


An Introduction to Equations



Form G

Tell whether each equation is true, false, or open. Explain.

1. 45 ¸ x - 14 = 22 / 2. -42 - 10 = -52
3. 3(-6) + 5 = 26 - 3 / 4. (12 + 8) ¸ (-10) = -12 ¸ 6
5. -14n -7 = 7 / 6. 7k - 8k = -15
7. 10 + (-15) - 5 = -5 / 8. 32 ¸ (-4) + 6 = -72 ¸ 8 + 7

Tell whether the given number is a solution of each equation.

9. 3b - 8 = 13; -7 / 10. -4x + 7 = 15; -2 / 11. 12 = 14 - 2f; -1
12. -6 = 14 - 11n;2 / 13. 7c - (-5) = 26; 3 / 14. 25 - 10z = 15; -1
15. -8a - 12 = -4; 1 / 16. / 17.

Write an equation for each sentence.

18.  The difference of a number and 7 is 8.

19.  6 times the sum of a number and 5 is 16.

20.  A computer programmer works 40 hours per week. What is an equation that relates the number of weeks w that the programmer works and the number of hours h that the programmer spends working?

21.  Josie is 11 years older than Macy. What is an equation that relates the age of Josie J and the age of Macy M?

Use mental math to find the solution of each equation.

22. t - 7 = 10 / 23. 12 = 5 - h / 24. 22 + p = 30 / 25. 6 - g = 12
26. / 27. / 28. 4x = 36 / 29. 12b = 60

Prentice Hall Gold Algebra 1 • Teaching Resources

Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.





An Introduction to Equations


Practice (continued)

Form G

Use a table to find the solution of each equation.

30. 4m - 5 = 11 / 31. -3d + 10 = 43 / 32. 2 = 3a + 8 / 33. 5h - 13 = 12
34. -8 = 3y - 2 / 35. 8n + 16 = 24 / 36. 35 = 7z - 7 / 37.

Use a table to find two consecutive integers between which the solution lies.

38. 7t - 20 = 33 / 39. 7.5 = 3.2 - 2.1n / 40. 37d + 48 = 368
44. d + 8 = 10 / 45. 3p - 14 = 9 / 46. 8.3 = 4k - 2.5 / 47. c - 8 = -12
48. 6y - 13 = -13 / 49. 15 = 8 + (-a) / 50. / 51. 21 = 7x + 8

41.  The population of a particular village can be modeled by the equation y = 110x + 56, where x is the number of years since 1990. In what year were there 1706 people living in the village?

42.  Open-Ended Write four equations that all have a solution of -10. The equations should consist of one multiplication, one division, one addition, and one subtraction equation.

43.  There are 68 members of the marching band. The vans the band uses to travel to games each carry 15 passengers. How many vans does the band need to reserve for each away game?

Find the solution of each equation using mental math or a table. If the solution lies between two consecutive integers, identify those integers.

52.  Writing Explain the difference between an expression and an equation.

Prentice Hall Gold Algebra 1 • Teaching Resources

Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.