Career Report

4 Points Performance


  1. Gather, evaluate, use and cite information from information technology resources. (NBEA IT VII).
  2. Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving and decision-making in all content areas. (NETS 4, 5)
  3. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self- generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (CCSS – Writing 7)
  4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (CCSS – Writing 4)


You will select a potential future career in a technology/computer science related field, research the career using proper research techniques and create an artifact on your career.

Your artifact must contain the following information (you are welcome to add additional information):

Introduction/explanation of why you have chosen this career

description of the job

explanation of the career path a person in this position normally takes (first, you are a student teacher, then a teacher, then a department head, then an assistant principal … etc.)

qualifications for the job: what does it take to get a job in this field (education, experience, etc)

three potential colleges/universities/trade schools where you could receive the appropriate education, details on these including major, location, type of school, pros and cons of the school

working conditions/typical day on the job

earnings - entry level, and then salary range


Works cited, using a minimum of three different sources. Must be in APA or MLA format


You may choose any of the formats below for your report. If you have a different idea, you need to clear it with me first. For each option, you need to find a way to meet all requirements, including works cited.

  • Paper Report
  • Video
  • Presentation Board (must be super professional!)

Report Grading Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Career Report
Career Report is extremely professional and could be published. Clearly communicates the following:
Excellent Introduction,
clear and logical explanation of why you have chosen this career,
Extremely thorough description of the job,
thorough explanation of the career path a person in this position normally takes, complete description of the education required, including at least four potential colleges/universities/trade schools where you could receive this education;
complete description of working conditions/typical day on the job;
earnings details;
excellent summary/conclusion.
Career report demonstrates that you have thoroughly researched a technologyrelated field of work. Overall the, report is cohesive and flows seamlessly from one topic to the next.
Three references are cited using MLA or APA format. / Career Report clearly communicates the following:
Excellent Introduction,
clear and logical explanation of why you have chosen this career,
thorough description of the job, thorough explanation of the career path a person in this position normally takes, complete description of the education required, including at least three potential colleges/universities/trade schools where you could receive this education;
complete description of working conditions/typical day on the job;
earnings details;
excellent summary/conclusion.
Three references are cited using MLA or APA format. / Career Report communicates the following:
an Introduction,
an explanation of why you have chosen this career,
a description of the job, anexplanation of the career path a person in this position normally takes,
a description of the education required, including at least three potential colleges/universities/trade schools where you could receive this education;
a description of working conditions/typical day on the job;
earnings details;
a summary/conclusion.
Three references are cited using MLA or APA format. / Career Report is missing or inaccurate or incomplete on the following items:
an Introduction,
an explanation of why you have chosen this career,
a description of the job, an explanation of the career path a person in this position normally takes,
a description of the education required, including at least three potential colleges/universities/trade schools where you could receive this education;
a description of working conditions/typical day on the job;
earnings details;
a summary/conclusion.
Career report does not demonstrate thorough research.
Career report does not flow well, is difficult and/or confusing.
Less than three references are cited
Did not use MLA or APA format.