MAY 2016

The Executive Committee reserves the right to determine the suitability

of content for this publication.

From the Manager….

I would like to welcome the latest newcomer to The Grange, Jeanette who moved to The Grange earlierthis month. We are also looking forward to welcoming Peter and Jill. They will be moving in this week, and John and Maggie, incoming residents & due to settle late next week. Please join me in wishing them all the best for this next exciting episode of their lives.

It’s wonderfulto know that The Grange is such a caring community and that most residents and neighbours keep an eye out for one another.

Without raising any alarm bells, if you live on your own and don’t have anyone checking on you on a regular basis, have a thought about making a permanent arrangement with your family, friends or neighbours.

If you are concerned for the well-being of your neighbour -maybe they haven’t turned up for an event as expected or you’ve noticed that their mailbox hasn’t been emptied for a while, we encourage you to contact the office day or night and our staff will investigate the situation. The Staff do their utmost to ensure the safe wellbeing of all residents but sometimes unless they are alerted, they may not be aware that someone could be in need of assistance.

A gentle reminder for residents and their guests to please make sure they shut the entrance gates behind them. Many residents become quite anxious when they find the gates left open.

There will be another dinner this month on Thursday, 19th May so please look out for the menus which will be distributed on Friday.

May is one of our busiest months of the year in the lead up to the AGM. This year it will be held on Monday, 23rd May at 2pm and Owners can register their attendance from 1.15pm. I encourage all residents to attend this important meeting where the new budget will be decided and the next committee representatives elected. Please allow plenty of time to register to vote as the queues can get quite long.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the present Committee for their hard work, support and encouragement over the last 12 months. Some of them have been on the Committee for 3 years or more and I understand not all of them will be standing for re-election. To those who will be leaving the Committee I wish them all the bestin their next endeavours. The last meeting of the current Executive Committee will be held on Monday, 16th May at around 3.20pm. At 3.00pm before the meeting, representatives from Catholic Healthcare have offered to meet with residents to give them an update on the McQuoin Park Development and answer any questions from the floor.

Kindest regards
Mary Whitmore


APRIL 2016

Warm sunshine and blue skies were perfect for activities in and around The Grange this month.

The weather for the Gala Day for Croquet and Bowls on 6 April could not have been better and a great time was had by all.

All twelve new owners who have arrived since last July were introduced to over eighty residents on Saturday 9 April. Using the big screen to show questions about the Grange, the answers were called out so everyone could discover the wide range of interesting facts about where we live. These questions and answers are in this issue to see how well you know The Grange.

On 20 April Ruth gave a fascinating talk including her own personal connections with Australia's involvement in WW II and of course the ANZAC Dayceremony took place on 25th April. This well attended event started with morning tea from 11am. At midday David was master of ceremonies, accompanied by Alex. Billwas the flag raiser and Den played his trusty old bugle. Following the laying of wreaths and flowers many stayed for lunch with an overflowing table of food brought by the residents.

The Antiques Roadshow in Grange House on 21st April was a great opportunity to see other people's treasures. Debbie, an inveterate collector, introduced Veronica Owen from Thornleigh's Bargain Hunt Auction House Veronica described each object and gave her valuations in an admirable way. Her understanding of sentiment versus value made every item seem precious. The cheese and wine to follow was an excellent idea. Thanks to Jenny for organising and all who contributed and helped on the day.

Innovative fundraising to support Hornsby Hospital by providing home-made morning teas when there is a speaker is being welcomed and appreciated. The cost of $6.00 goes into the funds. However please be aware that food is provided according to the numbers in the red book. If you cannot attend it is suggested that the money may be donated as a contribution to Hornsby Hospital.

A new musical focus will take place on Wednesday 25 May. Everyone interested in jazz is invited to relax in Grange House with a cup of tea and listen to some CDs provided by Audrey and others in the late afternoon. This could be the start of a new interest group. If anyone has other ideas for informal get-togethers please contact Christine.

Thank you to Jenny and Betty for the autumnal floral arrangements and decor with a reminder that they are not to be re-arranged or removed.


Community Garden Report

April 2016

The Community Garden has never looked better with all the garden beds full of healthy edible plants. The improved watering system has made it so much easier to look after our plants.

We welcome Sylvia and Tom to the garden, they have enthusiastically taken over a garden bed and started planting their crops.

