Syllabus & Expectations

Summer Hamilton

(817) 237-3314

Room A248

Conference Time: 10:00 – 10:50am

Course Description

The English I grade level course is designed to address specific skills through the use of various forms and cultures of literature. You will be challenged to do the following:

·  Think critically

·  Write critically

·  Connect literature to concrete, real-world situations

In addition to the examination of literature, you’ll be given adequate preparation for the English I EOC test in conjunction with the literature we read. The English I EOC test will be March 30, 2015.


Much of the literature we read will be found in our textbook. Our “official” textbook is:

·  Holt McDougal Literature, Texas, 2010

If you (or your parent) wishes to check out a book for home use, please let me know and I will provide you with instructions on how to obtain a text book.


You will adhere to the EMS-ISD attendance policy. The policy states that you must not miss more than 9 school days in a six-month period for any class. If more than 9 days are missed, you will be denied credit in the class.

Tardy Policy

You will be expected to be on time to class each day. If you are not in class before the bell rings, you are tardy. The tardy policy is as follows (and will also be posted in class):

1st tardy = warning

2nd tardy = detention

3rd tardy = referral


If you know you’re going to be absent, please see me prior to your absence and I will provide you with the work you will miss. If you are unexpectedly absent, please see me the day you return to class and I will provide you with your work and the form below. Per the absence policy, you have two days for every day you’re absent to make up an assignment. Please don’t wait to get your missing assignments!

Note: The only time(s) you will be given extra time to complete an assignment is if you’re absent on the day the assignment is given or the day an assignment is due. Extra time will not be given in situations that involve advanced notice of deadlines. For example, if you receive an assignment on Monday with a given deadline of Friday, and you’re absent on Tuesday, you will still be expected to turn in the assignment on Friday.

Missing Assignments

If you don’t have an assignment on the day it’s due (for any reason), you will need to complete the below form.

You may complete the work on your own or you may visit me during tutorials before or after school. If you consistently struggle turning in your work, assigned tutorials may be warranted at my discretion.


Tutorials will be offered in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. Tutorials are traditionally meant to provide individualistic instruction to students who are struggling with various concepts. This definition still applies, however, tutorials may also be assigned for the following reasons:

·  Complete missing assignments

·  Reteach concepts

·  Take/Retake a test

·  Failure to comply with tardy policy

·  Mandatory State testing preparation (individual students will be notified)

My “official” tutorial times are Monday/Wednesday 4:20 pm – 4:50 pm and Tuesday/Thursday 8:30 am – 9:00 am

If you’re unable to meet at any of these times, I’m open to making alternative arrangements with you. Tutorials will also be offered during the last 20 minutes of your lunch period (BOS Time) in room W-114. ELA teachers will be alternating this responsibility.

Late/Missing Work

All guidelines are taken directly from the EMS-ISD grading policy.

·  One day late = 85 (maximum)

o  The grade received on a 100-point scale will be multiplied by .85

·  Two days late = 70 (maximum)

o  The grade received on a 100-point scale will be multiplied by .70

·  Three days late = 60 (maximum)

o  The grade received on a 100-point scale will be multiplied by .60

·  No late work will be accepted after 3 school days

This is a good time to let you know that if you are struggling with an assignment or if life “just gets in the way,” that I am willing to work with you if you’re willing to keep the lines of communication open. Let me know what’s going on so that we can arrange a time for you to make up your work.

When you’re turning in an assignment late for any reason (sickness, “just because”), please complete the below form, staple it to your assignment, and turn it into the tray.

Grading Policy

In order to adhere to EMS-ISD’s grading policy, grades will be categorized as follows:

·  60% - Major tests, projects, etc…(minimum of 3 major grades)

·  40% - Daily work, quizzes on reading selections and vocabulary, journal writing, etc… (number of grades is at teacher’s discretion)

Grades should be entered for an assignment within 3-5 days of the due date. If I’m unable to make that deadline, I will let you know ahead of time. For major projects or papers, more time will be required.


Boswell High School is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) campus. Although I encourage the use of technology in the classroom for surveys, quizzes, etc., the only time that you should have your Technical Instructional Device (cell phone) out is when I mention that we will be using it. Otherwise, it should remain in your bag or pocket on silent or vibrate.