Dear Mr., Mrs.,

If you study in Flanders and you want to be eligible for a study financing granted by the Flemish Community, you have to comply with three main requirements.

1) Nationality Requirement

One of the following nationality requirements must be fulfilled :

- you are a national of a member state of the European Economic Area and during the two years preceding December 31, 2015 you have been working in Belgium for at least twelve months with a labour contract of at least 32 hours per month, or you have been registered as a self-employed for at least two years on December 31, 2015 ;

- your parents are a national of a member state of the European Economic Area and one of them is working or has been working in Belgium as an employee with a labour contract of at least 32 hours per month on December 31, 2015, or at least one of them has been registered as a self-employed for two years by December 31, 2015;

- you are not a national of the European Economic Area and you are residing legally in Belgium for at least twelve months without interruption on December 31, 2015, provided that the residence permit has not been granted in order to attend higher education or to work in Belgium ;

- you are eligible for a legal residence in Belgium on the basis of a family reunification with a Belgian or for a legal residence in Belgium with a person who resides legally in Belgium in order to attend higher education or to work in Belgium ;

- you have a permanent residence permit.

The following categories also comply with the residence requirements :

- students holding a residence permit for a definite period because of real danger of life in the country of origin ;

- victims of human trafficking ;

- candidate refugees whose asylum application has been declared admissible at the latest on May 31, 2007

2) Study requirements

- you have to be registered via a diploma contract for an accredited course that leads to a diploma which is officially recognised in Belgium, and

- the educational institution must be officially registered (this is the case for all colleges of higher education and universities of the Flemish Community).

- you have to follow a Bachelor programme, a Master programme, a Specific Teacher Training Course, a Preparation Course or a ‘Schakelprogramma’ (linking course).

3) Financial requirements

The income must not be too high.

Depending on your family composition the right to study financing is examined, either based on your income, or on your income and the income of your possible partner, or on your parents' income, or on the income of another person, at the expense of whom you might be.

If you believe you will be eligible for a study financing of the Flemish Community, please fill out the application form you will find on the website (after august 1, 2015) and send it to:

Afdeling Studietoelagen

Hendrik Consciencegebouw

Koning Albert II-laan 15

1210 Brussels

It’s also possible to fill out your application online at .

Yours faithfully,