Title: Non-Stock Purchase Order (Inbound 861)
Abstract: Documenting the process for the EDI Receiving Advice Edit/Create - Purchasing (R47071) - Inbound 861 - for a non-stock purchase orders.
Table of Contents
Minimum Required EDI Files/Fields- F47071 & F47072
EnterpriseOne Application Files Updated
Report Results
Overview - Inbound 861 - Non-Stock
The EDI Receiving Advice Edit/Create - Purchasing (R47071) - Inbound 861 - for a non-stock purchase order, confirms the receipt of services against an outstanding purchase order.
Company A enters a non-stock purchase order. The Vendor on the order fills the services for Company B. Company B is the recipient of the services and is invoiced, they send the advice to Company A that the services are complete. Company A will run the EDI Receiving Advice Edit/Create - Purchasing (R47071) program to record the receipt of those services in their system.
The system verifies the inbound receiving advice against an open non-stock purchase order. The EDI Receiving Advice Edit/Create - Purchasing (R47071) is looking for data in the Purchase Order Header (F4301) file and the Purchase Order Detail (F4311) file.
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The Minimum Required EDI Files/Fields
The transmitter will need to map data to the EDI Invoice Header - Inbound (F47071) and EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound (F47072). These files will be used by the EDI Receiving Advice Edit/Create - Purchasing (R47071) to update the EnterpriseOne purchasing files (noted later).
EDI Invoice Header - Inbound (F47071):
- SYEKCO - EDI Document Key Company
- SYEDOC - EDI Document Number
- SYEDCT - EDI Document Type
- SYEDST - EDI Transaction Set
- SYEDER - Send/Receive Flag = R
- SYEDDL - Number of Detail Lines
- SYTPUR - Transaction Set Purpose
- SYRATY - Receiving Advice Type
- SYKCOO - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Key Company
- SYDOCO - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Number
- SYDCTO - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Document Type
- SYSFXO - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Suffix
EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound (F47072):
- SZEKCO - EDI Document Key Company
- SZEDOC - EDI Document Number
- SZEDCT - EDI Document Type
- SZEDLN - EDI Line Number
- SZEDST - EDI Transaction Set
- SZEDER - Send/Receive Flag = R
- SZKCOO - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Key Company
- SZDOCO - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Number
- SZDCTO - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Document Type
- SZSFXO - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Suffix
- SZLNID - J.D. Edwards Purchase Order Line Number
- SZLSTS - Line Item Status Code
- SZUOM - Unit of Measure as Input
- SZUOM3 - Unit of Measure - Purchasing
Note: Receiving an advice for a non-stock line or purchase order map a dollar amount to the Amount Received Field SZAREC.
Additional Fields to Consider in the EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound (F47072): Quantity, Item Number, and Account Number
The Inventory Interface of the Order Line Types will determine what is required to be mapped in the quantity, item number and account number fields of the EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound (F47072) file.
The information below will take into account the "N" and the "A" inventory interface value of a line type:
Quantity -SZUREC Field:
- "A" inventory interface - quantity is optional
- "N" inventory interface - mandatory to map the quantity or an error "blanks invalid" (0003) will occur on the UREC field
Item Number - SZLITM Field:
- "A" inventory interface - item number is optional, and is not validated against Item Master (F4101).
- "N" inventory interface - if not mapped, then non-stock item will be taken from the purchase order to create the Purchase Order Receiver (F43121) record. The non stock item is required to have an Item Master (F4101) record.
Account Number - SZANI Field:
- "A" inventory interface - account number is optional. However, if an account number for the expense is mapped, it will be recorded in the Purchase Order Receiver (F43121) file, and the Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411) file. If no account number is mapped, then the account number will be taken from the account number on the purchase order.
- "N" inventory interface - not required in that the account numbers will be taken from the appropriate J.D. Edwards purchasing AAI Tables.
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J.D. Edwards Application Files Updated
The data from the non-stock purchase order in the EDI Invoice Header - Inbound (F47071) and EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound (F47072) files are updated to the following J.D. Edwards files:
- Purchase Order Header (F4301)
- Purchase Order Detail (F4311)
- Purchase Order Receiver (F43121)
- Account Ledger (F0911)
- PO Detail Ledger (F43199)
- Item Branch (F41021)
- Supplier/Item Relationships (F43090
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Resulting Report from EDI Receiving Advice Edit/Create - Purchasing (R47071)
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