2017 YorkDistrictPinewoodDerbyRules

“The purposeofthe PinewoodDerby is to providea positive experience for the scout, the parents,thePack, and the CharteredPartnerwiththe emphasis on THESCOUT.”


Theraceis open to allTigerScouts,CubScoutsand WebelosScouts (1styear, 2ndyearorjust graduated toBoyScouts)registeredinaPackin the YorkDistrict ofPineTreeCouncil.Thescouts will be referredtoas“drivers” inthese rules.Parentsor designatedguardians of the scoutswillbereferred to asthe "pitcrew"intheserules.

Therewill beNOBest ofShowentriesat the2017YorkDistrictPinewoodDerby. Only thefastestthree driversfromeach Packwillbe allowedtorace. We encourageyoutorecognizeyourBestof Show car atthe Packlevel,however, there willbe a Bestof ShowwinnerchosenattheDistrictDerby.

All cars competingin the2017District Pinewood Derbymust havebeenmadefora2017Pack Pinewood Derby. Cars madeforanypreviousyearPinewood Derbyare notacceptable.

Pinewood Derbyrace cars will bebuilt from an Official Grand PrixPinewood Derby Kit. Thiskit includes thepinewoodblock,axles,andwheelsnecessarytobuildcar.Thepurchaseof machinedwheels and polished axlesfrom othersuppliers isspecificallyprohibited.

Decorative itemssuchassteeringwheels,drivers,spoilers,decalsand interiordetailsare permissibleas longas the finished car meets theYorkDistrictPinewood Derbyrulesand specifications.Driversareencouragednotto promotetheuseofalcoholicbeverages ortobaccoproducts bytheuseofdecals advertisingthese productswhendecoratingtheirracecars.



a.The minimum widthbetweenwheelsshall be1 3/4 inches.

b.The maximum overallwidth ofthe car including wheelsand axles must not exceed 2 3/4 inches.

c.Minimum clearance between thebottom ofthecarand thebottom ofthe wheels(betweenthewheels) shall be3/8 inch.

d.The maximum length ofthe car shall not exceed 7inches.

e.The maximum height ofthe car shall not exceed 43/4 inchesfrom thebottom ofthe wheels.

f.The front ofALLcars will restagainst the starting pin andNO part ofthe racecarcan protrudepast the startingpost. Toensure this allcars must be atleast 1 inchhigh abovethe trackandatleast ½ inchwide.

g.The useofthepre-cut axles locations in the officialpinewood car block ishighlyrecommendedhowever, iftheexistingslots are not used, thefollowingdimensions must be maintained:Nominalwheelbase of43/8 inches

Dimension of15/16 inchfrom one endoftheblock to theaxleDimension of1 11/16 inchfrom the other endofthe block to the axle.


a.The carmaybe hollowedout and built up to themaximumweightof5 oz.bytheaddition ofwood or metalonly, provided it is securelybuilt into thebodyorfirmlyaffixed to it.

b.No loose materials ofanykind suchaslead shot are permitted in oron thecar.

c.Iftape (masking, scotch,etc.) is used to hold weights on the, it must be tightlyattached to thecar. Usingtapeto secureweight is not recommended.

d.It is recommendedthatweights on thebottom ofthe car be inset so theyare flushwith thebottom ofthe woodblock.

Wheels and Axles:

a.OnlyOfficial CubScout PinewoodDerby wheels,with the officialB.S.A.stamp on theinsideofthe wheel,can beused.

b.OnlyOfficial CubScout PinewoodDerbyaxles can be used.

c.Axles maybe polishedonly.

d.Solid axlesare strictlyprohibited.

e.Wheelbearings,washers,or bushings areprohibited.

f.The car shall not ride onanytypeof springs.

g.Wheels maybesanded toremove themold projection on the tread only.This is theonlywheelmodificationallowed. Beveling or tapering ofthe wheels is prohibited.The entire portion ofthe wheel must remain flat exceptfor theoutermost edge that comes rounded from thefactorycasting.Examples of acceptable and unacceptablewheels are shown below.

h.The portion ofthe wheelhub thatrubsagainst thecar bodymayonlybepolished to removecastings.No other modifications to thehub areallowable.The portion ofthehub thatrubsagainst thecarbodymaynot be rolled or beveledin anywayand shall remainflat.Ifin theact ofpolishing, thehub becomesrolled or beveled, thehub will be deemed non-conformingand thewheelwillneed to bereplacedwith aconformingwheel.

i.AllFour WheelsMust sitflaton the Track.Wheelcovers and hubcaptype wheelcoverswillnotbe allowed anddrivermust removethembeforeracing at theDistrict competition.


a.Onlydrylubricantmaybe used.Regular oils and silicon sprays soften theplastic wheels.Weunderstandthat the ScoutShop sells aliquid lubricant, but thatwill not be allowedat the DistrictDerby!

b.Carsare to be lubricatedbefore inspection/registration.Noother lubricationwill be permitted.


a.Cars must be freewheelingwith no startingdeviceor other propulsion.

b.Ifacar suffersa mechanicalproblemprior to arace, the participantwill haveup to five minutesto fixthe car. Iftheproblem occursaftera race, the participantwillhavefive minutes oruntilthe carraces next to fixthe car. If repairscannotbe made in this time frame, the carwill bedisqualified.
