Term 2
Year 1
Learning outcomes / Learning sequence / Resources / ObservationsWeek 1 – Day 7 / Term 1 observation - 2012-03-26 - Natasha Inquiry Quite determined to make own choice on questions, books, enthusiastic around the topic dolphins, able to collect information . Explicit teaching of information to answer questions present. Has typed up her information, explored two books and Internet to answer her questions. Ready to publish .
Natasha -Inquiry - How can we sort out the information gathered?
Introduce the skill of paragraphing / Using highlighters categorise the information collected / Highlighters
Information printed / Natasha able to identify connections
2012-04-29 - Natasha Writing piece has incorporated areas beyond the questions. Modeled the process to group sentences according to a topic. Used highlighters to do this. Natasha able to find sentences that had common topics. Natasha was keen to join group doing Anzac work so session finished earlier. Next step is to form together so to have paragraphs. And begin mapping out on project paper. Sharing with bunbury or other dolphin researchers would be good via skype. ICT dragging & dropping -
Week 2 – Day 1 – April 23rd
Natasha – Planning for audience. How can we make it interesting and manageable for our audience?
Focus on: Act it out strategy
Aims -to manipulate objects to solve authentic problemsperform roles and mimic actions to find solutions / On computer - Begin final copy of information report, layout for audience to be discussed. Drag & drop the highlighted information into categories. / Computer / Natasha was interested in the classes Anzac work, so was keen to get back. Wants more support with drag & drop skill on computer.
Week 3 – Day 6 – April 30th
Natasha - Continue…. Planning for audience. How can we make it interesting and manageable for our audience?
Problem solving group- What’s an effective way to introduce a new game to our class? Create questions to clarify process / Computer/ draft & highlights
Print final copy next task is to organise the layout.
Students explored a new game Sleeping Queens with abrief explanation from a year 4 and the instructions to overlay. Students apply the new knowledge to the game and form questions for next week so to ponder on playing the game effectively. / Game sleeping queens
Instructions / Natasha – distraction / strategies to stay focussed.
2012-04-30 - Natasha - independent creating writing information report , drag & drop word, explored the ? ...problem solving
2012-05-01 - Natasha - transfers single words into questions when organizing the information about dolphins
2012-04-30 - Archer - anxious around winning / losing in sleeping queens gameArcher – anxious about game outcome
2012-04-30 - Noah - picked up the concept of the game easily. Was able to explain and recall instructions clearly was able to clarify for others,
2012-04-30 - Massimo - holds onto the key cards that prevents strategic moves in sleeping queens- needs support in strategizing
Week 4 – Day 1 – May 7th / Learning sequence / Resources / Observations
Natasha – share learning
Problem solve using known fragments of a game and questions for further exploration
How do we best learn/ understand? / Discuss new questions and link with dolphins support group.
Continue game of sleeping queens - groups of 3, students ask questions for clarification; collectively solve problems that arise using the framework.
Discuss what has helped us learn the game? / Sleeping queens 2 packets
Problem solving framework
Instructions / Natasha wanting to wait a while for conversation with support group.
Massimo is making his thinking more visible and strategy is sound. He has set a new goal for next week to ensure he is safe before collecting queen.
2012-05-07 - Noah - Picked game rules / procedures quickly Able to explain to others in first game. Strategic in his plans, in an open hand didn't take the heart queen ‘cos knew Edward had a dragon Demonstrates ability to accept loss, wants to write up rules for others
Noah & Andrea very strategic and positive in game situation
Stirling understanding of the game is high.
Edward very strong minded and determined
2012-05-07 - Andrea Very capable, understands game, reflective, aware of next steps
2012-05-07 - Edward Quite frustrated with hand in first round, didn't like to be suggested options ... Own way, learnt in the 2nd game a strategy to put kings out when protected.
2012-05-07 - Massimo 1st game - no strategy evident, 2nd game - strategy is to not put kings out till later, he didn't do this till later and then realized he had made an error. Plans to Next week will put card out earlier.Noisy
2012-05-07 - Stirling Picked up rules well 2nd time remembered key elements Revel give on how to approach it next time.
