Algebra 1 Sem 1 Part AReviewName ______

Solve each equation by showing all work. Round to nearest tenth if necessary. Recall some answers may be no solutions or all real solutions.

1. 5x – 12 182. x – 10 = 53.

4. 2m – 9 – 5m + 3 = 18 5. 6. x – = x +

7. 2(4x + 6) = 8. 3(x + 5) = 309. –2x + 12 20

10. 3(4x – 2) = 6(2x – 6)11. 12.

13. Solve using 1 step.14. Solve using two steps.

15. Find the value of x so the rectangles have the same area.

a) Equation: ______

b) x = ______

16. 17. Find the value of x in the given figure:

Angles inside  add up to 180.

a) Equation: ______a) Equation: ______

b) x = ______b) x = ______

c) ABC = ______

18. Find the sales tax of an item that costs $42 19. The price of a bag of oranges varies

and has a 8.25% sales tax. Round directly with the cost per pound. If 4

appropriately. pounds of oranges cost $14, how

much would 9 pounds cost?

Solve each inequality and accurately graph its solution

20. –4x + 7 1521. 3x + 6 > –3 AND 7 + 2x 15

22. Write the equation to find x.23. Write the equation to find x.

Equation: ______Equation: ______

24. Pam has 36 tapes in her collection. This 25. Connor is mailing some letters at the post

is as many as Bill has. Write an office. Stamps cost 44 cents each. He

algebraic equation for this situation. also needs to mail a package that costs

$8.45. Write aninequality to show how

many letters Connor can mail if he has

$12.00 to spend in total.

Accurately graph each compound inequality.

26. x < –1 or x > 227. x > –3 and x 1

Graph each inequality. (Solid or Dotted?) Don’t forget to SHADE.

28. x 329.

x / y
1 / –3
4 / 2
7 / 7
10 / 12
13 / 17

30. Find the slope for the table.31. Find the slope of the line through the

points (6, –2) and (6, –4)

Slope = _____Slope = _____

32. A balloon is released into the air. For the 33. Beck is drawing a rectangle on graph paper.

first 3 feet, it goes straight up in a vertical The equation y = –4x + 5 forms the top line of

line. What is the slope of this vertical line? the rectangle. Remembering that opposite

sides of rectangles are parallel, what is the

slope of the bottom line of the rectangle?

Slope = _____ Slope = _____

34. Find the slope of the linethrough35. What is the slope of the line perpendicular

(–1, 6) and (3, 8) to: y = 2x – 1?

Slope = _____ Slope = _____

36. In 1995, there were 144 area codes in 37. Find the slope of the hypotenuse, :

the United States. In 2005, there were

198. Find the rate of change from

1995 to 2005.

Slope = _____

38. a) Find slope of

b) Find slope of

c) Are the lines parallel, perpendicular or neither?

d) How do you know?

39. What is the slope and the y-intercept of the line40. Identify the intercepts.

6x – 3y = –12 4x + 10y = 20

slope: _____ y-int: _____ x-int: _____ y-int: _____

Graph each line accurately.

41. y = x – 442. 2y = –6x – 8

y = ______

43. y = –244. x = –2

45. a) Graph 6x + 9y = 18 by interceptsb) Graph 6x + 9y = 18 by solving for y

x-int = ____

y-int = ____y = ______

46. Choose the graph that shows x + 5y = –20