There was much written during Seniors’ Week on the advantages of gardening.

Graham Ross wrote that “Gardening can achieve your target of 2.5 hours a week of moderate regular exercise. Gardening can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack in people over 60”. He also wrote that “Gardening is good for brain health as it involves many critical functions such as strength, endurance, dexterity, learning, problem solving and sensory awareness. A 16year study of nearly 3,000 60-70 year olds found that regular gardeners had a 36% lower risk of dementia”.

Robin Powell the Sydney Morning Herald Garden expert wrote that “Scientific studies have found that gardeners generally have greater life satisfaction, enhanced self-esteem and fewer feelings of depression and fatigue than non-gardeners”.

So there you are, improve your life by gardening in your home garden or in the Community Garden!


Community Garden Co-ordinator



1. What year did the first people move in?

2. What is the highest numbered unit?

3. How many units are there?

4. How many Wollemi Pines are there?

5. Identify the place.

6. How many ball games can you play at The Grange?

7. How can you get to play your favourite DVD on the big screen?

8. Who is the organiser of Morning Tea Speakers and Outings?

9. Where can you put your used postage stamps for charity?

10. Where can you find a free lemon for your gin and tonic?

11. How many barbecues are there for you to use?

12. What other activity takes place in the table tennis room? And when?

13. Who organises the Library books? Where do they come from.

14. Which TV channel shows Grange News?

15. Where is the small water fountain?

16. How many owners are on the Executive Committee?

17. Which groups meet in the Wollemi Room?

18. What sort of table games are played?

Where can you find some board games?

19. What are the nicknames for various parts of The Grange?

20. What do you consider is the best thing about The Grange?

Answers to be found further along……………………good luck!


Sunday 1st2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House “Sense & Sensibility”

Monday 2nd9:30amBalance Class in Grange House

10:30amQuantum Demonstration Visual Aids

Tuesday 3rd2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House –
“David Copperfield – Part 1”

Thursday 5th10:30amGuest Speaker “Kevin Fitzgerald - “Shackleton”

& Morning Tea $6pp.

Friday 6th4:30pmHappy Hour Evening in Grange House.

Sunday 8th2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House –“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”

Monday 9th9:30amBalance Class in Grange House.

Tuesday 10th10:00amMarket Stalls – Tina Hyman Jewellery & White Pepper Accessories in Grange House.

2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House – “David Copperfield – Part 2”

Friday 13th4:30pmHappy Hour Evening in Grange House.

Sunday 15th2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House – “Maid in Manhattan”

Monday 16th3:00pmCatholic Healthcare/McQuoin Park Representatives

3:20pmMonthly ExecutiveMeetingin Grange House.

Tuesday 17th2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House – “Oliver Twist – Part 1”

Thursday 19th6:30pmDinner in Grange House – 6.30pm

Friday 20th4:30pmHappy Hour Evening in Grange House.

Sunday 22nd2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House - “The King & I”

Monday 23rd2:00pmAnnual General Meeting in Grange House.

Registrations commence at 1:15pm.

Tuesday 24th2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House – “Oliver Twist Part 2”

Wednesday 25th4:30pmJazz in the Afternoon. Light jazz on CD’s till 5:30pm.

Thursday 26th3:00pmArmchair Travel in Grange House –

Friday 27th9:00amCroquet Gala Day

4:30pmHappy Hour Evening in Grange House

Saturday 28th7:30pmClassical Music Evening in Grange House

Sunday 29th2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House –“Barefoot in the Park”.

Tuesday 31st2:00pmLarge Screen Movie in Grange House - “Austenland”


