Land Use, Zoning, Public & Private Housing Committee

Monday, January 24, 2011 at 6:30pm

Henry Street Settlement Youth Services Gymnasium

301 Henry Street (btwn Gouverneur & Jackson Sts)

Other Members:

Dominic Pisciotta

Joyce Ravitz

Meghan Joye

Public Officials/Reps:

Councilwoman Rosie Mendez

Matt DiViggiano for Councilwoman Chin

David Quart, EDC

Arthur Huh, City Planning

Gabriella Amabile, HPD

Public Session Topics:

Members Present at First Vote:

David McWater, Chair [x ]

Harvey Epstein [x ]

Rabbi Y. S. Ginzberg [x ]

Gloria Goldenberg [ ]

Herman F. Hewitt [x ]

Linda Jones [x ]

Joel Kaplan [x ]

Ricky Leung [x ]

Gigi Li [x ]

Bernard Marti [x ]

Barden Prisant [x ]

Mary Spink [x ]

Samuel Wilkenfeld [ ]

Karen Blatt [x ]

Harriet Cohen [x ]

Steve Herrick [x ]

Jessica Loeser [x ]

Val Orselli [x ]

Damaris Reyes [x ]

Michael Tumminia [x ]

Michael Zisser [x ]

Bob Zuckerman [x ]

Dominic Pisciotta [x ]

§  Facilitated discussion on program specifics for SPURA sites development


Draft 4 of the Potential CB3 Guidelines for Seward Park Sites Redevelopment were discussed, finalized, and voted by the Committee

MOTION: At its January monthly meeting, Community Board #3 passed the following motion:

Guidelines for Seward Park Sites Redevelopment

Whereas, The land traditionally known as the Seward Park Urban Renewal Site has sat vacant for over forty years; and

Whereas, Community Board 3 has convened a blue ribbon panel of stakeholders and held public meetings on a development plan for the SPURA lots as well as five (5) additional city owned lots for almost three years now; and

Whereas, The area encompassed by Community Board 3 is in need of housing for all income bands, and

Whereas, The area encompassed by Community Board 3 is in need of economic development and job creation; and

Whereas, There have been over two years of monthly public meetings, charettes, informational sessions, and a very interactive and facilitated process for committee members and the public to participate in the creation of development guidelines; and

Whereas, Our community has grown strong from working together and embracing a newfound era of compromise and trust; so

Therefore let it be resolved, that Community Board 3 support the following guidelines for development on the sites in exhibit A (Site Overview – Jurisdiction) and forward these guidelines to all of the elected officials representing this area, as well as to Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Robert K. Steele, Mr. Seth Pinsky, Economic Development Corporation of NYC, as well as the Departments of Housing Preservation and Development, City Planning, and Transportation.

[Guidelines as approved are attached.]




NO VOTE NECESSARY [ ] (mark with X if no vote is necessary)

Members Present at Last Vote:

David McWater, Chair [Y ]

Harvey Epstein [Y ]

Rabbi Y. S. Ginzberg [Y ]

Gloria Goldenberg [ ]

Herman F. Hewitt [Y ]

Linda Jones [Y ]

Joel Kaplan [Y ]

Ricky Leung [Y ]

Gigi Li [Y ]

Bernard Marti [Y ]

Barden Prisant [A ]

Mary Spink [Y ]

Samuel Wilkenfeld [ ]

Karen Blatt [Y ]

Harriet Cohen [Y ]

Steve Herrick [Y ]

Jessica Loeser [Y ]

Val Orselli [Y ]

Damaris Reyes [N ]

Michael Tumminia [Y ]

Michael Zisser [Y ]

Bob Zuckerman [Y ]

Dominic Pisciotta [Y ]