Complete the entire form. Please PRINT or TYPE.

Name ______Colleague ID ______

Local Address ______City, State, Zip ______

Home Address ______City, State, Zip ______

Local Phone # ______Home Phone ______

BHSU E-mail address ______Other E-mail address ______

College Major(s) ______

College Minor(s) ______

* * * WORK HISTORY * * *

Begin with your most recent position. List paid and unpaid experiences, including any military service.

Dates of Employment: ______to ______Position Title ______

Name of Organization ______Supervisor ______

Reason for Leaving ______

Complete Description of Duties ______



Dates of Employment: ______to ______Position Title ______

Name of Organization ______Supervisor ______

Reason for Leaving ______

Complete Description of Duties ______



(You may attach additional information regarding work or volunteer experience if more room is needed.)

Employer Reference(s):

Name ______Telephone ______

Name ______Telephone ______

Personal Reference(s):

Name ______Telephone ______

Name ______Telephone ______

If you have a resume, please attach it to this form along with any other information requested by the supervisor of the position(s)you are applying for.


Circle LAST year of education completed: HS/GED Post Secondary yr: 1 2 3 4 5+

List formal education, most recent first, including attendance at BHSU. Include high school, college, vocational/technical, military training, etc.

Name of School Dates Attended Degree



Place an "X" in the blank that best describes your specific skills in each area.

Office Skills Computer Knowledge

_____ Have no exposure to office procedures _____ No experience with computers

_____ Have had some exposure to office procedures _____ Have experience with personal computers

_____ Have a good understanding of general office procedures _____ Have computer hardware/technical experience

_____ Have taken an office class List fluent computer languages and software packages

used: ______


Keyboarding Skills Scientific Abilities

_____ No keyboarding skills _____ No special abilities in the science field

_____ Have taken a keyboarding class _____ Have completed two laboratory science classes

_____ Have word processing experience other than in class _____ Have assisted with a laboratory science class

(for employment or special projects, etc.) List the science courses you have taken:

High School ______


College ______


People Skills

_____ Limited skills in dealing with the public

_____ Would enjoy a “people-oriented” position

_____ Have worked with assisting the public

Other skills or experiences that may add to your employability (WSI certification, music, theater, photography, etc.)




• Consult the online Jacket Job Link listings for the most current information on positions available, specific duties, pay range, etc.

• Take this completed form and your FWS Authorization (if applicable) to your job interview(s) or send them to the supervisor if requested.

Before beginning employment as a first-time BHSU employee, you must minimally complete a W-4 Form and an I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form. You will need to bring your driver's license and social security card, or other identity documents, to the Human Resources Office in Woodburn Hall Room 201.

If special accommodations for employment are necessary because of a disability, please contact Human Resources or Mike McNeil, BHSU Disabilities Liaison, at 605-642-6099, or .