Kindergarten Curriculum Map – DRAFT
Trimester 1 / Trimester 2 / Trimester 3Science / Block C
Physical Science – GLE1:Objects can move in a variety of ways that can be described by speed and direction[Delta Where Is It? Is It Moving?] / Block B
Physical Science – GLE 1: Objects can be sorted by physical properties, which can be observed and measured[FOSS Fabric or FOSS Wood and Paper] / Block A
Earth Systems Science – GLE 1: The Sun provides heat and light to Earth
Life Science – GLE 2: Organisms can be described and sorted by their physical characteristics [FOSS Trees or FOSS Animals 2x2]
Literacy Integration / Speaking and Listening
1.1 Communicate effectively while describing familiar people, places, things, and events. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.1.a
1.2 Engage effectively in collaborative discussions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.2.a.i, 1.1.d
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.e, 2.2.j
2.5 Use a range of strategies to determine and use new words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.5.a, 2.5.b, 2.5.b.i
3.2 Plan, organize, write, and publish informative/explanatory and opinion pieces. Sample Evidence Outcomes:
4.1 Participate in shared research projects by recalling information from experiences and gathering information from sources to answer questions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.1.a, 4.1.b.ii / Speaking and Listening
1.1 Communicate effectively while describing familiar people, places, things, and events. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.1.b
1.2 Engage effectively in collaborative discussions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.2.a.ii, 1.2.b, 1.2.c
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.d, 2.2.g, 2.2.i, 2.2.j
2.5 Use a range of strategies to determine and use new words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.5.a, 2.5.a.i, 2.5.a.ii, 2.5.b, 2.5.b.iv, 2.5.c
3.2 Plan, organize, write, and publish informative/explanatory and opinion pieces. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.c
4.1 Participate in shared research projects by recalling information from experiences and gathering information from sources to answer questions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.1.a, 4.1.b, 4.1.b.i, 4.1.b.ii, 4.1.b.iv / Speaking and Listening
1.1 Communicate effectively while describing familiar people, places, things, and events. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.1.e, 1.1.f
1.2 Engage effectively in collaborative discussions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.2.a.ii, 1.2.b, 1.2.c
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.d, 2.2.f, 2.2.g, 2.2.h, 2.2.i, 2.2.j
2.5 Use a range of strategies to determine and use new words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.5.a, 2.5.a.ii, 2.5.b, 2.5.b.ii, 2.5.b.iii, 2.5.b.v, 2.5.c
3.2 Plan, organize, write, and publish informative/explanatory and opinion pieces. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.b, 3.2.c, 3.2.d
4.1 Participate in shared research projects by recalling information from experiences and gathering information from sources to answer questions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.1.a, 4.1.a.i., 4.1.a.ii, 4.1.a.iii, 4.1.b, 4.1.b.ii, 4.1.b.iii, 4.1.b.iv
Social Studies / Civics
4.1 Participate in making decisions using democratic traditions
4.2 Civic participation takes place in multiple groups
3.1 Ownership as a component of economics / History
1.1 Ask questions, share information and discuss ideas about the past
1.2 The first component in the concept of chronology is to place information in sequential order / Geography
2.1People belong to different groups and live in different places around the world that can be found on a map or globe
3.2 Discuss how purchases can be made to meet wants and needs (PFL)
1.1 Ask questions, share information and discuss ideas about the past
Literacy Skill Development / Speaking and Listening
1.3Hear, identify and use syllables and sounds in spoken words to make meaning.Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.3.a.i, 1.3a,ii,1.3.a.iii,
2.1 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading literature. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.1.e, 2.1.i
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.e, 2.2.j
2.3 Use concepts of print and the understanding of spoken words to apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.b, 2.3.c, 2.3.d, 2.3.f, 2.3.g, 2.3.i, 2.3.l, 2.3.n, 2.3.p
2.4 Read texts for meaning, to gain confidence, and fluency. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.4.a
2.5 Use a range of strategies to determine and use new words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.5.a, 2.5.b, 2.5.b.i
3.1 Plan, organize, write, and publish narratives. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.1.a
3.2 Plan, organize, write, and publish informative/explanatory and opinion pieces. Sample Evidence Outcomes:
3.3 Apply conventions of standard English grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling consistently. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.3.a, 3.3.a.i, 3.3.a.vii, 3.3.a, viii, 3.3.a.ix, 3.3.b, 3.3.b.iii / Speaking and Listening
1.3Hear, identify and use syllables and sounds in spoken words to make meaning.
Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.3.a.iii, 1.3.a.iv,
2.1 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading literature. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.1.a, 2.1.b, 2.1.d, 2.1.g, 2.1.i
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.d, 2.2.g, 2.2.i, 2.2.j
2.3 Use concepts of print and the understanding of spoken words to apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.a, 2.3.e, 2.3.f, 2.3.h, 2.3.j, 2.3.l, 2.3.m, 2.3.n, 2.3.p, 2.3.q
2.4 Read texts for meaning, to gain confidence, and fluency. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.4.a
2.5 Use a range of strategies to determine and use new words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.5.a, 2.5.a.i, 2.5.a.ii, 2.5.b, 2.5.b.iv, 2.5.c
3.1 Plan, organize, write, and publish narratives. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.1.a, 3.1.b
3.2 Plan, organize, write, and publish informative/explanatory and opinion pieces. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.c
3.3 Apply conventions of standard English grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling consistently. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.3.a, 3.3.a.i, 3.3.a.ii, 3.3.a.v, 3.3.a.vii, 3.3.b, 3.3.b.i, 3.3.b.ii, 3.3.b.iii, 3.3.b.iv / Speaking and Listening
1.3Hear, identify and use syllables and sounds in spoken words to make meaning.
Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.3.a.iv,1.3.a.v,
2.1 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading literature. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.1.a, 2.1.b, 2.1.c, 2.1.d, 2.1.f, 2.1.g, 2.1.h, 2.1.i
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.d, 2.2.f, 2.2.g, 2.2.h, 2.2.i, 2.2.j
2.3 Use concepts of print and the understanding of spoken words to apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.e, 2.3.f, 2.3.k, 2.3.l, 2.3.o, 2.3.p, 2.3.q
2.4 Read texts for meaning, to gain confidence, and fluency. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.4.a
2.5 Use a range of strategies to determine and use new words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.5.a, 2.5.a.ii, 2.5.b, 2.5.b.ii, 2.5.b.iii, 2.5.b.v, 2.5.c
3.1 Plan, organize, write, and publish narratives. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.1.b, 3.1.c
3.2 Plan, organize, write, and publish informative/explanatory and opinion pieces. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.b, 3.2.c, 3.2.d
3.3 Apply conventions of standard English grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling consistently. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.3.a, 3.3.a.ii, 3.3.a.iii, 3.3.a.iv, 3.3.a.v,, 3.3.b, 3.3.b.i, 3.3.b.ii, 3.3.b.iii, 3.3.b.iv
Mathematics / Number Sense – GLE 1: Whole numbers can be used to name, count, represent, and order quantity. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.1.c.ii, 1.1.c.iii, 1.1.b.i
Number Sense – GLE 2: Composing and decomposing quantity forms the foundation for addition and subtraction. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.2.a.i, 1.2b
Shape, Dimension and Geometry – GLE 1: Shapes are described by their characteristics and position and created by composing and decomposing. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 4.1.a.i, 4.1.a.ii
Shape, Dimension and Geometry – GLE 2:
Measurement is used to compare and order objects. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 4.2.a.ii, 4.2.a.iii, 4.2.b.i,
4.2.b.ii / Number Sense – GLE 1: Whole numbers can be used to name, count, represent, and order quantity. Example: Evidence Outcomes:
1.1.a.iii, 1.1.b.ii
Shape, Dimension and Geometry – GLE 1: Shapes are described by their characteristics and position and created by composing and decomposing. Example: Evidence Outcomes:
Shape, Dimension and Geometry – GLE 2:
Measurement is used to compare and order objects. Example: Evidence Outcomes:
4.2.a.i / Number Sense – GLE 1: Whole numbers can be used to name, count, represent, and order quantity. Example: Evidence Outcomes:
1.1.a.i, 1.1.c.i.
Number Sense – GLE 2: Composing and decomposing quantity forms the foundation for addition and subtraction. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.2.a.ii, 1.2.a.iii,1.2.a.iv, 1.2.a.v, 1.2.c
Shape, Dimension and Geometry – GLE 1: Shapes are described by their characteristics and position and created by composing and decomposing. Example: Evidence Outcomes:
Shape, Dimension and Geometry – GLE 2:
Measurement is used to compare and order objects. Example: Evidence Outcomes:4.2.a.iv
Health / Physical and Personal Wellness – GLE 2:
Explain how personal hygiene and cleanliness affect wellness
Emotional and Social Wellness – GLE 1 Exhibits understanding that one’s actions impact others: on going learning
Emotional and Social Wellness – GLE 1e:
Explains the concept of friendship
Emotional and Social Wellness – GLE 1f:
Explains the importance of appreciating self and others
Prevention and Risk Management –GLE 2:
Explain safe behavior as a pedestrian and with motor vehicles
Prevention and Risk Management –GLE 3:
Effective communication skills in unsafe situations / Emotional and Social Wellness – GLE 1g:
Identifies likenesses and differences among people
Prevention and Risk Management –GLE 1:
Identify the importance of respecting the personal space and boundaries of self and others / Physical and Personal Wellness – GLE 1:
Identify the major food groups and the benefits of eating a variety of foods
Physical and Personal Wellness – GLE 2d:
Explain positive out comes from brushing and flossing teeth daily
Physical and Personal Wellness – GLE 2e:
Demonstrate steps for proper brushing and flossing of teeth