Manningham Planning Scheme


Shown on the planning scheme map as DDO8


1.0 Design objectives

§  To increase residential densities and provide a range of housing types around activity centres and along main roads.

§  To encourage development that is contemporary in design that includes an articulated built form and incorporates a range of visually interesting building materials and façade treatments.

§  To encourage three storey, ‘apartment style’, developments within the Main Road sub-precinct and on larger lots in sub-precinct A.

§  To encourage two storey townhouse style dwellings with a higher yield within sub-precinct B.

§  To ensure three storey developments are sufficiently stepped down at the perimeter of the Main Road sub-precinct to provide an appropriate and attractive interface to sub-precinct A or B, or other adjoining zone, as identified on Map 1 to this Schedule.

§  Higher developments on the perimeter of sub-precinct A should be designed so that the height and form are sufficiently stepped down, so that the scale and form complement the interface of sub-precinct B or other adjoining zone, as identified on Map 1 to this Schedule.

§  To ensure new development is well articulated and upper storey elements are not unduly bulky or visually intrusive, taking into account the preferred neighbourhood character.

§  To ensure the scale, height and form of three storey developments are sufficiently stepped down at the perimeter of sub-precinct A to provide an appropriate and attractive interface to sub-precinct B, or other adjoining zone, as identified on Map 1 to this Schedule. – DOT POINT TO BE DELETED AND REPLACED WITH MODIFIED WORDING AS SHOWN IN DOT POINT 5 ABOVE.

§  To encourage spacing between developments to minimise a continuous building line when viewed from a street.

§  To ensure the design and siting of dwellings have regard to the future development opportunities and future amenity of adjoining properties.

§  To ensure overlooking into adjoining properties is minimised.

§  To ensure the design of carports and garages complement the design of the associated building.

§  To ensure the design of basement car parks complement the design of the building, minimises unsightly projections of basement walls above natural ground level and are sited to allow for effective screen planting.

§  To create a boulevard effect along Doncaster Road and Manningham Road by planting canopy trees within the front setback that are consistent with the street trees. – ‘WORDING ‘that are consistent with the street trees’ IS TO BE DELETED FROM THIS DOT POINT

§  To encourage landscaping around buildings to enhance separation between buildings and soften built form.

2.0 Buildings and works

Permit requirement

A permit is not required to construct or extend one dwelling on a lot more than 500 square metres.

Building Height & Setbacks

Any building or works must comply with the requirements set out in Table 1 and 2 of this Schedule.

Table 1 to Schedule 8

Sub-Precinct / Maximum Building Height / Condition regarding minimum lot size. / Street Setback
Main Road / 11 metres provided the condition regarding minimum lot size is met. If the condition is not met, the maximum height is 9 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than eight metres of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the maximum building must not exceed 10 metres. / 1800
square metres or greater. / For one dwelling on a lot:
·  Minimum front street setback is the distance specified in Clause 54.03-1 or 6* metres, whichever is the lesser.
·  Minimum side street setback is the distance specified in Clause 54.03-1.
For two or more dwellings on a lot or a residential building:
·  Minimum front street setback is the distance specified in Clause 55.03-1 or 6* metres, whichever is the lesser.
·  Minimum side street setback is the distance specified in Clause 55.03-1.

* Balconies, terraces, and verandahs may encroach within this setback by a maximum of 2.0m, but must not extend along the width of the building.

Table 2 to Schedule 8

Sub-Precinct / Maximum Building Height / Condition regarding minimum lot size. / Street Setback
A / 11 metres provided the condition regarding minimum lot size is met. If the condition is not met, the maximum height is 9 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than eight metres of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the maximum building must not exceed 10 metres. / 1800 square metres or greater. / For one dwelling on a lot:
·  Minimum front street setback is the distance specified in Clause 54.03-1 or 6* metres, whichever is the lesser.
·  Minimum side street setback is the distance specified in Clause 54.03-1.
For two or more dwellings on a lot or a residential building:
·  Minimum front street setback is the distance specified in Clause 55.03-1 or 6* metres, whichever is the lesser.
·  Minimum side street setback is the distance specified in Clause 55.03-1.
B / 9 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than eight metres of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the maximum building must not exceed 10 metres. / For one dwelling on a lot:
·  Minimum front street setback is the distance specified in Clause 54.03-1 or 6* metres, whichever is the lesser.
·  Minimum side street setback is the distance specified in Clause 54.03-1.
For two or more dwellings on a lot or a residential building:
·  Minimum front street setback is the distance specified in Clause 55.03-1 or 6* metres, whichever is the lesser.
·  Minimum side street setback is the distance specified in Clause 55.03-1.

