OCTOBER 7, 2014

CALL TO ORDERThe Supervisors meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Eshleman.

PRESENTSupervisors Craig C. Eshleman, John Berry and Becky Miles;Kelly Ream, Todd Ream, Bob Funk, Leroy Eshleman, Eric Doman, Andy Collins, Don Linton, Cheryl Linton, Ray Hess, Judy Leaman, Lynda Like, Robin Maguire, Nancy Jeffries, Brenda Deluca, Corey Collins, Elaine Jones, Kim Kann, Jeff Landin, Luke Bunting, Jared Fizer, James Fizer, Michael Berman, Justin Cappiello, Susan Cappiello, Officer Dianne Carter and Officer Chris Pfeiffer.

MINUTESThe Supervisors approved the September, 2014 meeting minutes on a motion by Berry, seconded by Eshleman. All in favor, none opposed.

TREASURER’S REPORTThe Supervisors approved the September2014 Treasurer’s Report on a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Miles.

APPROVE BILLSThe Supervisors approved all bills paid during the month of Septemberon a motion by Berry, seconded by Miles. All in favor, none opposed.

POLICE REPORTOfficer Dianne Carter read the September police report.Officer Carter also introduced part-time officer Chris Pfeiffer. Nancy Jeffries and Leroy Eshleman asked questions about the hunting season – specifically, who should landowners call if people are hunting on their property without permission? Officer Carter informed the audience that if someone is hunting on your property without permission, you should call Southern Regional Police Department. These cases will be treated as trespassing. Officer Carter also explained that it helps the case if the landowner has their property posted with “no hunting” signs because this way, there can be no dispute over whether or not the person was aware that they were trespassing.

ZONING REPORTJim Hindes read the September zoning report.

ROAD MASTER’S REPORTCorey Collins gave the report for the month of September. The road department had both dump trucks inspected, patched various potholes, replaced blades on Tiger Mower, completed the Orchard Hills drainage project, replaced 5 inlet grates on various roads, added “no hunting” signs to the township rail trail, added breakers to control drainage at Shenk’s Ferry and cleaned various side gutters.


PIPELINETownship resident Kim Kann requested permission for the Conestoga Community Group (CCG) to hang a banner across Main Street, near the Conestoga Wagon Restaurant. The banner will advertise two upcoming public meetings. In order for permission to be granted to hang the banner across a Penn Dot owned road (Main Street is Penn Dot owned), the Supervisors need to pass a resolution. There was a brief discussion about liability concerns – specifically, who is responsible if the banner falls down on a vehicle, or person or does some other damage. The Supervisors asked the CCG if they currently have liability insurance, and they do not. Technically, without the CCG having liability insurance, the township would be responsible for any damages the banner may cause. The banner must be removed within two days after the event. On a motion by Miles, seconded by Eshleman, the Supervisors approved township resolution #2014-08. All in favor, none opposed.

537 PLAN, ORDINANCE 2014-04The Supervisors held a hearing for public comment and questions on the proposed OLDS Management Ordinance. General discussion focused on the fact that this ordinance is mandated by the State of PA and that the township Supervisors have no choice but to go along with it. The procedures outlined in the ordinance were also discussed. On a motion by Miles, seconded by Eshleman, the Supervisors adopted township ordinance # 2014-04. All in favor, none opposed. Implementation of the ordinance will occur in 2015.

RAIL TRAILRylind Construction Company was the original low bidder on the trestle bridge project. Conestoga and Martic Township accepted Rylind’s bid, but Rylind was then unable to secure the required bonding for the project. Because of the bonding issue, the townships spent a lot of money on engineering and legal fees trying to work out a solution to the bonding issue with Rylind Construction Company. Now, Heisey, the second low bidder has the work and they are going to sub-contract some of the work out to Rylind. Rylind has agreed to reimburse Conestoga and Martic Township a total of $22,500.00 to cover engineering, advertising and legal expenses related to their bid. On a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Berry, the Supervisors approved the proposed settlement with Rylind Construction Company for our share of the $22,500.00 in expenses. All in favor, none opposed.

STEVE FISHERStreet Dedication of Buck Run Road is pending and is expected to occur sometime between now and April 15, 2015. When Steve Fisher is ready, he will present the required legal documents to the township.

LANC. CO. LIBRARYThe Lancaster County Library sent the township a formal request for funding consideration for 2015. The Supervisors will consider the request and make a decision during the 2015 budget work sessions.

SMITH-GERDY STORM WATERJim Hindes indicated that the Smith-Gerdy storm water project passed all required inspections and received a clean letter of approval from the township engineer. The Supervisors need to approve the project so that the applicant can continue with their project. On a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Berry, the Supervisors approved the Smith-Gerdy storm water management project. All in favor, none opposed.


NANCY JEFFRIESNancy Jeffries commended the Friends of the Force for the recent car show. Everyone agreed the car show was a huge success and everyone is looking forward to next year’s event.

EXECUTIVE SESSIONThe Supervisors announced that they held an executive session prior to the meeting tonight to discuss a legal matter. No decisions were made.



ADJOURNThe meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm on a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Berry.


Kelly A. Ream