Sunday 1st / 2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House – ‘Sense & Sensibility’. Casual seating, no bookings necessary.
Monday 2nd / 9:30am / Balance Class with Wahroonga Physio in Grange House.
10:30am / Quantum Talk in Grange House Lower Lounge – demonstrating visual aids.
3:15pm / Twilight Bowls at 3:15 for 3:30pm start.BYO BBQ to follow.
Tuesday 3rd / 2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House – ‘David Copperfield – Part 1’. Casual seating, no bookings necessary.
4:30pm / Square Dancing till 6:00pm in the Table Tennis Room. Newcomers Welcome!
Wednesday 4th / 12:00pm
/ Fruit Market deliveries in the afternoon. Your order needs to be placed by phone by Tuesday midday on 9498-4502.
2:30pm / 'Writing Group' meets in the Wollemi Room. Everyone welcome. No experience necessary.
5:30pm / Happy Hour & BBQ – BBQ area of Grange House.
BRING-YOUR-OWN EVERYTHING – food, plates, knives, forks, drinks, napkins etc. CLEAN UP AFTERWARDS. No booking requirement or charge. Someone will even help you cook if necessary. New Owners welcome.
7:00pm / Bridge Club - Meets in the Wollemi Room between 7:00pm and 10:00pm. All players are welcome.
Thursday 5th / 10:30am / Shopping Bus to Hornsbydepartsand returns at 1:30pm.
10:30am / Guest Speaker & Morning Tea - Mr Peter Fitzgerald –‘Shackleton – Barrier Breaker & Leader of Men’. $6pp charged to your account. Names in red folder.
Thursday 5th / 11:15am / On Course Day Trip to Gosford Races. $68.00 includes admission, MJ Cusack Stand, racebooks, two course lunch and return luxury coach transport. Dress regulations for men – collared shirt. Bus departs 11:15am. Names in red folder. Bookings closed.
3:00pm / Table tennis.
Friday 6th / 4:30pm / Happy Hour Evening in Grange House Lower Lounge. BYO everything. Everyone welcome.
Saturday 7th / 9:15am / Saturday Bowls - 9:30am start. Please refer to week one.
Sunday 8th / 2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House - 'Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner'. Casual seating, no bookings necessary.
Monday 9th / 9:30am 10:30am / Balance Class with Wahroonga Physio in Grange House.
3:15pm / Twilight Bowls – 3:15pm for a 3:30pm start BYO BBQ to follow.
Tuesday 10th / 10:00am / Tina Hyman Jewellery & White Pepper Accessories in Grange House.
2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House - ‘David Copperfield – Part 2'. Casual seating, no bookings necessary.
4:30pm / Square Dancingtill 6:00pm in the Table Tennis Room.
Wednesday 11th / 9:00am / Tracey the Podiatrist in Surgery. Please place names in games room.
12:00pm / Fruit Market deliveries only between 12 noon & 2:00pm. Refer to week one.
7:00pm / Bridge Club meets in the Wollemi Room between 7:00pm and 10:00pm. Refer to week one.
Thursday 12th / 10:30am / Shopping Bus to Hornsby departs and returns at 1:30pm
3:00pm / Table Tennis - Come and enjoy the fun!
Friday 13th / 4:30pm / Happy Hour Evening in Grange House.
Saturday 14th / 9:15am / Saturday Bowls - 9:30am start. Please refer to week one.
Sunday 15th / 2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House – ‘Maid in Manhattan’. Casual seating, no booking req.
Monday 16th / 9:00am / Grange Walkers. Trip to Parramatta on M60 bus. A walk of 2 – 3 kms along the Parramatta River looking at the Aboriginal history of the area. Bring lunch and water. Meet at the fountain at 9:00am.
2:00pm / Lucy the Beautician in attendance in Surgery - Please phone her to make a booking on 0412 502 823.Please note the later time.
3:00pm / Catholic HealthcareRepresentatives will be on hand prior to the Executive Meeting to update and answer any queries regarding the McQuoin Park redevelopment.
3:20pm / Executive Meeting in Grange House
3:15pm / Twilight Bowls – 3:15pm for a 3:30pm start BYO BBQ to follow.
Tuesday 17th / Council Cleanup / Goods can be placed on the nature strip ofMcAuley Place ready for the monthly Council collection on Thursday, 19thApril.
2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House - 'Oliver Twist – Part 1'. Casual seating, no bookings necessary.
4:30pm / Square Dancing till 6:00pm in the Table Tennis Room.
Wednesday 18th / 10:00am / Bus departs for theatre Trip to ‘Georgy Girl’
1:00pm Matinee. Please see noticeboard for details.
12:00pm / Fruit Market deliveries in the afternoon. Refer to week one.
7:00pm / Bridge Club meets in the Wollemi Room between 7:00pm and 10:00pm. Refer to week one.
Thursday 19th / Council Cleanup collection today.
10:30am / Shopping Bus to Hornsby departs and returns at 1:30pm
3:00pm / Table Tennis - Come and enjoy the fun!
6:30pm / Theme Dinner – 2 courses $33.00pp menus to be circulated to letterboxes Friday 6th May.
Friday 20th / 4:30pm / Happy Hour Evening in Grange House Lower Lounge. BYO everything. Everyone welcome. Refer to week one.
Saturday 21st / 9:15am / Saturday Bowls - 9:30am start. Please refer to week one.
Sunday 22nd / 2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House - ‘The King & I'. Casual seating, no bookings necessary.
Monday 23rd / 2:00pm / Annual General Meeting in Grange House.
Registrations commence from 1:15pm.
Tuesday 24th / 2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House – ‘Oliver Twist – Part 2’. Casual seating, no bookings necessary.
4:30pm / Square Dancingtill 6:00pm in the Table Tennis Room
Wednesday 25th / 9:00am / Tracey the Podiatrist in Surgery. Please place names in games room.
Fruit Market deliveriesin the afternoon.Refer to week one.
5:30pm / ‘Jazz in the Afternoon’ in Grange House.
Come along & listen to selected Jazz CDs.
7:00pm / Bridge Club meets in the Wollemi Room between 7:00pm and 10:00pm. Refer to week one.
Thursday 26th / 8:15am / Bus departs for the Sydney Heritage Fleet
‘7 Islands’ Tour. Bookings closed.
10:30am / Shopping Bus to Hornsby departs and returns at 1:30pm
3:00pm / Table Tennis – Come and enjoy the fun!
3:00pm / Armchair Travel in Grange House – ‘Provence’. Names in red folder.
Friday 27th / 9:00am / Croquet Gala Day – see noticeboard for details
4:30pm / Happy Hour Evening in Grange House Lower Lounge. BYO everything. Everyone welcome.
Saturday 28th / 9:15am / Saturday Bowls - 9:30am Start. Please refer to week one.
7:30pm / Classical Music Evening in Grange House.
Sunday 29th / 2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House - ‘Barefoot in the Park'. No bookings required.
Monday 30th / 3:15pm / TwilightBowlsstart at 3:15pm for 3:30pm.BYO BBQ to follow.
Tuesday 31st / 2:00pm / Large Screen Movie in Grange House - 'Austenland’. Casual seating, no bookings necessary.


