CLASS – Ist toIIIrd

Agenda of Winter Home – work

Its /
  1. Define Preposition and write 5 example and make sentences on it
  2. Draw a Christmas tree and write 5 Sentence on it.
/ 1-fdz;k “kCn ds nl okD; fp= lfgr fyf[k,A
2-lnzh esa vkus okys 5 Qyksa vkSj lfCt;ksa ds lfp= okD; cukb;sA /
  1. Pg. No. 145 (02)
  1. Paste the picture of clothes you wear in winter season.
  2. Write 5 name of food items that you eat in winter season.
  1. Search 20 difficult words from book (Nov. Dec. course) write in copy
/ 1)Draw a Christmas greeting card and decorate it.
IInd /
  1. Write 10 lines on Christmas Celebration.
  2. Make a take of question words and make sentences on it (pg. no. 88 -89)
/ 1-fo”ks’k.k “kCn dk iz;ksx djds fp= lfgr ikWp okD; cukb;sA
2-“khrdkyhu vodk”k esa vki dgk¡ & dgk¡ /kweus x, vius “kCnksa esa fyf[k,A /
  1. Pg No. – 161 (Project)
  1. Draw / Paste marker scene (Pg. 59)
  2. Draw any 4 modern means of communication and name them (108).
  1. Search 20 difficult words from book (Nov. Dec. course) write in copy
  1. Draw a Christmas greeting card and decorate it.

IIIrd / 1)Write 10 – 10 Sentence using Interjection & conjunctions
2)How did you celebrate New Year? (In Project File) / 1-ß,drk esa cy f”k{kkß nsus okyh ,d dgkuh fyf[k,A
2-fo”ks’k.k dk iz;ksx djds fp= lfgr nl okD; cukb,A /
  1. P.No. 143
What fraction of the clock in shaded the express the fraction in minutes?
  1. P. No. 159
Draw the other half of these Christmas Pic. to make Symmetrical picture then colour. /
  1. Draw any three ways by which air can be polluted (58)
  2. Draw the diagram of different types of plants and name them (128)
  1. Search 20 difficult words from book (Nov. Dec. course) write in copy
  1. Make a New Year greeting card and decorate it.


CLASS – IVth toVth

Agenda of Winter Home – work

IVth / 1)Write a paragraph on your New Year resolution.
2)Pg. 94 (Eng. G. Book) in project file. / 1-Lokeh foosdkuUn ;k jkuh y{ehckbZ ds thou ds ckjsa esa dqN iafDr;k¡ fyf[k,A
2-ßle; dk egRoß crkus okyh ¼ikB~; iqLrd ds vykok½dksbZ ,d dfork fyf[k, /
  1. Draw and colour picture of Earth .
  2. Make a chart of pg. no. 113 (In Project file)
  1. Draw and colour picture of Earth.
  2. Make a chart of Pg. No. 113 (In Project File)
  1. Search 20 difficult words from book (Nov. Dec. course) write in copy
  1. Write and paste picture of govt. services and individual effort.
Write fundamental duties for citizens of India /
  1. Make a New Year greeting card and decorate it.

Vth /
  1. Tense (All Tense with structure)
  2. Write a letter to invite your friend on Christmas eve.
/ Project Work
1-ukukth ;k nknkth dks i= fy[kdj crkb, fd vkius dSls fdlh vikfgt dh enn dhA
2-Hkkjr ds eaxy fe”ku ij tkudkjh ,d= dj Project rS;kj djsaA
3-fon~;ky; ds cky &^ esys esa yxk;h x;h nqdkuksa o eauksjatu dk;Zdeksa dh tkudkjh ds ckjs esa ,d vuqPNsn fy[ksA /
  1. Book Pg. 181 Q. 1 F G. Find area of triangle
  2. Book Pg. 184 Q. 1 C. F paste the colour paper according to the shapes
  3. Learn table 2 to 20
  1. Draw and explain the movable joints of the human body
  2. Explain the all type of pollution and paste the picture of pollution
  1. Make a project of diagram which done in L – 3 and 7 to 12 with lables
  1. Paste any four place of worship from L -14
  2. Paste the Pic. of Parliament and write few lines on it
  3. Learn Dec. Course
  1. Draw Santa’s face or Christmas tree with glitters sheet


