Dear GT Student and Family,

Campbell County students identified as Gifted and Talented in grades 4-8 have the opportunity to attend DREAMFEST 2015 at Northern Kentucky University on Thursday, March 12, 2015 from 9:00 – 1:00. With travel time, the students will be absent from their classes from 8:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. DREAMFEST 2015 is planned by the Northern Kentucky Association for Gifted Education. Each student will have an opportunity to attend a large group presentation and additional small group activities suited to their areas of giftedness and interests.Upon returning the permission slip schools will work with students and the program catalog to select the most appropriate sessions.The purpose of this letter is to serve as an invitation for your child to attend andto give you the trip details.If your child is interested in attending please complete the field trip permission form on the last page of this letter and return NO LATER than Tuesday, February 10th.(NOTE: Individual sessions will be selected prior and fill up on a first come first serve basis, so the earlier this form is turned in the better chance of getting into the sessions of your choice.)Due to advanced planning late forms will not be accepted per NKAGE directive. Forms may be returned to the main office. NKU has included a Photograph Release Consent Waiver for completion on another included page. If permission is granted, complete and return, if permission is NOT granted please write “DECLINE”on the parent signature line and still returnthe form to us. Media coverage may be taking place at this event, hence the purpose of this form from NKU.


Site / Northern Kentucky University
Date / March 12, 2015
Transportation / School bus
Cost / Event fee of $5.00 which is to be turned in with the permission slip. Students will need to pack a nut free lunch/drink for the day of the trip. If paying by check make them out to your school.
Volunteers / We are in need ofparent volunteers to assist with the event, please consider. *To volunteer you must be on the Campbell County District approved list.


DREAMFEST Field Trip Permission Form

This permission slipMUST be returned by: Tuesday, February 10th by 8:00 a.m.
I give permission for my child
to attend the field trip to / Northern KentuckyUniversity / on / Thursday, March 12, 2014
from / 8:00 a.m. / to / 2:00 p.m.
Parent/Guardian Signature / Date
In case of an emergency, I give permission for my child to receive medical treatment. In case of such an emergency, please contact:
Name / Phone
Volunteer Information (if applicable)
At NKU, our students will NOT remain together as a group. DreamFest is a chance for them to pursue individual interests, so the students choose their own sessions. As you might guess, we need all the adults to watch out for all the students from all the schools. DreamFest organizers would like to give volunteers specific roles during the day to help all run smoothly. If you chaperone, we will have something for you to do during the day,and you most likely will not be with your child during the sessions.
______Yes, I would like to volunteer. Iam on the CCS approved volunteer list, and I can serve in a specific role for DreamFest on Thursday, March 12th. My email contact information is:

We will work with your child to select the most appropriate sessions to attend based on their areas of identification and interests.


Tim Schneider and Jill McGlone

CCS Instructional Coaches