Who are we? What do we do?


In July 2010 and again in March 2013 OFSTED judged

Victoria Drive Primary Pupil Referral Unit

as ‘Outstanding’

‘Victoria Drive Primary Pupil Referral Unit is a most special service that offers outstanding education and care. It successfully helps young and often vulnerable pupils to change their lives.’

OFSTED July 2010

‘Excellent teaching and outstanding progress have been maintained.’

OFSTED March 2013

Victoria Drive PRU

78 Victoria Drive


SW19 6HR

Tel: 020 8780 2360

Fax: 020 8789 9453


Referring a pupil to the B&LSS

  • A school is concerned about a pupil
  • The school has a telephone conversation with the B&LSS and requests a Referral Form.
  • The pupil is referred via a B&LSS Referral Form (even if an Early Help Assessment Form has been completed through EHIT).
  • A member of the B&LSS Team observes the pupil in school
  • The pupil is presented at the monthly B&LSS Referral Panel and a decision is made as to the type of support the pupil will receive.
  • The school completes a ‘Baseline Checklist’ to give updated information on the learning levels of the pupil.
  • The parent/carer is invited to meet with the B&LSS to set up the support for their child.
  • Other agencies are contacted for information and a multi-professional network is created. This is also the Team Around the Child (TAC).
  • Support begins and is reviewed every term at a Review Meeting involving the B&LSS, parents/carers, the school and any other relevant agencies.
  • Support is usually for two terms, but this can be negotiable depending on the needs of the child.


What types of support does the B&LSS offer?

  • Small Group teaching sessions at the PRU
  • In-School peripatetic teaching support
  • Advice and Consultation
  • Learning Mentor support
  • TAC and Network Meetings support
  • Support to Head Teachers

The pupils who receive the above types of support have been identified by their schools as having Special Educational Needs (SEN), but they do not have a ‘Statement of SEN’ or ‘Education, Health & Care Plan’ (EHCP). Many pupils manage to make good progress and move back to school without further support. Some pupils, due to their many and complex needs, go on to have a Statement or EHCP.

On average, 25% of the pupils we work with go on to have a request made for a Statement / EHCP or to actually have a Statement / EHCP.

  • Moderate Learning Disabilities (MLD)

The pupils who receive MLD support can have Special Educational Needs (SEN) without a Statement / EHCP or they can have a Statement / EHCP.

  • Clinical Psychology support and Systemic Family Therapy support

The pupils who receive this support can have SEN without a Statement / EHCP or they can have a Statement / EHCP.

Their families can access this support as well.

  • Statement Support (Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties - SEMHD)

The pupils who receive this support have a ‘Statement of SEN’ or EHCP, where the primary need has been identified as SEMHD.


What does the support look like?

Small group teaching sessions at the PRU:-

  • Pupils attend their mainstream Primary Schools throughout the week and they usually attend the PRU for two sessions (half days) per week.
  • They travel to and from the PRU with one of the guides (escorts) employed by the B&LSS.
  • Pupils work in small groups of six with a Teacher and a Teaching Assistant. The groups are of mixed ages and abilities but the pupils are within one Key Stage (KS1 or KS2). Within a group, the pupils will usually be from different Wandsworth Primary Schools.
  • Pupils work from the core subjects of the National Curriculum and they all work to individual targets, which are specific to their individual needs. All work is differentiated so it can be accessed and developed by each individual.
  • Regular liaison takes place between the B&LSS, the pupil’s school, the parents/carers and any other relevant agencies. A formal Review Meeting takes place every term where progress and concerns are discussed and a plan for the next term is made. A B&LSS report is presented at these meetings and minutes are taken in order to inform future planning.
  • The Primary PRU is subject to OFSTED inspections and the work of the PRU is rigorously monitored by the PRU Link Inspector.


In-School peripatetic support:-

  • The peripatetic teacher works with the pupil in their own school, usually for one session per week.
  • Pupils work to individual targets which are specific to their individual needs. Work is differentiated so it can be accessed and developed by each individual pupil.
  • Weekly liaison takes place between the B&LSS teacher, the pupil’s class teacher and the school’s SEN Coordinator.
  • Regular liaison also takes place between the B&LSS teacher, the pupil’s school, the parents/carers and other relevant agencies. A formal Review Meeting takes place every term where progress and concerns are discussed and a plan is made for the next term. A B&LSS report is presented at these meetings and minutes are taken in order to inform future planning.

Advice and Consultation:-

  • A B&LSS teacher is allocated to work alongside the staff in a school – usually during one visit per week.
  • The teacher offers advice and consultation, suggesting ideas and strategies to support a particular child or group of children in class.