2012-05-07 - Archer - quite anxious about the game and not winning
Week 5 – May 14th
Inquiry planning Charlie, Noah & Andrea
Problem solve using fragments of a game
Create questions to clarify process / Review goal from last week.
Continue game of sleeping queens - groups of 3, students ask questions for clarification; collectively solve problems that arise using the framework.
When teaching others what is something to be mindful of? Create a list of rules and expected behaviours.
Plan how to teach others
Review goal / Sleeping queens 2 packets
Problem solving framework
Look like feel like sound like when playing games effectively. / Noah has alot of areas he'd like to explore further. He has narrowed it down to chess. First question ' what is the chess board made of.
2012-05-14 - Natasha Completing the first inquiry ... Need to evaluate process and celebrate her new understandings .... What do with this now? Connections with dolphin centre port Phillip bay?
2012-05-14 – Charlie - very excited and has a wealth of knowledge. Creating questions were easy for him and he is naturally curious.
2012-05-14 - Noah working well to be an effective game player . Archer showed signs of rational thinking when playing
Week 6 – May 21st
Inquiry planning Natasha, Charlie, Noah & Andrea
Apply understanding of the game to inform others of how to play. Students discuss and record the way they learn. Plan for whole class learning / Play the game & plan for how to teach someone else the game, using Charlie as an example
Students discuss and record the way they learn. Plan for whole class learning process / Charlie Year 1 blue join coach team
Game x2 / Natasha layout
Week 7 - May 28th
Inquiry – Planning ,
Apply understanding of the game to inform others of how to play. / Natasha plan phone call to dolphin centre
Charlie identify resources
Andrea / Noah continue to plan
Share how people learn notes
Explain how we have been practising learning a new game. Now as coaches ….Fish bowl with two people watching the hands of the coach. Make thinking visible / Students work in class
Game x4
Week 8 – June 4th
Play game with class / Discuss role of coach to start to step back….
Play game in class
Week 9 – June 11th
Queens Birthday week
Week 10 – June 18th
What did we learn about learning? / Play game
What did we learn?
Set new goal for term 3 about learning to learn
Year 2
Learning outcomes / Learning sequence / Resources / ObservationsWeek 1
Getting to know students interests and capabilities / In classes supporting the teachers learning sequence / Rosie- brother, sister, autumn leaves
Marcus – fishing, chestnut tree, sisters 3 & 9, andy Griffiths books
Luke – popcorn smell,
Zoe – gold coast
Ryan sister 5, Essendon
Nick , hawthorn, lego, phillip island, melb victory
Darcy – somers
Oliver – cricket
Lottie – missed grandparents
Week 2
Receive feedback on how the group can work.
Gauge mental computation ability.
Introduce and explore a problem solving strategy – act it out within the problem solving framework
Manipulate objects to solve authentic problems, perform roles and mimic actions to find solutions.
Reflection on ways of learning / Introduce role as school problem solvers.
If a =1 what is your Name worth?
Introduce the act out strategy by working out how many possibilities there are for us to work together if in pairs. In threes, act it out.
Reflection cards - what did we do when we were learning today? / Counters
Reflection cards / Darcy quick to pick up instructions,
RosieArjen able to articulate multiplicative thinking when problem solving.
Week 3
Set norms for working effectively together
Apply the problem solving strategy of ‘act out’
Reinforce building to ten skills - Rehearse number facts for make ten / Review what a good listener would do / ask good questions. Model effective and ineffective approaches in asking appropriate questions.
Review the problem solving strategy ‘act out’ and what we explored the week beforehand.
With a partner - apply ‘act out’ to Problem solving situations – zoo, bird / tigers, trucks & amount of cars, balls even in a box, wheels on wagon/bike.
Individually acted out- how many coming for dinner from the Gordon family?
Relate to own family and how many – act it out.
Make a ten game / Problem solving framework
Oral problem solving questions
Legs , how many animals?
