School Travel Planning:

Presentation Script for handing out of Gr 4-8 Family Surveys & Consents

Time: 5-10 minutes

Hi everyone!

My name is ______I’m here to talk to you about School Travel Planning because your school is taking part in a School Travel Plan!

Does anyone know what School Travel Planning is?

School Travel Planning promotes a healthy and safe school environment so that more students like you can use active transportation to and from school.

Does anyone know what active transportation is? Active transportation means things like walking, biking, scootering.

Why do you think it would be a good idea to walk or bike to school? (Below are possible answers and ways you can elaborate on their answer)

  1. Improve physical and mental health.
  2. More energy
  3. Fitness –active transportation gets you more active and spend less time being sedentary
  4. Time spent outside is good for your mind
  5. Improve traffic and safety around school
  6. With fewer cars, you are less likely to get hurt
  7. Improve air quality and help environment
  8. Fewer cars = less air pollution
  9. Help students get to school alert and ready to learn
  10. By getting active early, they are more likely to be wide awake
  11. More oxygen to brain
  12. Feel more connected to community
  13. Know your neighbourhood better

Now, just out of curiosity:

  1. How many of you walk or bike to school most days?
  2. How many of you walked or biked to school TODAY?
  3. How many of you LIKE to walk or bike to school?
  4. What might stop you from walking or biking?

For us to find out how to make your journey to school better, we have a survey that we are sending home with your parents to fill out.

[Hold up survey]

This survey will help us find out from your parents:

  • What your neighbourhood is like
  • Traffic concerns
  • What stops you from walking or biking

We want you to bring back this survey that your parents fill out by: (FAMILY SURVEY DUE DATE)

BUT…. We also want to hear from you! We aren’t the ones living in your neighbourhood. We aren’t walking to your school. We want YOU to tell us! Your opinion is very valuable to us because we can’t read minds.

If you want to help us out, please have your parents fill out this permission form on the second page of the survey for your parents [Point to second page – the consent form].

If they fill out this permission form AND you bring it back to school, we will get you to fill out your own survey in a couple weeks.

So, how many of you are interested in filling out the survey!

And to test your memories…. What day do you need to bring back the parent survey with the permission form?

Do you have any questions for me?