Stone Lake Elementary PTO General Meeting Minutes – December 8, 2015

The December meeting of the Stone Lake PTO was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Lisa Mehl.

Attendance: JoAnna Cline, Mark Beard, Kristen Beckner, Lisa Mehl, Christina Strother, Ana Galic, Tye Ross, Sue Howe, Yvette Sack, Angela Moore, Dreena Freeman, Liz Mellinger.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by Angela Moore and seconded by Christina Strother to approve the minutes for the November 10, 2015 meeting. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.

Treasurer’s Report/Budget:

Jessica Trudell reported on the November Treasurer’s Report. Items mentioned: 1)Coupon books - $3755.00, 2)Restaurant Night – $215.37, 3)Spirit Wear Site Sale - $290.88. A motion was made by Liz Mellinger and seconded by Yvette Sack to approve the November Treasurer’s Report. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.


A: ZBest Coupon Book Sale

Lisa Mehl reported on the Coupon Book fundraiser. A track collections will be made on December 11, deliver on December 15 and the prize machine will be in the MP room on December 17 during lunch. The raffle drawing will be done by Mrs. Freeman on Friday, December 18.

B: NEHS Student Presentation

Lisa Mehl presented a written request by Becky Murchison, 2nd grade teacher, for funds to paint a Wild About Learning mural onto the playground shed. The request is for $45-$50. PTO decided to take the funds out of the budgeted amount for Art Supplies.

Future Business:

A: Science Lab Projector Project

Mr. Beard explained why a projector was needed in the Science Lab. PTO had previously approved a walkthrough by District in order to receive an estimate (September mtg). A motion was made by Lisa Mehl and seconded by Christina Strother to approve up to $2000 for a projector for the Science Lab. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.

B: Five Star Families Program Review

Kristen Beckner reported that she will call the Wackford Aquatic Center at the beginning of February to reserve a date for the facility. She discussed that she will work with JoAnna Cline on the next newsletter to promote the Five Star Families Program. She asked the teachers to speak with parents about whether they have their cards for the program. Lisa Mehl reported that all teachers were invited and she hoped that more would come this year as compared to last year.

C: Ice Cream Social Chairperson/Committee Needed

Lisa Mehl reported that a committee for Ice Cream Social will need to come together by January 31, 2016. She also reported that the PTO Officers will not be in charge this year and that the event will have to be cancelled if no one volunteers to chair the event. Much discussion was held regarding finding a chairperson/committee with a suggestion being made to send home a flyer announcing that it will be cancelled if no one volunteers to lead the event.

D: 2016/2017 Apex Fun Run Dates

Jessica Trudell discussed possible dates for the 2016/2017 Apex Fun Run. Suggested dates were August 8 – 19 for C & D tracks and September 19-30 for A & B tracks. A request was made to move the dates for C & D track to August 15 to avoid conflict with A track first day back to school. Jessica will check that date with Apex.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Beard had no items to report.

Open Forum

Ana Galic questioned that there was no performance for C track classes. Discussion was held regarding different tracks and classes having performances. Mr. Beard mentioned that a VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) program would be coming soon. He also mentioned other programs that would be held at Stone Lake Elementary such as Science Labs, Mathletes and Choir.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m. on a motion by Jessica Trudell and a second by Angela Moore.