We need your input! We are asking you to take a few minutes to complete an online survey that is focused on the impact that state policies and practices have on the ability of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to exit school and obtain an individual job in the community. First a little background information on why we are seeking your assistance.
Background: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Developmental Disabilities has awarded grants to consortiums in six states under the Projects of National Significance: Partnerships in Employment Systems Changegrants. These funds will be usedto support consortiums aimed at improving existing state systems to increase competitive employment outcomes for youth and young adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.These grants will support partnerships in States that promote change effortsleading to the development of policies and practices that support competitive employment in integrated settings for youth and adults with developmental disabilities (DD).
A Missouri Consortium has been awarded a five year grant under this initiative to fund the Show-Me-Careers project. The overall goal of the Show-Me-Careers is “to scale up and sustain evidence-based practices in Missouri that support seamless transitions to integrated employment.” The project will scale up practices within communities across Missouri that demonstrate effective approaches to supporting transitions from secondary and post-secondary settings to community employment for youth and young adults with DD. A Leadership Consortium will support a statewide structure through which to demonstrate evidence-based practices, revise and develop needed policies and practices, and enhance statewide collaborations.
This initiative will be lead by a consortium that includes the following lead partners:
- University of Missouri Kansas City Institute for Human Development
- Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Missouri Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
- Missouri Office of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation Services
- Missouri Office of Special Education
- Missouri People First
- Missouri Division of Workforce Development
Needs Assessment: As a starting each of the six state grantees will undergo an in depth assessment of their state’s current strengths and weaknesses. The information gathered from the needs assessment will be used to inform each state’s work. The Administration on Developmental Disabilities has contracted with the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston to facilitate the needs assessment with each state.
This email provides the link to the web-based Strategic Transition to Employment Assessment Supplement. The assessment supplement has been developed to gather valuable input from a wide range of individuals including young adults with DD, families, schools, employment service providers, and state personnel in order to support the development of the state work plan. We ask that you take a few minutes to complete this important assessment. Thanks in advance for your help!