Sold (Chicago, 2002), 69-108. ERes
Theoretical Questions
Mary Douglas, "Risk and Blame,”Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory (Routledge, 1992), 3-21.
Paul Slovic, "Perception of Risk," Science (1987), 236:200-205.
Howard Margolis, “The Risk Matrix,” Dealing with Risk: Why the Public and the Experts Disagree on Environmental Issues (Chicago, 1996), 72-97. EResqq
Cass Sunstein, Risk and Reason: Safety, Law, and the Environment (Cambridge, 2002), 28-77.
Yearley, S. (2005). Figuring out risks. Making Sense of Science: Understanding the Social Study of Science. London, Sage: 129-142.
The “Precautionary Principle”
Andrew Jordan and Timothy O’Riordan, “The Precautionary Principle in Contemporary Environmental Policy and Politics,” in Carolyn Raffensperger and Joel Ticknor, eds., Protecting Public Health and the Environment: Implementing the Precautionary Principle (Island Press, 1999), 15-35.
Aaron Wildavsky, “Trial and Error versus Trial without Error,” in Julian Morris, ed., Rethinking Risk and the Precautionary Principle (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000), 22-45.
Myers, N. (2004). "The rise of the precautionary principle: A social movement gains strength." Multinational Monitor(September): 9-15; (viewed 14 Aug. 05)
Alan McHughen, Pandora’s Picnic Basket: Potential and Hazards of Genetically Modified Foods (Oxford, 2000)
David Magnus and Arthur Caplan, “The Primacy of the Moral in the GMO Debates,” in Michael Ruse and David Castle, eds., Genetically Modified Foods: (Prometheus, 2002), 80-87. ERes
Mark Sagoff, “Genetic Engineering and the Concept of the Natural,” Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly(Spring/Summer 2001) 21: 2-10.
Bereano, P. (2003). "Trans-Atlantic Food Fight." Gene Watch 16(3), (viewed 4 Sept. 05)
Cass R. Sunstein, Risk and Reason: Safety, Law, and the Environment (Cambridge, 2002), 153-90.
Rachel Carson, “One in Every Four,” Silent Spring (1962), 219-43.
Allen Mazur, “Disputes among Experts.” Minerva (1973) 11:243-63.
Sheila Jasanoff, “Harmonization--The Politics of Reasoning Together,” The Politics of Chemical Risk, R. Bal and W. Halffman, eds. (Kluwer, 1998), 173-94. ERes
Bruce Ames, Renae Magaw, & Lois Gold, “Ranking Possible Carcinogenic Hazards,” Science (1987) 236: 271-80.
Aaron Wildavsky, “No Runs, No Hits, No Errors: The Asbestos and Alar Scares,” But Is It True? (Harvard, 1995), 185-221.
Robert Proctor. “Natural Carcinogens and the Myth of Toxic Hazards,” Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes What We Know and Don’t Know about Cancer (Basic Books, 1995), 133-52. E-Res
Cole, Leonard, Element of Risk: The Politics of Radon. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1993. Ch. 2, “The Science of Uncertainty”
Conflicting Theories
Scott Sagan, The Limits of Safety: Organizations, Accidents, and Nuclear Weapons (Princeton, 1993), 3-52.
Robert Pool, “When Safety is Not an Option,” Technology Review (July 1997), 39-45. ERes
Charles Perrow, “Normal Accident at Three Mile Island,” Transaction (1981), 17-26.
Case Studies
Richard Feynman, "An Outsider's Inside View of the Challenger Inquiry," Physics Today (1988), 26-37.
Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch, “The Naked Launch: Assigning Blame for the Challenger Explosion,” The Golem at Large: What You Should Know about Technology (Cambridge, 1998), 30-56. ERes
William Langewiesche, “The Lessons of ValuJet 592,” Atlantic Monthly (March 1998), 81-98.
Hernstein, Richard and Charles Murray, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. 1996.
Jacoby, Russel, and Naomi Glauberman, eds. The Bell Curve Debate: History, Documents, Opinions. 1995.
Gould, Steven Jay, The Mismeasure of Man (revised and expanded edition). W.W. Norton, NY. 1996.
Lewontin, Richard, It Ain’t Necessarily So: The dream of the human genome and other illusions (second edition). New York Review Books, NY. 2001. Ch. 1., “The Inferiority Complex”
Freese, J., B. Powell and L. C. Steelman (1999). "Rebel without a cause or effect; Birth order and social attitudes." American Sociological Review 64: 207-231.
Gilbert, S. F. (1988). “Cellular Politics.” In The American Development of Biology, ed. R. Rainger, K. Benson, and J. Maienschein. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 311-345.
Taylor, P. J. (2004). "What can we do? -- Moving debates over genetic determinism in new directions." Science as Culture 13(3): 331-355.
Evolution & Creationism
Various authors, “The Talk.Origins Archive.”
Midgley, M. (2004). "On the origin of creationism." New Scientist(25 Dec.): 29.
Media representations
Edwards, P. E. (1997). The terminator meets commander data: Cyborg identity in the New World Order. Changing Life: Genomes, Ecologies, Bodies, Commodities. P. J. Taylor, S. E. Halfon and P. E. Edwards. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press: 14-35.
Marchessault, J. and K. Sawchuk, Eds. (2000). Wild Science: Reading Feminism, Medicine, and the Media. London, Routledge.
Lee, Kai, Compass and Gyroscope. Island Press. 1995
Porritt, Jonathon, Playing Safe: Science and the Environment. Thames and Hudson. 2001
Gendered Perspectives
Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring (various publishers). 1962. Ch. 1-8, 15, 16.
Hynes, Patricia, The Recurring Silent Spring. Elsevier Science.
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