CFO Roundtable Public

14 September 2012

Categories of Growth

Scott Jacobson, Madrona Venture Group

Madrona Capital

·  Invest at an early stage, but across the lifecycle

·  Seed, Creation, Series A Funding

·  Pre-revenue

·  Geographic focus on PNW, largely Puget Sound


·  Social Ventures

o  Big Challenge: the best people to allocate capital, build companies would be better off financially to go elsewhere?

o  Nonprofit folks need some help

o  Can be a good later career option for investors & successful people

o  New wave in social enterprises? People care about a mission-oriented business, but care about the profits

o  There can be money to be made in social ventures – can you take it out?

o  If it is ultimately good for the business, then it can be a good thing – add value to the brand, can be profit maximizing

§  Warby Parker

§  Toms Shoes

§  How long can it be differentiated?

·  Regionality: Seattle vs. Other Areas

o  Answer: What grows well here? The Valley is self-sustaining

o  10 years ago, that opportunity didn’t seem as real for Seattle

o  Seattle has developed some “anchor tenants”

o  Use UW Engineers, attract others

o  People get trained well in tech companies and get bored

o  Cloud infrastructure à huge for Seattle

§  Microsoft, Amazon

o  Zulily – ecommerce, should grow better

o  Amazon can intimidate folks

o  University of Washington

§  Research: Imaging

§  Have funded 13 companies out of UW

o  Mobile: Early mobile development in the PNW: McCaw,

§  How to make devices work well on mobile platforms

§  Connecting devices to mobile networks

·  Thermostats, etc

§  Building applications has grown

o  Machine to Machine communication is growing

o  Startups are focusing on how to add value on top of the commodity hardware that already exists

o  Opportunities for startups:

§  Building applications rather than lots of infrastructure

§  Bring applications into the cloud à more insights, more power

§  Make it easy for companies whose focus is not technology – making it easy to access technology, etc.

o  Companies are using the cloud as an easy way to get started

§  Build applications that build on cloud infrastructure, making it easy for others to build on cloud infrastructure/use the power of the cloud

o  Entrepreneurial activity in Seattle

§  Established ecosystem in Bay Area that doesn’t exist as strongly in Seattle

§  Infrastructure, Capital

§  Build a prototype, ideas are worthless, as cost is close to zero à same access to infrastructure as in the Valley

§  Smaller number of people comfortable with writing seed checks

·  Part of the culture of the Valley

§  Network of Angels is small in Seattle, small, given wealth of the area and of individuals

§  Are we showy enough?

§  Are companies successful enough in Seattle?

§  Don’t have the same seed funding culture – get people excited about investing?

·  Mining VC For seed investment opportunities

o  Staying connected

o  There are Angel Netowrks: Serif, Alliance of Angels

§  Can act as a fliter

o  Angel List

o  TechStars – accelerator

o  Startup Weekend – they want to start up a company, want to meet other people. Show up – have idea, pitch, people aggregate – you start building

o  ½ dozen venture firms in seattle, fairly easy to network

o  Just Call Them

o  Keeping ear to the ground:

§  Creating a seed division? OK for larger companies

·  Want to get involved, seed money, strategic partner, perhaps an exit strategy

·  Do these gestate anything?

§  Talk about priorities

§  What is your strategy?

§  What is going on? What can support/disrupt our strategy?

§  Talk to people about strategy – share ideas!

·  Corp. attention for “small” transaction

o  How do you get on the radar for smaller deals?

o  Successful acquisitions – incorporate your infrastructure

o  Buying a competency: team & technology

§  Fix a mess --> Google Wallet

·  Trends à What are the new ideas hitting his desk?

o  Big Data à new tech that make it easy to process data in a way that has not happened before

§  Ad targeting

o  As connectivity grows there are new considerations

§  Security:

·  Devices that connect to your network, taking sensitive data, etc – iPads – how do you manage this risk? Employees are using these for work and personal

§  Productivity software reimagined for mobile devices

·  Smaller screens, etc. How is this content created?

o  China: ownership structure, culture issues, but large base of brand-focused people with money to spend, who want to consume

§  Chinese are putting money in the US for security

·  More safe than bank and/or mattress in China

§  Selling vs. owning

·  Impact of new tech in media and broadcasting

o  TV Viewing is not decreasing, despite media moves

o  Viewership of video on web is skyrocketing

o  Kids are watching iPads rather than TVs

o  Consuming live events on TV, but otherwise playing games or watching short form content

o  Web Targeting is great, but ads for tv are lagging à why are they so much less focused? Make it relevant!

o  What is your digital strategy?

o  There is a lot of old thinking in tv business

o  “TV” will decline over a much longer timeframe

·  Exit strategies for VCs

o  Given FB, Groupon, etc

o  Liquidity through M&A

o  IPO Market is come and go

o  Bezos: Mazimize FCF Dollars à long-term views

o  What is Zuckerberg trying to optimize for à Shareholders? Social mission? What is his motivation?