Council Action Plan for 2015 – 2016

At the Full Council meeting held on the 2nd June the Council RESOLVED that the following would form the priority action plan for the coming year.

Priority / Project / Timescales / Budget
1 / Mitchells Field
To provide two junior football pitches and car parking facility at Mitchells Field. / Planning permissions approved
Project manager appointed
Pitch construction – Oct 2015 – August 2016
Car park construction
Temporary changing rooms / £45,000
Funded via s106 and £30,000 from Parish Council
2 / Transfer of land at Bradgate Road
To develop a land management plan for the public open space and provide public art for the area. / Landscape management plan approved – October 2015
Public art 2015 – 2020
To consider long term grounds maintenance / £5,000
Commuted sum £224,703 received June 2015
3 / Planning obligations associated with the Davidsons development
To work in partnership with Davidsons to realise the benefits to village of the s106 agreement to provide public open space, an extension to the cemetery and an allotment site. / Plans agreed for the layout of public open space, cemetery extension and allotment site. / £14,000 required for allotment set up.
Commuted sum currently unknown.
4 / Local Council Award Scheme
To build of the Council Quality Status and remain recognised within this new award scheme. / Application to be submitted by the 1st November and considered by the awarding panel on the 19th November. / Officer time required to pull the application together.
5 / The Scout Hut, Leicester Road
To consider the long term future of the Scout Hut on Leicester Road and ongoing facilities for the Scouts group. / To start talks with the Scouts group about their requirements. / £50,000 s106 from Davidsons Homes.
6 / Additional outdoor recreational facilities
To consider the addition of extra facilities / Early 2016 – start talks with the U3A group about their aspirations and the Anstey Nomads Club about the location of a petanque court. / £3,000 from Wilsons development at Long Close
7 / Link Road Play Field Proposals
To consider the benefits that may be brought to the village from the proposed development at Fairhaven Farm / Ideas to be developed in partnership with Martin High School. / To be funded from section 106 money available from the developments on Cropston Road.