CPD Brochure 2015-2016 - Issue 7
1. Administration 03
2. Index of Courses
· Primary Schools (including EYFS) - Non-Teaching Staff 04
· Primary Schools (including EYFS) - Teaching Staff (inc Leadership) 05
· Secondary Schools - Non-Teaching Staff 09
· Secondary Schools - Teaching Staff (inc Leadership) 10
3. Courses - in alphabetical order 12
This section contains information on how to access course and consultancy provision along with copies of the relevant forms.
How to access course provision
Once you have found the course you require
· Photocopy the appropriate Course/Conference Application Form or download it from our website
· Complete one Course/Conference Application Form for each course/conference you wish to apply for
· Post, fax or email to the Courses Desk (details are specified on the form)
· You can also apply using the online booking system which can be found on our website (you must have an approver in school – please contact the Courses Desk for further information)
Once the Courses Desk has received your application
· Once your application has been processed you will be sent either an acceptance letter or a decline letter
· If neither of these are received: please make enquiries to the Courses Desk on the following number: 01274 385821
You should not attend a course unless you have been accepted on it.
The acceptance letter
· This confirms your place on the course and will state details of the course
The decline letter
· This states that no remaining places are available on the course and you will not be expected to attend
Course re-runs
· If the demand for a course is high, further dates may be arranged
· If this is the case you will be sent an offer letter
The offer letter
· Invites you to attend a newly arranged date for a course which had previously been cancelled or fully booked. We ask you to reply to the letter in all cases within seven days. If you:
1 Accept the place offered we will send you an acceptance letter
2 Tell us that the date is not convenient but are still interested in the course, we will pass this information to the CPD Manager who will try to accommodate your needs through other provision
3 No longer wish to attend a subject course in this area, we will take no further action
· Please see the reverse of the Course/Conference Application Form for further advice
· If we are required to cancel any courses you will be notified directly either by letter or telephone depending on timescales. We shall endeavour to make alternative arrangements to meet your needs
The day of the course
· We wish you a pleasant learning experience
Primary Schools (including EY) - Non-Teaching Staff
Behaviour Management (Support Staff)
Supporting Effective Behaviour Management in Schools: A Course for Learning Support Staff (21.10.15) SEC15P/01
Cover Supervisors
Cover Supervisor Training (starts 05.10.15) CPD15P/02
Cover Supervisor Training (starts 16.11.15) CPD15P/10
Cover Supervisor Training (starts 18.01.16) CPD15P/07
HLTA Status Preparation Course (starts 29.09.15) WRD15P/01
Multi-Sensory Literacy Intervention
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties:
Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention (starts 24.09.15) Q1015P/18
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties:
Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention (starts 14.01.16) Q1015P/20
Nurture Groups
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 07.10.15) Q1015P/19
From Theory to Practice - Providing Effective and Measurable Pastoral Support (starts 02.10.15) WRD15P/02
Primary Computing
Primary Computing Subject Leaders (starts 08.10.15) IT015P/05
Primary Science
Building Confidence in Biology Workshop - EYFS/KS1 (11.11.15) PRI15P/19
Building Confidence in Biology Workshop - KS2 (11.11.15) PRI15P/20
Building Confidence in Chemistry Workshop - EYFS/KS1 (16.03.16) PRI15P/21
