Minutes of the meeting of Welney Parish Council
held at The William Marshall Centre, Hurn Drove, Welney on Tuesday 5th July, 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllrs.K.Goodger (Chairman), Cllrs. H.Cowles, P.Edmunds, J.Elliott, R.Gilbert, G.Rainbird, 6 members of the public and the Clerk.
The Chairman opened the meeting by confirming that it was a great pleasure to welcome everyone to the first Parish Council Meeting in the new Community Centre. He expressed thanks to everyone over the past 30 years when the first committee decided to build a new hall for the village. He also thanked everyone who had worked hard to bring this new building into being, and hoped that everyone could now move forward for the benefit of the Village.
1. Apologies for absence – were received from Cllrs. L.Bombata and K.Cowles, Dist.Cllrs.V.Spilings and D.Pope, and C.Cllr.H.Humphrey
2. Declaration of Interests -None at this stage.
3. Public Participation
- Report of a pothole in the road outside the Old Hall
- Mr.R.Giles – Requested that everyone now work together to get Welney back to where they used to be.
- Mr. J.Loveday – Had the final certificate been received from the Builders? Queried if the foundations meet building standards. Chairman confirmed there are one or two smaller points to be completed and dealt with and further information would be available at the next meeting.
- Mrs.V.Pratley – Asked questions regarding the heating system.
- Ms.Wardle asked when the next Newsletter would be coming out.
- Question also raised with regard to the trees along the front of the car park. The meeting was advised that as soon as the Tree Surgeon is available the trees will be removed and the site tidied up.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on 7th June, 2016 having been circulated to Councillors, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising
a. Defibrillator – Cllr.Edmunds confirmed that the defibrillator has been installed and the box has been registered and the defibrillator should go live within the next couple of days. Grateful thanks were extended to him for all his hard work.
6. Finance
The following invoices have been received for payment and on the proposition of Cllr.Rainbird, seconded by Cllr.Cowles and agreed, the cheques were signed:
Westcotec – Lighting Maintenance133 . 34
Mrs.P.Copeman – Clerks Expenses 29 . 80
BCKLWN – Registering address of William Marshall Centre 45 . 00
Cllr.Gilbert – Purchase of items for the new hall 71 . 55
Grateful thanks were recorded to Cllr.Gilbert for all the work he had carried out in the new building installing paper towel holders, mirrors, notices, coat hooks etc.
Invoices still to come:
Fosters (for Solar Panels9.933 . 88
Icon – Sign for Sport England
(already received and installed) 101 . 70
Fenland Fire – Fire Extinguishers 283 . 20
Paid by Direct Debit
Mrs.P.Copeman _ Clerks Salary 255 . 68
E-On – Electric for lights 81 . 12
7. Parish Hall
The electric meters had been checked before the meeting and £1 had been removed.
The Clerk confirmed that the last event at the old Parish Hall will take place on Saturday – R.U.G. are holding a fishing event as a fund raiser and will be using the Hall on Saturday morning. Following discussion it was proposed by Cllr.Cowles, seconded by Cllr.Elliott and carried with 4 votes in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention that we should give three months notice to the Environment Agency to terminate the Lease on the Old Parish Hall and Site. It was agreed that the water should be turned off and the electricity supply and that a meeting should be arranged at the Old Hall to remove items which could be of use and dispose of remainder.
8. William Marshall Centre
- a. Update of current position – Letter received from Mr.John Loveday circulated to all councillors.
The Chairman gave details of the meeting he had with MRC with regard to snagging items as follows:
1. 5 no.gaps in the mop handles that have been fitted. Finger guard sleeves need to be fitted and paint hand rail ends.
2. Vinyl bubbles in flooring which are in a straight line from a point to the right of the kitchen entrance as one faces the main room – monitor for the next 3-6 months.
