Logistics Cluster – Operational overview as of 25 Sept 07(draft, please complete/add your organisation and send back to , thx)

Organisation / Current/planned flood emergency response operations / Presence in the field / Logistics assets / Pipeline / Logistics issues
ACF/AAH / Cholera outbreak preparation, ongoig operations in Lango / Lira, Lango / Water quality testing equipment, borehole rehabilitation equipment, all stored in Kampala / No anticipated requirements for storing in Soroti or airlift
ARC / Not present in Teso, at this point no planned operations, looking at early recovery / Acholi / Preparation for forecasted 3 months rain in Acholi necessary
ASB / Cooperating with UNICEF for NFI distribution; 2 distribution teams for UNHCR items, ready for food security intervention. / Operational office in Katakwi / Small WH in Katakwi, pax vehicle can be made available to other organizations needing transport in Katakwi / Currently storing in WFP wiikhall at Soroti airport / Ongoing operations in Pader affected by Lira/Pader road being cut off; looking for long term storage solution, planned airlift request
CCCF / Distribution plan to be finalized / Have store in Soroti / Might request airlift
Concern / Cooperating with UNICEF for NFI distribution; ongoing distributions for 7,000 HH / Amuria / NFI for 7,000 HH sourced in Kampala / Planned request for air transport for 1000 bars of soap and 350 blankets
COOPI / On standby for Teso, partnering with UNICEF in Lira / Presence in Lira, Pader, Kidgum / Compressor for boreholes, WatSan staff, 1,000 NFI kits
FHI / Ready to divert capacities / Kumi, Soroti / NFI kits for 1,500 HH, procurement in country
GOAL / No presence in East, more North Uganda, Pader
GVC / Cooperating with UNICEF for NFI distribution
IOM / Cooperating with UNICEF for NFI distribution for 1,611 HH / Operational base in Soroti
ISB / no additional operations planned as of now / Nakapiripirit, Moroto / Tarps and blankets
LWF / Cooperating with UNICEF for NFI distribution
OCHA / Coordination / Soroti, Lira, Katakwi,.. / Requested for airlift ex Brindisi on behalf of UNICEF for WASH items
Oxfam GB / Planning response in Mt. Elgon and Kabon / Kotido, new base in Mbale, logistician in Soroti for air requests / Planned distribution of NFI for 5,000 HH (35,000 people) plus cholera preparation / Procurement issues as well as road inaccessible areas, will request air lift
SC US/Uganda / Response plan not yet finalized, looking at post crisis intervention
THW / Just arrived for fact finding mission as request of government / Moving to Soroti / Possibly water purification/ rehabilitation, mobile water test lab in country / THW possibly requesting air lift for heavy equipment
TPO Uganda / TPO will be targeting 1,000 households in Katakwi. In addition 600 candidate students will receive scholastic materials. / Soroti, Katakwi, Kumi / Local procurement of tarps and other utensils. Kit per HH of treated Mosquito net, plastic sheet (Tarpaulin), a blanket, and an assorted households utensils / Interested in transport support
UNHCR / Distributed 500 plastic sheets, 1000 blankets through ASB, plans for 500 tents and 2000 blankets to Soroti / No / 500 tents in WFP wiikhall at Soroti airport; plan to bring 2,000 blankets as well / Has requested WFP to support with onward transport ex Soroti
UNICEF / Planned response for approx. 385,000 beneficiaries (to be implemented by various NGOs, UNICEF procures and hands stocks over to NGOs for distribution) / Soroti, Katakwi / Prison cannot be used in Soroti for warehousing, requires approx. 1 wiikhall for NFI temp storage at airport, still running chartered PAX aircraft from Entebbe to Soroti, Tuesdays and Thursdays, looking to hand this over to UNHAS / - Blankets 58,000
- Soap 16,500 cartons
- Mosquito nets 50,000
- Jerry cans 30,000
- Tents 75m2 (for schools) 200
- Tents 30x20 feet 50
- Pacs water puri tabs 30,000 (ETA Soroti stretched out from 21 Sept to 30 Oct) Overview in separate document / Current road accessibility, will request air cargo transportsupport on behalf of NGO implementing partners to areas not accessible by road only. UNICEF does not have the capacity to deliver the programme stocks for the NGOs
URCS/IFRC / Emergency response operations to assist 10,000 HH with NFI; cooperating with UNICEF for NFI distribution / Operational base will be set up in Soroti and Lira / No helicopters planned at this stage; 14 trucks coming from Kenyan RC; 1 mobile health clinic; 2 water purification units; 4 6x6 trucks; 4 10x24mt storage tents / Airlift of NFI ex Dubai into Soroti planned, local procurement and stocks also in Nairobi (blankets, tarps, kitchen sets, laundry soap, mosquito nets), also local procurement for shelter kit / Concerned with road conditions; will request air cargo movement from UNHAS as well as temp. storage until own 4 wiikhalls erected
WFP / Emergency flood response for 300.000 beneficiaries as well as alleviating flood impact on ongoing projects / Soroti, Lira, Gulu, Tororo / 1 helicopter operating out of Soroti, 1 additional heli arriving this week, air base in Soroti incl temp warehousing for NFI/food at airport / Food commodities, planned 1 additional helicopter, bailey bridges, additional wiikhalls, heavy duty fleet augmentation, 2 boats / Access: operational challenge to ensure continued ongoing operations as well as flood response
WHO / Health, Nutrition, HIV cluster lead, responding in Amuria, Katakwi / Soroti / Cholera health kits in place, receipt from GoU / Interested in air cargo support , planned air request for 4,5mt of medication
WVI / In discussions to become WFP cooperating partner in Katakwi

HVV/JB, Logistics Cluster, Soroti/Kampala ,25 Sept 07