* Balconies, terraces, and verandahs may encroach within this setback by a maximum of 2.0m, but must not extend along the width of the building.

A permit cannot be granted to vary the minimum lot size specified in Table 2 to this Schedule.

A permit cannot be granted to vary the maximum height size specified in Table 2 to this Schedule.


Development must:

§  Provide visual interest through articulation, glazing and variation in materials and textures;

§  Minimise buildings on boundaries to create spacing between developments.

§  Where appropriate, ensure that buildings are stepped down at the rear of sites to provide a gradual transition to the scale of the adjoining residential area; - WORD ‘gradual’ TO BE DELETED.

§  Ensure that the upper level of a two storey building provides adequate articulation to reduce the appearance of visual bulk and minimise continuous sheer wall presentation.

§  Ensure the upper level of a three storey building does not exceed 75% of the lower levels, unless it can be demonstrated that there is sufficient architectural interest to reduce the appearance of visual bulk and minimise continuous sheer wall presentation. – EXISTING DOT POINT RE-WORDED

§  Integrate porticos and other design features with the overall design of the building and not include imposing design features such as double storey porticos.

§  Be designed and sited to address slope constraints, including minimising views of basement projections and/or minimising the height of finished floor levels and providing appropriate retaining wall presentation. – EXISTING DOT POINT RE-WORDED

§  Be designed to minimise overlooking and avoid the excessive application of screen devices.

§  Seek design solutions which respect the principal of equitable access at the main entry of any building for people of all mobilities.

§  Ensure that projections of basement car parking above natural ground level do not result in excessive building height as viewed by neighbouring properties.

§  Ensure basement car parks are not visually obtrusive when viewed from the front of the site.

§  Ensure that building walls, including basements, are sited a sufficient distance from site boundaries to enable the planting of effective screen planting, including canopy trees, in larger spaces.

Car parking and Access

Development must:

§  Include only one vehicular crossover, wherever possible, to maximise availability of on street parking and to minimise disruption to pedestrian movement. Where possible, retain existing crossovers to minimise the removal of street tree(s). Driveways must be setback a minimum of 1.5m from any street tree, except in cases where a larger tree requires an increased setback.

§  Integrate car parking requirements into the design of buildings and landform by encouraging the use of undercroft or basement parking and minimise the use of open car park/half basement/ground storey car parks at street frontage. – DOT POINT RE-WORDED AND MOVED ABOVE UNDER ‘FORM’ SECTION

§  Ensure the setback of the basement car park is consistent with the front building setback and is setback a minimum of 4.0m from the rear boundary to enable effective landscaping to be established. – DELETED AND REPLACED WITH FOLLOWING DOT POINT

§  Ensure the setback of the basement car park does not extend beyond the built form of the upper levels of the building in the front and rear setback.

§  Ensure that where garages are located in the street elevation, they are set back a minimum of 1.0m from the front setback of the dwelling.

§  Ensure basement car parks are not visually obtrusive when viewed from the front of the site. – DOT POINT MOVED ABOVE UNDER ‘FORM’ SECTION

§  Ensure basement car parks are sited a sufficient distance from site boundaries to enable the planting of effective screen planting, including canopy trees. – DOT POINT MOVED ABOVE UNDER ‘FORM’ SECTION

§  Ensure that access gradients of basement carparks are designed appropriately to provide for safe and convenient access for vehicles and servicing requirements.


Development must:

§  On sites where a three storey development is proposed include at least 3 canopy trees within the front setback, which have a spreading crown and are capable of growing to a height of 8.0m or more at maturity.

§  On sites where one or two storey development is proposed include at least 1 canopy tree within the front setback, which has a spreading crown, and is capable of growing to a height of 8.0m or more at maturity.

§  Provide opportunities for planting along side boundaries in areas that assist in breaking up the length of continuous built form and/or soften the appearance of the built form.


A front fence must be at least 50 per cent transparent.

On sites that front Doncaster, Tram, Elgar, Manningham, Thompsons, Blackburn and Mitcham Roads, a fence must:

§  not exceed a maximum height of 1.8m

§  be setback a minimum of 1.0m from the front title boundary

and a continuous landscaping treatment within the 1.0m setback must be provided.

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Design and Development Overlay - Schedule 8 Page 1 of 5