3. Fans in the showers are not working
4. 1 no. Shower light is not working on sensor
5. Silicone is required around urinal pipe in men's toilet – a large gap between pipe and internal wall.
6. Disabled toilet basin – a large gap around pipework similar to 5 above.
7. Supply and fit toilet roll holders
8. Within the male and female toilets there needs to be some white plastic pipe surrounds fitted where they are missing.
9. Door closures to Male and Female toilets
10. Supply and fit door restraint hook to right hand entrance door. (One has been fitted for the left hand entrance door)
Cllr.Gilbert also raised the question of missing splash backs to the hand basins in the gent's toilets.
He also confirmed that in his opinion the handrails which have been fitted to the disabled ramp do not
comply with building regulations. He requested that the matter be taken up with the building control and also that the question of the slabs used as footings should be look into as these should have been concrete blocks. He proposed that Council ask the building control officer from the Borough Council to come and inspect the building and then talk to building control and the planning department.
Following further discussion Cllr.Gilbert stood up and handed in a typed letter of resignation from the Council and left the meeting at 8.30 p.m.
Following various comments from members of the public the Chairman adjourned the meeting in order that everyone could calm down and discuss matters calmly. He then reconvened the meeting at 8.40 p.m. The Chairman agreed to speak to MRC and the Planning Department to try and sort out the matters raised and to ensure that everything had been done correctly. He also confirmed that he had received a telephone call from Mr.Bates at Planning Enforcement at the Borough Council advising that a member of the public had reported that several items breached the planning permission for the new building – windows are incorrect size, disabled ramp is in the wrong place, handrail is incorrect, clock tower is too small and the building is not in the correct place. It was understood that Mr. Bates would be making an inspection and reporting back in due course.,
At this point Cllr.Elliott left the meeting – feeling unwell.
- b. Solar Panels – These have now been installed and are all working. In order to register the building for the lead in tariff the Contractors need to have the full registered address of the new building. The application for this and the fee already approved will be sent off to the Borough Council immediately after the meeting. The Chairman confirmed that he had been monitoring the solar panels and it appears that they are generating between 18-19 Kw per day. (some days as much as 31Kw)
- c. Connection to Mains Sewer – At present a temporary connection has been made into the old cesspit, but the forms and cheque have been sent to Anglian Water Services. These have been acknowledged, and as soon as everything is approved Metro Rod can get on with their part of the connection to the mains sewage system.
- d. Fenland Fire – Extinguishers, Signs, Notices etc have been installed in the new building
together with a Notice to be placed on the playing field, indicating a Fire Assembly Point.
There is also a Fire Log Record which will need to be kept at the building.
- e. Premises Licence – Confirmation received from the Borough Council that as Council will not be providing entertainment after 11 p.m. or before 8 a.m then there is no need a premises licence. Live music and recorded music may be provided between 8 a.m and 11 pm on any day provided that no more than 500 people attend and the person using the premises has the management committee's permission. Also films may be provided between 8am and 11pm on any day provided that no more than 500 people attend, has the committee's consent, and that the film would not be shown with a view to making a profit and the admission of children would be in accordance with the film classification. If someone wanted to hire the Centre outside of these hours or wanted to sell alcohol then a temporary event notice (TEN) would be required although these do have restrictions attached. A TEN may last up to 7 days, a premises can have 15 TEN's per calendar year, he maximum number of days a TEN can cover in a calendar year is 21 and there must be a minimum of 24 hours between TEN's. Once the old Parish Hall no longer needs the licence currently in force Council have been asked to surrender the licence in writing and return the original premises licence.
- f. Food Hygiene – The Clerk met Mrs.Barrett from the Borough Council at the new building and she made her inspection. She has confirmed : the new facilities are excellent with a good finish to surface and thought given to layout. Once the oven, fridge and freezer and microwave are installed in the kitchen it will be ready and suitable for food preparation. She recommends lever style taps to the hand sink, separate mops/buckets be provided for the kitchen to the rest of the building, and she has supplied a HACCP Poster which has been displayed in the Kitchen and will be highlighted to all hall users.