Building Confidence in Chemistry Workshop - KS2 (16.03.16) PRI15P/22
Building Confidence in Physics Workshop - EYFS/KS1(18.05.16) PRI15P/23
Building Confidence in Physics Workshop - KS2 (18.05.16) PRI15P/24
Food in Schools - How does the Government’s School Food Plan Affect You, Your Pupils and
Your Catering Service? (12.11.15) PSH15P/02
Positive Change Through Pupil Voice – Effective Meetings and Communication (22.10.15) PSH15P/01
Quality First
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties:
Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention (starts 24.09.15) Q1015P/18
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties:
Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention (starts 14.01.16) Q1015P/20
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 07.10.15) Q1015P/19
Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistants Induction Training (Primary) (starts 21.09.15) CPD15P/01
Teaching Assistants Induction Training (Primary) (starts 12.01.16) CPD15P/08
Primary Schools (including EY) - Teaching Staff (including Leadership)
Using Android Tablets to Raise Attainment and Engagement in KS2 (16.06.16) IT015P/19
Assessment Beyond Levels - Support, Capture, Track (01.10.15) CPD15P/05
Child Protection
Named Person Refresher Training (20.10.15 - am) ESW15P/04
Named Person Refresher Training (20.10.15 - pm) ESW15P/05
Named Person Refresher Training (30.11.15 - am) ESW15P/06
Named Person Refresher Training (30.11.15 - pm) ESW15P/07
New Named Person Training (starts 28.09.15) ESW15P/01
New Named Person Training (starts 12.10.15) ESW15P/02
New Named Person Training (starts 24.11.15) ESW15P/03
Primary Computing Subject Leaders (starts 08.10.15) IT015P/05
The Computing Curriculum - Using Scratch Effectively (05.11.15) IT015P/08
Using Android Tablets to Raise Attainment and Engagement in KS2 (16.06.16) IT015P/19
Using Technology Effectively in the Early Years and Foundation Stage (17.09.15) IT015P/01
Using Technology Effectively in the Early Years and Foundation Stage (17.03.16) IT015P/02
Numeracy Leaders’ Network (Primary) (16.11.15) PRI15P/13
Numeracy Leaders’ Network (Primary) (17.11.15) PRI15P/14
(e)Safeguarding in the Primary School (starts 01.10.15) IT015P/04
Early Years
Supporting Young Children with SEND to Make Good Progress in the EYFS (04.11.15) Q1015P/33
Educational Visits
Educational Visits Coordinator Training (Full Day) (13.10.15) EDV15P/03
Educational Visits Coordinator Training (Full Day) (23.10.15) EDV15P/04
Educational Visits Coordinator Training (Half Day) (09.10.15) EDV15P/01
Educational Visits Coordinator Training (Half Day) (20.10.15) EDV15P/02
Education Health and Care Plan A - Z (13.01.16) Q1015P/08
Education Health and Care Plan A - Z (17.03.16) Q1015P/09
Education Health and Care Plan A - Z (12.05.16) Q1015P/10
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (17.09.15) Q1015P/03
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (19.10.15) Q1015P/04
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (26.11.15) Q1015P/05
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (27.01.16) Q1015P/06
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (20.04.16) Q1015P/07
EHCP - Outcomes that Make a Difference (08.02.16) Q1015P/11
EHCP - Outcomes that Make a Difference (28.04.16) Q1015P/12
EHCP - Outcomes that Make a Difference (21.06.16) Q1015P/13
Children with Additional Needs in the Early Years (14.10.15) Q1015P/02
The Baby Room Project (starts 22.09.15) Q1015P/17
Using Technology Effectively in the Early Years and Foundation Stage (17.09.15) IT015P/01
Using Technology Effectively in the Early Years and Foundation Stage (17.03.16) IT015P/02
Using Technology Effectively to Raise Attainment in English at KS1 and Early Years (12.11.15) IT015P/09
Google Apps
An Introduction to Google Apps for Education (03.12.15) IT015P/12
iPad Management
