Connecting to a Visual Display

VGA Display

When connecting to a VGA display, be sure to securely connect VGA cable from back of monitor to BrailleNote VGA port.

Steps / Description / Dots
  1. Go to the Main Menu
/ Space + 1,2,3,4,5,6
  1. Press space + o for the Options menu
/ Space +1,3,5
  1. Press v to connect to a Visual Display
/ 1,2,3,6
  1. Choose visual connection by pressing v for visual display
/ 1,2,3,6

Wireless display with VNCApp

When connecting to a wireless display, make sure that both devices are on the same wireless network. (See “wireless connection” handout)

Download and open the VNC viewer application by RealVNC.

Steps / Description / Dots
  1. Go to the Main Menu
/ Space+ 1,2,3,4,5,6
  1. Press space + o for the Options menu
/ Space +1,3,5
  1. Press v to connect to a Visual Display
/ 1,2,3,6
  1. Choose visual connection by pressing W for wireless
/ 2 options: “v” connects to VGA port. “w” connects to any wireless display. / 1,2,3,6
  1. Press Enter
/ Enter
  1. Go to iOS device, press the plus sign to add a connection

  1. Read the IP address number on the braille display and enter it exactly as written into the VCN app address field
/ May use third thumb key to advance display to read number or space + r for audio
  1. Tap Name and give the connection a name.
/ If you are going to connect using different wireless connections youcan name and save each connection.)
  1. Tap save

  1. On BrailleNote, press n to skip password set up
/ Option to press y and set up secure password / 1,3,4,5
  1. On iOS device, tap connect

  1. Encyption page will display on iOS device, tap connect

  1. To close the connection, tap the X on the mobile device screen. Tap disconnect, and the connection will be closed

Troubleshooting Tips

If you need to find the IP address:

  • Go to Main Menu
  • Space + o for Options Menu
  • c for Connectivity Menu
  • Press space until you hear “active connection details”
  • Press enter
  • Press space until you hear “wireless connection details”
  • Press enter
  • Press space until you hear “IP address.”

If your BrailleNote has more than one wireless connection and/or was previously connected to a different connection you should follow steps 1-8 on the Wireless Connection handout to double check that it is on the same network as your iOS device

If you are still having trouble connecting to the VCN app or visual display, reset your BrailleNote.

It is possible that the saved configuration’s IP address may change- double check settings to confirm.

Created by Stephanie Herlich and Yurika Vu

Permission to photocopy is granted for non-commercial purposes as long as this credit remains and the complete document remains unchanged.

March 31, 2015