CLASS – VIth to VIIIth

Agenda of Winter Home – work

VIth / W.S. 34 Speech
(Our School Canteen)
W.S. 45 Speech
(Save Water)
W.S. 49 Speech
(My Country, My pride)
W.S. 50 Speech (Drive safe arrive safe) / fuca/k & ;kn djus
1- iqLrdky;
2-izkFkZuk i=¼iqLrd [kksus dh lwpuk nsus gsrqA½
W/S 55,56,57
laca/k cks/kdA
leqPp; cks/kd / Practice Work
Ch – 16 Area and perimeter
(Solve and do practice of this chapter)
Learn Formulas / Learn :-
Ch- 6 Changes around us
Ch- 15 Importance of air / Do Pg.No.
in Map Book
Learn Dec. Course / iqujko`fRRk vH;kl (Pg.–No – 75)
la[;kokph ,oa “kjhj ds vaxks ds uke ;kn djus ds fy,
VIIth / Holiday Package
Activity - 12,13,14,15
Activity – 17
Activity – 25 to 29
Learn Dec. Course / fuca/k dksbZ ,d ;kn djsA
1- nwj lapkj dzkafr o Hkkjr
2- ukjh f”k{kk dk egRo
3-;qokoxZ o nwjn”kZu
i= ¼dksbZ 1½ ;kn djsaA
W/S 22 B / 20B
Pg.No- 95,96,97 W/S – 60 Solve / Practice Work
Ch. 15 Congruence of triangle
Ch. – 14 Constructions. / Learn:-
Ch.- 9 Soil
Ch. – 11 Transport of substances in plants and Animals. / Map Book
Do. Pg. No. 21,37,45,49,51,53, 55,59,61
Learn Ch.
His. – Ch – 9
Geo. – Ch – 6, 7
Civi. – Ch - 9 / “kCn #i & ekr` ,oa fir` “kCn
iqujko`fRRk vH;kl (Pg.–No – 111)
VIIIth / Holiday Package
Activity - 12,13,14,15
Activity – 17
Activity – 25 to 29
Learn Dec. Course / fuca/k dksbZ ,d ;kn djsA
1-f”k{kk dk ekSfyd vf/kdkj
2-c<+rs csjkstxkj ?kVrs jkstxkj
3-eknzd nzO; & EkkSr dk )okj
4-feykoVh [kk| inkFkZ o LokLF;
i= ¼dksbZ 1½ ;kn djsaA W/S 21B/ 20B/20A
W/S vyadkj Solve djsA / Practice Work
Ch. - 4 Cube and cube Root
(Chapter check – up solve)
Learn cube and cube roots(1 to 20) / Learn:-
Ch. 6 – Combustion and flame
Ch. 10 Reaching the age of Adolescence. / Map Book
Pg. No. 31,33,45,47,49,51, 53,55,57
Learn Ch.
His. – Ch – 11
Geo. – Ch – 9
Civi. – Ch - 9 / Hkkstu O;atukfn “kCnA
iqujko`fRRk vH;kl (Pg.–No – 107)
laLd`r ds “yksd ;kn djus ds fy,


CLASS – IXth to Xth Agenda of Winter Home – work

IXth /
  1. Novel Ch. 10 to 19 key Points ch. Wise + Pictorial Part from every ch. Be prepared in English Project File.
  1. Prepared poem for sub enrichment
/ Maths:- 10 Extra question and examples of ch. -13
15 Scientific names + lesson – 7 (Characteristics of P+A kingdom) + Diag. of each phylum in note book / Physics:- ch. 9,10 & 11 Numerical problem (Solve example only) / Chemistry:-
  1. Ch. – 2,3 exercise que
S. St.:-Russian Rev.Learn the Chapter
Xth /
  1. All Test Assignment from Bra via tobe Completed
  1. Prepared poem for sub enrichment
/ Maths:- Lab manual work - Perform any five activity or projects in lab manual. Solve practices sheets given in this month.
30 que. given of whole course (Board que.) / Physics:- Numerical problem ch. 11 meter on source of energy. / Chemistry:-
Last 2 year paper solution
S. St.:-
Learn outcome of Demo.+ Challenges of Demo.
XIth /
  1. 2 Previous year paper to be solved in Eng. II (Paper provided to Std.’s)
/ Maths:-All example of ch. - 13
Biology:- Seminar (On Different topics)allotted to students / Physics:- Numerical exercise ch. 10 ,11
Accountancy:- Final A/C 4,8,9,12,14,18,21,23 Single entry system – Que. 11,13,17,18 / Economics:-Project File
Ch. – 12 NCERT Exercise / Project work
Learn Boolean laws / Prepared Project file practices exam.
XIIth /
  1. All test assignment Bra via to be completed
/ Maths:-
Solve practice sheets given to all students and solve remaining NCERT que. in H/W copy.
Board que. (last 5 year’s paper)given / Physics:- Last 5 Year paper solution. Accountancy:-
Issue of share Q. 55,84,85,96,100 Issues of Deb entures 17,20,31,34,43,50 Red of Deb. 9,10,26,32,35,42,45,60 / Economics:- ch. Wise CBSE que.
Previous year paper solve (5 year) / Last 3 Year board paperssolve
Rev. for Pre. Board / Prepared Project file practices exam.