Deploying and Managing iPads Effectively (19.11.15) IT015P/10
Using iPads to Raise Attainment and Engagement in KS2 (22.10.15) IT015P/06
Using iPads to Raise Attainment and Engagement in KS2 (11.02.16) IT015P/07
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention -
Overview for Teachers and SENCOs (17.09.15) Q1015P/15
The Computer Curriculum - Using Scratch Junior Effectively at KS1 (05.05.16) IT015P/17
The Computing Curriculum - Programming at KS1 (25.02.16) IT015P/15
Using Technology Effectively to Raise Attainment in English at KS1 and Early Years (12.11.15) IT015P/09
Using Technology Effectively to Raise Attainment in Mathematics at KS1 and Early Years (14.01.16) IT015P/13
An Introduction to Using Minecraft across the KS2 Curriculum (21.04.16) IT015P/16
The Computing Curriculum - Programming at KS2 (21.01.16) IT015P/14
The Computing Curriculum - Using Scratch Effectively (05.11.15) IT015P/08
Using Android Tablets to Raise Attainment and Engagement in KS2 (16.06.16) IT015P/19
Using iPads to Raise Attainment and Engagement in KS2 (22.10.15) IT015P/06
Using iPads to Raise Attainment and Engagement in KS2 (11.02.16) IT015P/07
Using Technology Effectively to Raise Attainment in English in KS2 (24.09.15) IT015P/03
Using Technology to Raise Attainment in Mathematics in KS2 (26.11.15) IT015P/11
A Journey to Outstanding (11.11.15) CPD15P/09
Leading Learning from the Middle (starts 01.12.15) CPD15P/06
Stepping Up into Senior Leadership (starts 15.10.15) CPD15P/03
Stepping Up into Senior Leadership (for Business Managers and Support Staff Leaders) (starts 25.11.15) CPD15P/04
Accelerating Progress in Y2 - A Literacy and Mathematics Course for Teachers in Y2 (12.10.15) PRI15P/08
Accelerating Progress in Y6 - A Literacy and Mathematics Course for Teachers in Y6 (05.10.15) PRI15P/07
Using Technology Effectively to Raise Attainment in English at KS1 and Early Years (12.11.15) IT015P/09
Using Technology Effectively to Raise Attainment in English in KS2 (24.09.15) IT015P/03
Accelerating Progress in Y2 - A Literacy and Mathematics Course for Teachers in Y2 (12.10.15) PRI15P/08
Accelerating Progress in Y6 - A Literacy and Mathematics Course for Teachers in Y6 (05.10.15) PRI15P/07
Bar Modelling in Mathematics - A Tool for Representing Problems involving the
Four Operations, Ratio and Proportion (07.12.15) PRI15P/12
Developing Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning for Mathematics in Y1 and Y2 (09.11.15) PRI15P/09
Developing Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning for Mathematics in Y3 and Y4 (23.11.15) PRI15P/10
Developing Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning for Mathematics in Y5 and Y6 (30.11.15) PRI15P/11
Using Technology Effectively to Raise Attainment in Mathematics at KS1 and Early Years (14.01.16) IT015P/13
Using Technology to Raise Attainment in Mathematics in KS2 (26.11.15) IT015P/11
An Introduction to Using Minecraft across the KS2 Curriculum (21.04.16) IT015P/16
Multi-Sensory Literacy
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention -
Overview for Teachers and SENCOs (17.09.15) Q1015P/15
NQT Child Protection Training (06.10.15) NQT15P/05
NQT CPD: Understanding and Managing Behaviour in our Schools (11.11.15) SEC15P/02
NQT Mentors
NQT Mentor Training (Autumn 2015) (10.09.15) NQT15P/01
NQT Tutors’ Network Meeting (Autumn 2015) (09.12.15) NQT15P/04
Numeracy Leaders’ Network (Primary) (16.11.15) PRI15P/13
Numeracy Leaders’ Network (Primary) (17.11.15) PRI15P/14
Nurture Groups
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 07.10.15) Q1015P/19
Outdoor Learning
‘Inside Out’ – Science and Outdoor Learning (14.06.16) IT015P/18
Primary Science
Building Confidence in Biology Workshop - EYFS/KS1 (11.11.15) PRI15P/19
Building Confidence in Biology Workshop - KS2 (11.11.15) PRI15P/20
Building Confidence in Chemistry Workshop - EYFS/KS1 (16.03.16) PRI15P/21