Wednesday 1st / 10:30am / Guest Speaker & Morning Tea. Judy Rainsford ‘Pilots with Perfume’ – “Mrs Harry Bonney”. $6pp charged to your account. Names in red folder.
Tuesday 14th / 3:45pm / Bus departs for Vivid Cruise with Majistic Cruises. $47.50pp charged to your account.
This is a 1.5 hour harbour cruise departing at 5:45pm & finishing at 7:15pm to view the lights. This package does not include food or drink, passengers are welcome to take a packed dinner/meal to eat onboard. Bookings close 18th May 2016. No refunds unless seat can be onsold after this date.
Wednesday 22nd / 10:00am / Banjo’s Bead House & Red Knot Custom Made Greeting Cards in Grange House.
Tuesday 28th / 10:00am / Bumper Market Day in Grange House. Sally’s Handbags, Sonia’s Gypsy Gifts, Joanne’s Cosmetics, Margaret Cane Clothing & Tiamo Babies.
Wednesday 6th / 10:30am / Guest Speaker John Ebbot from Care Flight & Morning Tea $6pp charged to your account.
Wednesday 13th / 10:30am / Lunch trip to Manly Skiff Club. Names in red folder.
Sunday 21st / 2:00pm / The Sydney Welsh Choir in Grange House. $10pp charged to your account or Visitors pay cash on the day. Please note that this entry fee will be allocated $5 to the Grange Special Events account, and $5 to the Hornsby Hospital account. Come along, ask your friends. Complimentary wine & cheese to follow. Names in red folder.
Wednesday 24th / 10:30am / Bus departs for show “Faulty Towers” at the Roslyn Packer Theatre Hickson Rd. Details on noticeboard. Names in red folder. Bookings close Monday 4th July.
Wednesday 31st / 10:30am / Bus departs for ‘Singing in the Rain’ at the Lyric Theatre 1pm Matinee
Please see noticeboard for details.
Wednesday 14th / 2:00pm / Stafford Fashions Spring Fashion Parade.
Tuesday 15th / 10:30am / Bus departs for ‘Dream Lover’ – The Bobby Darin Story at the Lyric Theatre. Names in red folder.



Here is the figure:

March 2016- 78.9mls