Counters / Arjen mental computations high, conceptually able to deal with numbers
Luke and Oscar difficulty organising selves
Arjen strong personality so can overshadow capable students when partnered up – move around the partners
Lottie – uses multiplicative thinking
Ryan applied knowledge of odd numbers features
Darcy – created a problem with 1/4s and 1/2s
Zoe/Lottie – challenged by 7 apples in a bag … how many in three bags.
Darcy 2 x 7 = 14 then finger counted 7 more to get to 21
Week 4 - conference
Week 5 – May 15th / Small group
Final session on exploring the strategy ‘act it out’
Asking relevant questions / 1st problem from Glen – pit near sandpit overflowing
Using the problem solving framework begin to collect useful information / wonderings / possible solutions / Photo with data / ideas
Ryan thoughtful – required time for thinking
Week 6 – May 22nd
Discuss feedback from Glen re problem
Make a ten game - and then I know 10-8 = 2 or 18 +2 = 20 / Glenys –next problem – catering / petty cash.
Cubes/ blocks
Week 7 – May 29th
Introduce new strategy – draw a picture / Build use __ cubes even height , m
Week 8 – June 5th
Year 3
Goals linked to :
Decimals - language, ordering,
Fractions - ordering, adding & splitting, unusual
Add & subtract – 5-6 digit
Strategies for problem solving
Learning outcomes / Learning sequence / Resources / ObservationsWeek 1
Where’s the maths? / Students make a list of the maths involved in games on iPad.
Students use the language of fractions when exploring partitioning of collections of 100 / Magic Number lines
iPads / Lucy curiosity took her to exploring ¼ & ¾ of a collection
Gillian noticed a pattern that if 1/5 of 100 is 20 + 4/5 ‘s is 80 cos 4 x 1
Week 2
Introduce the strategy of / Students use the language and value of decimals counting by tenths.
Begin the unpacking of their topic / Magic number lines
computers / Thomas enjoys the independence Thomas M By June Thomas will be able to use decimal language and order decimals strategies to support working with unknown numbers within a equation Thomas - which decimal is highest , how are fractions like / connected to decimals , ques to the group - how do u add decimals ? Thomas - adjective / avatar, starts wars, Mario karts, biggie boarding, basketball, reading, music except JB , slurpees
Charlie Rowsthorn By June Charlie will able to use the language to add and subtract 5-6 digit numbers ,& language of decimal Charlie adding & subtracting 5-6 numbers Charles rowsthorn Middle ear dysfunction - Communication difficulties - noise in background, not too much at once, visual & auditor cues , short sentences , pause between instsurtions , small groups, Charles - magical, singer, arty, eats, gamer, skiing
Will By June Will will be able to play around with fractions by ordering, adding them and splitting them Will - 1/2 is bigger than a quarter , add two fractions to make a fraction Will - mine craft , sport, basketball,
By June nic will be able to identify unusual fractions and order fractions Nick - quiet not like challenge, tennis, drums, mine craft
Week 3
Where the maths? / Counting by tenths , adding 0.5 + 0.5
Reflections on goal, new information, share what you know with others. … explored what is the denominator , and improper fractions on a numberline.
Where are fractions in real life ?
Complete unpacking of topic / Polystyrene balls x
Goal sheets / No Lucy or Will
Gillian By June Gillian will have two new strategies to support problem solving / when working with 5-6 digit numbers & decimals gillian - conceptual understandings of fractions is high, able to explain and justify combining fractions .Maths inquiry - may look at ratio , Gillian - vertical algorithm , problem solving - draw pictures Gilian - tooth case & waiting 4 front teeth to fal out , piano, violin, gymnast,
Sasha By June Sasha will have two new strategies to support problem solving / when working 5-6 digits numbers & decimals Sasha - what does e decimal point mean? Question to group is it a decimal dot or decimal ? Sasha Lippman Assessed Stanford Binet intelligence scales 5th edition, Understood instructions week, perseverance , focussed & motivated , Superior range 98th , Strength in verbal skills , knowledge & verbal working memory & non verbal skills , Can grasp concepts very quickly, retain information extremely well, Can work ahead in same age peers in many areas Recommendation Challenge & maintain her interest , Program multi faceted & extension , Tracey has full report Sasha - Speech & drama, basketball, piano,
Week 4 x conference / Learning paths
Week 5 / Share the unpacking of the topic- advice from others/ where is my goal?