Building Confidence in Chemistry Workshop - KS2 (16.03.16) PRI15P/22
Building Confidence in Physics Workshop - EYFS/KS1 (18.05.16) PRI15P/23
Building Confidence in Physics Workshop - KS2 (18.05.16) PRI15P/24
Primary Science Coordinator Network Meeting (07.10.15) PRI15P/16
Primary Science Coordinator Network Meeting (10.02.16) PRI15P/17
Primary Science Coordinator Network Meeting (15.06.16) PRI15P/18
Food in Schools - How does the Government’s School Food Plan Affect You, Your Pupils and
Your Catering Service? (12.11.15) PSH15P/02
Positive Change Through Pupil Voice - Effective Meetings and Communication (22.10.15) PSH15P/01
Quality First
All Aboard - Early Intervention in the Early Years (starts 07.12.15) Q1015P/21
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder - Management in the Classroom (08.12.15) Q1015P/25
Children with Additional Needs in the Early Years (14.10.15) Q1015P/02
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the Classroom (18.01.16) Q1015P/26
Dyscalculia - Supporting Children in Maths (18.04.16) Q1015P/27
Education Health and Care Plan A - Z (13.01.16) Q1015P/08
Education Health and Care Plan A - Z (17.03.16) Q1015P/09
Education Health and Care Plan A - Z (12.05.16) Q1015P/10
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (17.09.15) Q1015P/03
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (19.10.15) Q1015P/04
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (26.11.15) Q1015P/05
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (27.01.16) Q1015P/06
Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Training (20.04.16) Q1015P/07
EHCP - Outcomes that Make a Difference (08.02.16) Q1015P/11
EHCP - Outcomes that Make a Difference (28.04.16) Q1015P/12
EHCP - Outcomes that Make a Difference (21.06.16) Q1015P/13
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome - Working with Children with Complex Learning Difficulties (09.05.16) Q1015P/28
Managing Anxiety in School (07.03.16) Q1015P/29
Measuring Progress for Children with Special Educational Needs (13.06.16) Q1015P/30
Mental Health - Everyone’s Business (09.11.15) Q1015P/24
Motivating Children to Make a Difference (11.07.16) Q1015P/31
Precision Teaching - Theory and Practice (starts 25.04.16) Q1015P/32
Selective Mutism - Introduction and Intervention (29.02.16) Q1015P/22
SENCO Induction Course: Three Day Course for Newly Appointed SENCOs (starts 06.10.15) Q1015P/16
Supporting Children with Attachment Difficulties - Classroom Strategies (08.02.16) Q1015P/34
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention -
Overview for Teachers and SENCOs (17.09.15) Q1015P/15
Supporting Young Children with SEND to Make Good Progress in the EYFS (04.11.15) Q1015P/33
The Baby Room Project (starts 22.09.15) Q1015P/17
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 07.10.15) Q1015P/19
Wise Before the Event: Responding to Sad Events (23.09.15) Q1015P/01
Working with Children New to the UK (27.06.16) Q1015P/23
Safer Recruitment
Safer Recruitment (30.09.15) HR015P/01
The Computing Curriculum - Using Scratch Effectively (05.11.15) IT015P/08
All Aboard - Early Intervention in the Early Years (starts 07.12.15) Q1015P/21
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder - Management in the Classroom (08.12.15) Q1015P/25
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the Classroom (18.01.16) Q1015P/26
Dyscalculia - Supporting Children in Maths (18.04.16) Q1015P/27
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome - Working with Children with Complex Learning Difficulties (09.05.16) Q1015P/28
Managing Anxiety in School (07.03.16) Q1015P/29
Measuring Progress for Children with Special Educational Needs (13.06.16) Q1015P/30
Mental Health - Everyone’s Business (09.11.15) Q1015P/24
Motivating Children to Make a Difference (11.07.16) Q1015P/31
Precision Teaching - Theory and Practice (starts 25.04.16) Q1015P/32