Facsimile Transmission
Directorate Plant Health and Quality
Private Bag X258
Tel:+27 (0)12 319 6O60
Fax:+27 (0)12 319 6055
To / SAMOAttention / Mr. Johan Theron
Fax number of receiver / (012)804 4811
From / Tracy Jardim
Reference number / 21/2/2/2 Serial number
Number of pages / 3
Date / 17 July 2000
- Permission is hereby granted by the Executive Officer: Agricultural Product Standards in terms
of section 3(1)(c) of the Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990), to the
Dairy Industry, in respect of the regulations relating to dairy products and imitation dairy products -
(a)to use the word “Milk Shake” or “Melkskommel” instead of the word “Milk” in the case of a
flavoured milk product that thickens after agitation.
(b)to sell milk products known as “Flavoured Milk shakes” or “Flavoured Milk” which
complies with the quality standards as set out in Table 1, item 1, column 4 (minimum % milk fat) and 7 (minimum % milk protein determined on a fat free basis) of the regulations.
(c)to sell the following dairy products contemplated in—
(i)Table 1,column 2 of the regulations with a fat content of more than 0.5% but not more
than 2.5%:
low fat milk; reconstituted low fat milk; cultured low fat milk; low fat yoghurt;
low fat dairy liquid blend; low fat cultured dairy liquid blend;
(ii)Table 4, column 2 of the regulations with a fat content of more than 0.5% but not more
than 2.5%:
low fat fruit Yoghurt, Low Fat Yoghurt with (name of added foodstuff)
(d) to sell Evaporated Milk without the expression “unsweetened” as part of the designation.
(e) to sell milk powder with 34% protein in the fat free dry mass instead of the prescribed 35%.
(f) to sell Cheddar with 39% moisture instead of the prescribed 38%.
(g) to sell the product “Cultured Cream” / ”Aangesuurde Room” in Table 1, item 3 of the
regulations under the alternative class designation “Sour Cream” / “Suurroom”.
(h) to sell the product “Cream/ Whipped Cream/ Thick Cream” with 28% butterfat instead
of the prescribed 35%.
(i)to use the word “Long Life”/ “Langlewe” on Sterilised Milk or Ultra High Temperature Treated Milk provided the heat treatment also be indicated on the main panel of the
product in close proximity to the class designation.
(j)to sell cream products with class designation “Double Thick Cream” provided that
the Double Thick Cream has a minimum milk fat content of at least 45%.
(k)to sell dairy and imitation dairy products with the following technical amendments to the
regulations concerning the marking requirements:
(i)Irrespective of the size of a container, all marking requirements as stipulated by the
regulations shall be indicated in a letter or figure size of at least 2mm. No word or
expression may be bigger than the class designation unless it is a trade mark.
(ii) The class designation must be indicated on a contrasting background. (a uniform
background is not compulsory anymore.)
(iii) The type of letters as well as colour of letters used to indicate any word or expression
shall not be taken into account provided that the expression or word is clearly legible.
(iv) The indication of the added foodstuff does not need to be at least 75% of the class
designation any more provided that it is not be bigger than the class designation and
not smaller than 2mm. The indication of the fat content must be indicated directly
before or after the class designation and may not be bigger than the class designation.
(v)Letters and words that make up the class designation may differ in size provided that
the difference in size between the largest letter and the smallest letter may not be more
than 5mm.
(vi) The expression “Manufactured by” , “Packed by”, “Manufactured for” or “Packed for”
does not have to precede the address anymore.
(vii)The address can be the physical address or the postal address where the product is
packed/ manufactured or the ordinary place of business of the packer /manufacturer.
In the case of whereby the postal address is used, it must be accompanied by a
telephone number.
(viii)In the case of whereby marking requirements are indicated on a foil lid, all the
relevant marking requirements must be indicated, be clearly visible and not be smaller
than 1mm.
- This permission is subject to the following conditions :
(a)All other conditions of the regulations shall be complied with.
(b)It may be withdrawn at any time should a valid complaint be received.
(c)The Dairy Industry shall indemnify this Directorate and the Department of any detrimental
effect, financially or otherwise, which may emanate as a result of this permission.
(d) Termination date : until the regulations has been amended accordingly.
Original signed by A M Serumula
Copies: All Quality Auditing offices.
Note: The above mentioned dispensation is a compilation of previous dispensations which have expired and will replace the previous dispensations.