Game of matching symbol with concrete and joining parts together / AshwinLunn By June ashwin will be able to add all types of fractions together. Ash win - quiet in big group ,Ashwin - shared knowledge about adding fractions Ash win - soccer, sporty
Week 6 – 22nd May
Use Decimal language
When adding decimals what are the similarities to adding ones/ tens? / Explicit teaching/through games
- Tug of war using language of decimal
- Adding fractions with concrete materials
- Adding decimals using dice game and vertical algorithm
- Fractions of a tape measure
- What do effective mathematicians do?
Lucy aha with adding decimals
2012-05-26 - In maths enrichment Nick is aiming to order fractions , both proper and improper. Nick responds well to the application component of our skills sessions.
2012-05-26 - In maths enrichment Will is aiming to understand the principles around ordering, adding and separating fractions. Will is able to find a variety of mathematics in every day life.
2012-05-26 - In maths enrichment Charlie is aiming to use the language when working with 5-6 digit numbers and aiming to be able to add and subtract 5-6 digit numbers.
2012-05-23 - In maths enrichment Thomas is demonstrating the ability to use decimal language and order decimals. His curiosity and enthusiasm about new skills and knowledge adds a strong element to our learning group.
2012-05-23 - In maths enrichment Gillian is able to articulate and identify evidence in achieving her goal of developing two new strategies to support problem solving and work with 5-6 digit numbers including decimals. Gillian's shares her knowledge and understandings succinctly in her learning .
2012-05-23 - In maths enrichment Sasha is aiming to develop two new strategies to support problem solving whilst working with 5-6 digits numbers. Sasha is curious and contributes to our learning group with interesting questions for us to ponder over. ,
2012-05-23 - In Maths enrichment Ashwin Is focussed on achieving his goal to be able to add fractions. With prompting he is able to identify where maths is in the newspaper, games and soccer.
Week 7 – 29th May
Planning for Maths inquiry / Survey
Excel collecting data / problem solving / present / Computers – excel
Week 8 – June 4th
Beginning maths inquiry / Maths Inquiry steps and options
Week 9 - Queen’s birthday week
testing / Assessment of areas of focus
Year 4
Learning outcomes / Learning sequence / Resources / ObservationsWeek 1
Where’s the maths? / Students explore the maths present in the newspaper
Use the language of Millions / to thousandths. In pairs with flip book … what’s the number?
Reflect on Goal what I know … want to know…
Geometric language –share new language
Reflection cards / Magic Numberlines
Week 2 Anzac Day
Develop questions and areas related to a maths inquiry / Begin the unpacking of the inquiry focus. / Magic numberlines
Week 3
Where the maths?
Language and concepts of decimals / Weather in Melbourne, ?? negative numbers
Students use the language and value of decimals counting by tenths.
Counting by tenths- what’s the next number …..number chart
Unpacking of the topic- advice from others/ where is my goal?
Game of place value include subtraction / Interview Glenn/ Kate
Week 4 / Learning Paths
Link/ compare whole number elements with fractions
Introduce the strategy – look for patterns / Game of place value include subtraction
Students use the language fractions True / false – a whole number …. A fraction …..
Will u do it in your head?
Look for a pattern
Year 5
Learning outcomes / Learning sequence / Resources / ObservationsWeek 1
Week 2
5 White – PROBE testing
5Blue - Survey & picture storybook feeling
Week 3
5 White
Survey & picture storybook feeling,
5 Blue
Select a book – illustration / text links – survey
Week 4
5 White
Select a book – illustration / text links – survey
5 Blue
Look over the favourite stories from own group and 5 white group / Email survey
Week 6
Look over each other’s explanation of the text / illustration link. Match book to description. Make a group statement about illustrations and words working together and stylistic features.
Research about 1. The author – motivation/ inspiration/ message/ selection of characters
Example wolves in the Site – highlight reorganising … describe character using sections of the book as author reveals character traits
2. Using Gap -minder - what was happening at that time - events, lifestyle changes, values, global activity.
Year 6