Learning Mentor support:-

  • The B&LSS Learning Mentor works with the pupil either in their own school or at the PRU for one session per week.
  • The Learning Mentor provides support for low self-esteem, bullying issues, preparation for transferring to a new Key Stage / School, safeguarding issues and any other barriers to learning the pupil may be experiencing.
  • All work is tailored to the pupil’s individual needs, concerns and difficulties.
  • Regular liaison takes place between the B&LSS Learning Mentor, the pupil’s school, the parents/carers and any other relevant agencies.
  • A formal Review Meeting takes place every term where progress and concerns are discussed and a plan for the next term is made. The Learning Mentor presents a report at these meetings and minutes are taken in order to inform future planning.

Team Around the Child (TAC) and Network Meetings:-

  • A member of the B&LSS team can attend TAC Meetings or Network Meetings for individual pupils who are known to this Service. If it is appropriate, that team member can chair the meeting.
  • The team member will attend future follow-up meetings in the school or at Victoria Drive PRU.


Support to Head Teachers:-

  • The Head of the B&LSS is available to offer consultation, advice and support to Primary Head Teachers across the borough.
  • This support can offer new and creative ways of thinking about, understanding the needs of and delivering the curriculum to pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties.

Moderate Learning Disabilities support (MLD):-

The two MLD specialist teachers work in mainstream primary schools with pupils whose primary presenting need is Moderate Learning Disabilities or Global Developmental/Cognitive Delay. Support can include the following:

-Provide advice and consultation

-Assess pupils’ needs

-Identify learning targets

-Devise individual programmes and provide resources to address identified targets

-In particular circumstances, provide direct intervention/teaching with individuals or small groups

-Provide written and verbal advice for all pupils referred

-Provide training to teaching and support staff, as necessary

-Liaise with external agencies

-Attend EHCP, Annual Review, TAC, and other relevant meetings, as necessary.


Clinical Psychology support and Systemic Family Therapy support:-

The B&LSS has a small team of two Mental Health workers - a Clinical Psychologist and a Systemic Family Therapist.

The Clinical Psychologist works at Victoria Drive Pupil referral unit (PRU) and out in Wandsworth primary schools. This work includes:-

  • Observe individual pupils.
  • Provide consultation.
  • Carry out Cognitive and Psychometric Assessments on pupils.
  • Work directly with pupils, their families and other professionals involved in the case.
  • Provide written reports and advice for all pupils referred or assessed.
  • Liaise with external agencies and attend relevant meetings.

The Systemic Family Therapist worksat Victoria Drive Pupil referral unit (PRU) and out in Wandsworth primary schools. This work includes:-

  • Observe individual pupils.
  • Provide consultation.
  • Provide therapeutic support for pupils and their families.
  • Provide advice and support for the team around the cases.
  • Provide written reports for all referrals.
  • Liaise with external agencies and attend relevant meetings.


Statement / EHCP support:-

The Statement Support Team comprises one Teacher and one full time equivalent Teaching Assistant to support pupils with a Statement of SEN / EHCP,where the primary need has been identified as Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMHD).

This team works in schools to:-

  • Provide advice and consultation.
  • Identify individual targets.
  • Support the Teachers and Teaching Assistants who are working with theindividual pupil.
  • Provide direct intervention / teaching with some of the individual pupils.
  • Liaise with external agencies.
  • Attend Annual Review Meetings and other relevant meetings.
  • Provide written reports.

Point of Contact for Staff

Teaching staff, clinical staff, support staff and the Learning Mentor are based at the Victoria Drive Pupil Referral Unit. Some of the staff work peripatetically in schools. For those teachers working in schools, messages can be left at the Victoria Drive Pupil Referral Unit and a member of the team will ensure that the information is passed on.

Staff can be contacted at:-

Victoria Drive Pupil Referral Unit

Tel: 020 8780 2360

Fax: 020 8789 9453

Office Email:

Some members of staff undertake a combination of work in the service. This may involve working at the Victoria Drive Pupil Referral Unit and in a number of schools. The following is a list of members of the B&LSS Team:-

Trish Press Head of B&LSS

Karen Seaton Deputy Head

Lena Legate PRU / Peripatetic Teacher

Pat DonnellyPRU / Peripatetic Teacher

Helen EdiePRU / Peripatetic Teacher

Carol SelfPRU Teacher

Geraldine LewisPeripatetic Teacher

Linda KendallMLD Specialist Lead Teacher

Mandy de LeonMLD Specialist Teacher

Eileen ShannonStatement Support Lead Teacher /

Acting Deputy Head Teacher

Jan WhitingStatement Support Teacher

Philippa Sargeaunt Clinical Psychologist

Terri Fresko Systemic Family Therapist

Sarah Powell Administration Officer

Kathy BradshawLearning Mentor

Janett Ayinde Statement Support &

PRU Teaching Assistant

Saira KhanStatement Support &

PRU Teaching Assistant

Nicci SmithTeaching Assistant

Stacey McSweeneyTeaching Assistant

Sharon CastleTeaching Assistant

Dwaine PencilleTeaching Assistant

Devon HarrisonTeaching Assistant

K Seaton 2010 (updated November 2014)