- g. Highways – Nothing heard at all from Highways despite the promise that an inspection would be made and advice given as to what they were able to do. Agreed to contact again in the hope that something can be done before the official opening. It was also agreed to look into putting up a sign confirming that no parking for the Community Centre will be allowed beyond the end of the building.
- h. Name Sign – William Marshall Centre – This is in hand and will be dealt with as soon as possible.
- I. Sport England Sign – Now received and displayed at the front of the building on the access steps.
- j. Tel connection and internet – It was agreed at the last meeting to leave this in abeyance until such time as the building is up and running. No further action at present.
- Insurance – Insurance cover has now been confirmed and a copy of the Liability Insurance is displayed in the Entrance Hall together with a list of the Rules for Hiring the building and the Hire Charges.
- Official Opening - 23rd July - Marshall's Charity, all members of the old Action Team, previous Councillors who were involved in the early stages and those who bothered to give their opinion as to the name for the new building, of the official opening. Clllr.Gilbert had printed off some flyers which it is understood have been put through every door in the village including Tipps End. Posters will be put up on the notice boards and other places in the hope that there is a good attendance. Cllr.Cowles confirmed that everything is in hand – just require help on the day.
- An e-mail had been received from MRC requesting permission for their photographer to take some internal, external and aerial shots of the new building. Agreed that they advise him to liaise with the Clerk.
- E-mail from Mrs.M. Revett regarding the donation of £470 from her late father's funeral and asking if any decision had been reached as to what this should be spent on.. Following a discussion it was thought that if the family were agreeable, a Patio area should be formed at the front of the building where visitors or members of the public could sit and it could be called the Mick Goodale Patio.
9. Correspondence
1. Police Connect 9.6.16 - Circulated to all
2. Op.Randall Newsletter 17.6.16 -do-
3. Police Connect 21.616 -do-
4. Op.Randall Newsletter 24.6.16 -do-
5. Police Connect 30.6.16 -do-
6. Environment Agency – Ouse Washes Newsletter 2016 – Information regarding planned works.
7. The Chairman confirmed that he had received an e-mail from the Clerk's husband expressing concern regarding letters that were being hand delivered to their home at 10 p.m at night. Her husband confirmed that any letters pushed through the letter box will not be dealt with and only correspondence received via Royal Mail or e-mail will be opened. As well as being the Council Office it is also a home and disturbance at that late hour will not be tolerated. Council agreed that this was not acceptable – it was suggested that possibly a letterbox should be installed at the Community Centre – and this would be looked into.
10. Planning Matters
No planning applications or decisions
Five Year Plan – As Cllr.Gilbert had tendered his resignation and he was dealing with this matter, it was agreed to put it on the Agenda for the next meeting and discuss again at that time..
11. Highway Matters
A letter had been sent to Highways regarding the removal of the old School Sign, overgrown hedges etc at Tipps End and the state of Hurn Drove. Nothing further has been heard.
Parish Partnership Scheme– This was circulated to all councillors last month and agreed that it be included again this time. From reading the literature they are anxious for councils who have not applied before, to do so this time. However it means that Council would have to match fund 50/50 with the Highways for the cost of whatever scheme is proposed. It was agreed to ask Highways what the likely cost of a TROD along March Road to the Playing Field would be under this scheme and then consider the matter further.
E-mail received from Cambs County Council – They are planning carriageway resurfacing on the A.1101 at Bates Drove for November 2016. This will involve a road closure working at night. They are proposing diversions via A.10 A.1122 and A.1101 and are in negotiations with Norfolk County Council to arrange this. Will keep us informed.
12. Items for Next Agenda
Village Football Team.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.
Signed …....K.Goodger...... (Chairman)
Dated ….... 2nd August, 2016......
In view of the time and the fact that three councillors were absent from the meeting, it was agreed to postpone the Trustees Meeting until next month. However it was unanimously agreed that the Clerk would prepare an advertisement for a Caretaker for the new Building to be included in the next edition of the Welney News.