#1B Games Experience Survey - 20 points
Name ______
- Download this document. Open the document in Word and answer the questions.
- You will need to discuss information with other students during class time to complete this activity.
- Keep the item numbers as is to make this assignment easier to grade.
- Submit the completed survey to your instructor as directed.
The Survey
- What is your name?
- Do you prefer a nickname or your middle name? If so, what name?
- Currently your NRCC email address is posted on the Classmates page. What is the email address you use the most often if you use another email?
- Do we have permission to post this email address on the Classmates page?
Answer Yes or No - Do you plan to earn a degree at NRCC?
Yes or No
If the answer is yes, which degree?
IT Game Design specialization
CADD Game Technology & Animation specialization
Other please list: - Why are you taking this class?
a) Required class for IT degree (or specialization)
b) Required class for CADD degree (or specialization)
c) High School Student dual enrollment or academy
c) For my personal knowledge
d) Other (please write reason ) - What do you hope to learn in this class?
- Do you currently hold a college degree? If yes, please list the highest level degree, college and major.
- Do you plan to transfer to another college or university after taking this class? If so, which university and when?
- How old were you when you started playing electronic/video games?
- What was the first electronic game you remember playing?
- What is your favorite electronic game of all time?
- (3 points) Talk to a classmate that you do NOT already know for at least 2 minutes.
What was the classmate’s name? What was the most interesting fact about him/her?
After you finish talking to your classmate, continue this survey.
You need to have a variety of life experiences to be a good game designer or developer. Let's see what else you like.
- What was the most recent movie you saw online, on TV, DVD or in the theater?
- What is the most recent book you read just for fun?
- What do you do for fun? Consider sports, hobbies, family activities etc.
ITP 160 Game Experience SurveyPage 2